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What really burns me up...


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P.S. The views expressed in the above post were intended in a humorous manner only. If you were offended because you have kids and the though of them getting run over makes you uneasy… well then you must have stupid children, which wouldn’t be too much of a stretch because you took it seriously... dumb ass!



This made me :lol:

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But its those very same soccer moms who sit on their front porch while their kids are running across the street....but its ok because they have one of those little plastic men in the middle of the road that says "caution children at play" and then will run up to your car screaming SLOW DOWN when you are in fact doing the speed limit.

pisses me off

I got "stopped" when passing through my school's parking lot (empty by then) by some belligerent old man, apparently going a whopping 20mph might endanger his children (who were still in adjacent school, mind you). However, his chain smoking is completely fine! :rolleyes:

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There's no where in the laws that say I must get over for common courtesy of someone breaking the law or which lane I choose to drive the speed limit in.


And until you learn that common courtesy people will continue to ride your ass all over the highway because you can't just move over and let them be on their way. You're not a cop (right?) so let the police take care of punishing people for speeding.

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There's no such thing as a fast lane. Regardless the speed limit is 65MPH, it's not an unlimited speed lane. I love going 65MPH on my way home next to a semi the whole time. People get pissed and I get a laugh. I don't speed 95% of the time and if I do it's never more than 5-8MPH over the speed limit. After almost getting pulled over at 126MPH I learned my lesson.


Douchebaggery. Granted, blocking the road is something I've done before but at least I can admit I was being an asshole. You behave as if you do this all the time using the ridiculous logic that you're not doing anything against the law. Understandable, but you're still being a dick for dick's sake. You've actually become part of the problem. Aware of how some people will behave, whether they have good reason or not, you knowingly create an obstruction and possible hazard indirectly increasing the possibility of an accident. THis is why they have a "flow of traffic" law in California and some other states. There are enough dicks in this world. Choose another profession. ;)

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I've been waiting for a thread like this.


Now that its spring/summer and warm out, the kids at the end of my street are always out playing and they are always in the street. They have a perfectly fine yard and backyard I'm sure they could play in, but no, their bigwheels have to be in the street like the rest of the cars.


[i had 3 paragraphs right here, but I deleted them because they aren't funny.]


Moral of the story is, I press firmly on my horn at kids that are in the street and piss off their parents to the point of them power-walking towards my car. It wouldn't be a problem and their kids wouldn't be crying if they were not in the street.


Im with you on this. My neighborhood has brand fucking new sidewalks and has a public park in it, so there is tons of traffic all day long. Everyone walks there dogs in the street or three fat women walk side by side in the wrong direction so you cant pass. Its not like the 10 minute walk these bitches do once a week at most is gonna help their fat asses.


The second thing is during rush hour the parents let their kids play on the grass between the sidewalk and the street. I live in a "better off" area so everyone has a substantial front and back lawn, but no, the kids can only play in the 3 foot strip during the most trafficed time of day



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There's no such thing as a fast lane. Regardless the speed limit is 65MPH, it's not an unlimited speed lane. I love going 65MPH on my way home next to a semi the whole time. People get pissed and I get a laugh. I don't speed 95% of the time and if I do it's never more than 5-8MPH over the speed limit. After almost getting pulled over at 126MPH I learned my lesson.

You're a douchebag and fully deserve the beating someone will most likely give you some day.

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