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What really burns me up...


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The fact that I go somewhere between 20-25mph through a school zone and Im getting passed like people are qualifying. And the kicker is, its mostly always the soccer moms that are doing it... It seems like they should be the ones doing 18 in a 20 because they have kids. Am I wrong?


I do enjoy getting next to someone who also does 20 or under and blocking everyone else out though.

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The fact that I go somewhere between 20-25mph through a school zone and Im getting passed like people are qualifying. And the kicker is, its mostly always the soccer moms that are doing it... It seems like they should be the ones doing 18 in a 20 because they have kids. Am I wrong?


I do enjoy getting next to someone who also does 20 or under and blocking everyone else out though.


Its funny that you bring this up. I am exactly like you, go 20-25mph in the school zones and get passed like I am standing still. It pisses me off that they don't have the respect to follow the rules in the school zone. You can drive like a complete ass hat and I wouldn't care, but school zones are another issue.


Oh, and driving slow in the fast lane on the highway. lol.

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But its those very same soccer moms who sit on their front porch while their kids are running across the street....but its ok because they have one of those little plastic men in the middle of the road that says "caution children at play" and then will run up to your car screaming SLOW DOWN when you are in fact doing the speed limit.


Oh, and then they get the neighborhood to install completely useless fucking stop signs every 10 feet


pisses me off

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I really just hate most soccer moms. Those news-watching-fear-mongering fucking hypocrites. They gave ruined america. They killed sports, bars, and most importantly civil rights. When will it end with them? Danger is great for kids, it weens out the special ones. I cant wait to see this generation of pussies all grown up. I can only imagine what guys a few years older than I think.
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I really just hate most soccer moms. Those news-watching-fear-mongering fucking hypocrites. They gave ruined america. They killed sports, bars, and most importantly civil rights. When will it end with them? Danger is great for kids, it weens out the special ones. I cant wait to see this generation of pussies all grown up. I can only imagine what guys a few years older than I think.


I am a few years younger and I completely agree. Why do we have to pussy foot everyone?

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I've been waiting for a thread like this.


Now that its spring/summer and warm out, the kids at the end of my street are always out playing and they are always in the street. They have a perfectly fine yard and backyard I'm sure they could play in, but no, their bigwheels have to be in the street like the rest of the cars.


[i had 3 paragraphs right here, but I deleted them because they aren't funny.]


Moral of the story is, I press firmly on my horn at kids that are in the street and piss off their parents to the point of them power-walking towards my car. It wouldn't be a problem and their kids wouldn't be crying if they were not in the street.

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I've been waiting for a thread like this.


Now that its spring/summer and warm out, the kids at the end of my street are always out playing and they are always in the street. They have a perfectly fine yard and backyard I'm sure they could play in, but no, their bigwheels have to be in the street like the rest of the cars.


[i had 3 paragraphs right here, but I deleted them because they aren't funny.]


Moral of the story is, I press firmly on my horn at kids that are in the street and piss off their parents to the point of them power-walking towards my car. It wouldn't be a problem and their kids wouldn't be crying if they were not in the street.


Dont blame the kids, blame the parents. or blame both. But, be very carefull around kids, you never know what those little idiots are going to do.

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Oh, and driving slow in the fast lane on the highway. lol.


There's no such thing as a fast lane. Regardless the speed limit is 65MPH, it's not an unlimited speed lane. I love going 65MPH on my way home next to a semi the whole time. People get pissed and I get a laugh. I don't speed 95% of the time and if I do it's never more than 5-8MPH over the speed limit. After almost getting pulled over at 126MPH I learned my lesson.

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I beleive the children are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way....


Agreed, let them lead the way!!! I say we switch from making it a 20 MPH school zone to an 80 MPH school zone. Think about it, it's a win win! Best case is that kinds actually learn to watch what they do on the roads and learn how to be safe, even when in a dangerous situation. Second best case, a few kids get hit and die :rolleyes: who cares? kill em off while they're young that way they don't grow up and annoy me while driving! If you can't avoid getting hit in a crosswalk when you're 15, how productive can you really be? Then think long term, the smart ones grow up with a respect and knowledge to take things seriously and the dumb ones… well we don’t have to worry about them now do we?












P.S. The views expressed in the above post were intended in a humorous manner only. If you were offended because you have kids and the though of them getting run over makes you uneasy… well then you must have stupid children, which wouldn’t be too much of a stretch because you took it seriously... dumb ass!

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There's no such thing as a fast lane. Regardless the speed limit is 65MPH, it's not an unlimited speed lane. I love going 65MPH on my way home next to a semi the whole time. People get pissed and I get a laugh. I don't speed 95% of the time and if I do it's never more than 5-8MPH over the speed limit. After almost getting pulled over at 126MPH I learned my lesson.


Not a fast lane, more like a "passing lane"; so if you are not passing, stay the fuck out of that lane!;)

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There's no such thing as a fast lane. Regardless the speed limit is 65MPH, it's not an unlimited speed lane. I love going 65MPH on my way home next to a semi the whole time. People get pissed and I get a laugh. I don't speed 95% of the time and if I do it's never more than 5-8MPH over the speed limit. After almost getting pulled over at 126MPH I learned my lesson.


I see your point there, but come the fuck on. I mean if you want to go 65 all the way home cool, but why be an ass to everyone else? Because you almost got a ticket you're now allowed to control the speed of other drivers by creating a rolling road block with a semi!? Then say hey "Technically there is no passing or fast lane” If you want to do 65, do it in the middle or far right lane with everyone else who wants to do 65. There’s no rule that says you have to hold the door for an old lady behind you either, but out of courtesy you do it. If I’m doing 70-72 mph in the “fast” lane and someone behind me wants to pass, I’ll get over. To me it’s more about being courteous to others around you rather then what’s technically right.

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Iyou're now allowed to control the speed of other drivers by creating a rolling road block with a semi!? Then say hey "Technically there is no passing or fast lane” If you want to do 65, do it in the middle or far right lane with everyone else who wants to do 65.


There's no where in the laws that say I must get over for common courtesy of someone breaking the law or which lane I choose to drive the speed limit in.

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There's no where in the laws that say I must get over for common courtesy of someone breaking the law or which lane I choose to drive the speed limit in.


Yes, I know that... but if you're doing 65 along side a truck and you know that people want to pass in the far left lane, then what does it hurt it get over and do 65 in the other lane? Or do you just like pissing people off becasue there isn't a law telling you to be courteous ?

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Yes, I know that... but if you're doing 65 along side a truck and you know that people want to pass in the far left lane, then what does it hurt it get over and do 65 in the other lane? Or do you just like pissing people off becasue there isn't a law telling you to be courteous ?



Bingo. I see asshats all the time not being very courteous behind me and I do anywhere from 70-95 in the "fastlane" all day long. I especially love the dick heads who think they can flash there headlights from 1/2 mile back all the way up to my bumper, then ride my ass, swerve around in a very extreme manor, then eventually after several miles pass me hammer down then attempt to swerve into the right front side of my car. Oh and then usually the next thing they do is get in my lane and lay down the break pedal.


The whole time the only thing I've done to piss them off is be in that lane since I have my cruise set 99% of the time and am just going to my next destination.


The thing I don't get is if someone is gonna do all that extreme stuff that could get you into a lot of trouble why not just be billy bad ass in the first place by just passing and forget it.

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