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What do you think of this cop?


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An officer witnesses a traffic violation. Officer attempts to make a traffic stop. Vehicle leads him on a short pursuit. After the pursuit, fleeing suspects bail out of the car and ignore commands at gunpoint. Someone should have been shot. Black or white.
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You make me laugh...


Are you this pasionate when 5 cops put 30 holes in an unarmed man?


I never smile when anyone dies, but maybe i'll piss on your grave.

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Someone needs to find that cop in plain clothes and just kick him up the ass a few times and call him a douchebag. Then give him badge and gun back and say " now get the fuck outta here...don't let that shit happen again".
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AWW!!! does someone need a diaper change?


You can piss on my grave all you want. I'll be dead retard so WTF would it matter...


No, but I think someone needs to grow the fuck up.

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So from what your saying its ok because the guy might of had a criminal record and wasn't an angel..



I said nothing about a record. What were the circumstances of the situation that got him shot? Did he listen to the officers? Did he reach somewhere that he could have had a weapon when he was told not to?

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People say anything to get out of a Ticket. The Cop had to assess the situation, and determine who he had in front of him. Like I said before, had they pulled over when the Cop first turned his lights on, and explained the situation, the outcome would have been dramatically differrent.




obviously you haven't read the story about this asshole treating a hispanic woman like shit as well, who just so happends to be the wife of an NFL linebacker.


The normal cop would have done like you say, this guy is a waste of oxygen.




An officer witnesses a traffic violation. Officer attempts to make a traffic stop. Vehicle leads him on a short pursuit. After the pursuit, fleeing suspects bail out of the car and ignore commands at gunpoint. Someone should have been shot. Black or white.



Listen to the video, he even said it was NOT a pursuit but just a long pull over. By way of the video even this douchebag dissagrees with you. watch the vid, you are trying to twist what actually happend, they did not bail out of the truck and RUN into the hospital. they got out of the truck told the officer the situation then went into the hospital.


I would agree with one thing, the cop had every right to pull his gun, but after the situation was explained there is absolutly no reason the waste of flesh could have gotten the drivers informatino and let him go up to the room, it's not like they were going anywhere with thier truck blocked in.


You act like you believe there are no bad cops.



Moats is a class act, never playing the race card even when it's more than likely appropriate.


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I said nothing about a record. What were the circumstances of the situation that got him shot? Did he listen to the officers? Did he reach somewhere that he could have had a weapon when he was told not to?


I was speaking in general. You hear all to often of police shooting an unarmed person...


Oh, and about your angel comment. How else is someone supposed to take that other than a possible criminal record. Or did you mean did he have a pair of wings and a halo?

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I was speaking in general. You hear all to often of police shooting an unarmed person...


Oh, and about your angel comment. How else is someone supposed to take that other than a possible criminal record. Or did you mean did he have a pair of wings and a halo?


There are bad cops. There have been cases where cops have raped drivers after pulling them over, beating them while they are unconscious, and things like that. This was not the case. You think that everyone with a badge is one of these rejects and has to earn your respect. This is not the case. The actions taken here were due to disrespect on the part of the driver and his family.


The "angel" comment was referring to the actions of the individual's actions that led to him being shot 30 times in this incident you brought up and won't give details about.


about the "race card"...

quoted from the original article:


"The Moatses, who are black, said Wednesday that they can’t help but think that race might have played a part in how Powell, who is white, treated them.


“I think he should lose his job,” said Ryan Moats, a Dallas native who attended Bishop Lynch High School and now plays for the Houston Texans."


I guess he withdrew it after the apology and realized what could have happened.

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I was speaking in general. You hear all to often of police shooting an unarmed person...



Given specific areas, the person, their movement, their actions, I would say that 90% of the shootings are justified. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. When you look at the reports, the media loves to spin the story around to make you believe the "unarmed suspect" was 100% innocent.


Granted I saw your comment on the 30 rounds into a suspect aswell. Given most situations, adrenaline is running so high with most law enforcement officers is the reason why their triggers were pulled that many times.

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Given specific areas, the person, their movement, their actions, I would say that 90% of the shootings are justified. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. When you look at the reports, the media loves to spin the story around to make you believe the "unarmed suspect" was 100% innocent.


Granted I saw your comment on the 30 rounds into a suspect aswell. Given most situations, adrenaline is running so high with most law enforcement officers is the reason why their triggers were pulled that many times.


The media tells us all what we know good or bad.

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There are bad cops. There have been cases where cops have raped drivers after pulling them over, beating them while they are unconscious, and things like that. This was not the case. You think that everyone with a badge is one of these rejects and has to earn your respect. This is not the case. The actions taken here were due to disrespect on the part of the driver and his family.


The "angel" comment was referring to the actions of the individual's actions that led to him being shot 30 times in this incident you brought up and won't give details about.


about the "race card"...

quoted from the original article:




"The Moatses, who are black, said Wednesday that they can’t help but think that race might have played a part in how Powell, who is white, treated them.


“I think he should lose his job,” said Ryan Moats, a Dallas native who attended Bishop Lynch High School and now plays for the Houston Texans."


I guess he withdrew it after the apology and realized what could have happened.[/quote


As I said before I was speaking in general. I was not refering to any specific case. If I felt this was more important than a simple internet discussion I could go find plenty of cases.

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As I said before I was speaking in general. I was not refering to any specific case. If I felt this was more important than a simple internet discussion I could go find plenty of cases.


Then go find them before you go running your mouth.

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Oh shit!!! Here's just one of many I can find..





See here asshole, took less than a minute to find this along with many others. How's that for running my mouth somemore?



A member of the group mentioned a gun in an argument, and they struck two officers with a deadly weapon. Cut and dried. Shoot until they no longer pose a threat.


Two black, two white, and a hispanic officer are involved, but somehow Sharpton pulls out the race card again.


Any other examples fucktard?

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Diallo or what his name was in nyc. had a phone is his hand, was shot 47 times.... in the fucking back.


A year or so ago, again nyc, guys coming out of a club on his wedding night, undercover plaincloths cops offer no id, shoot up his car because they thought he was someone else. never even saw a gun or anything, said he refused to stop.


i can probably go and find the 5-6 incidents while i was living in baltimore and dc about unarmed people being shot, both black and white.


last year, guy shot by stupid fucking cop who can't tell the diff between a taser and a glock supposedly. vid was all over the internet. look it up.


Seriously, this shit happens all the fucking time, and this is just fatal shootings. If you'd like to get into other unjustified use of force cases where the people lived, i'm sure i could find a few hundred thousand or so, and give you the first hand account of having to deal with the osp and heath pd starting a bunch of shit at my house.


For the most part he's dead on with his FTP statement. yea there's a few decent cops, but overall, fuck em. worthless fuckers aren't anything more to me the revenue collecters, they have yet to serve my needs, and i damn sure would not count on them for protection. So what exactly are they around for? Basicly to clean up the mess left over when shit gets out of hand, or a law is broken, and they can't even fucking do that worth a fuck. but boy can they write tickets....

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F*** The Police = banned. Next person that types it is getting a vacation.


Also.... the police officer messed up when he continued to process the guy after the nurse came out. Anyone that doesnt agree with that is heartless.


I would also like to point out that there are good cops all over the place doing a lot to help you live a better life. Saying ftp is ignorant and played out. Did you now something as simple as pulling over a drunk driver can save a life... lives. This cop messed up, but he didnt shoot anyone. I'm not sure how we even got there. The proper punishment for him has already been handed out. Get him back on the streets and hope he learned from his actions.

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