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Welp it happened, in hospital, its bad


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no he said he was a good 50 yds or so away. He didnt see what happened, someone just said something to him and he went to check it out and u were already gone. He said u were gone pretty fast.


Ambulance must have shown up pretty quick although it seemed like forever. I am trying to find someone who actually witnessed the whole thing.

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How long after the accident were you up and moving? How is it all now __ later?


6 months before I felt comfortable. I'm fine now, added some years, I wake up every morning in pain from my joints, but it goes away in 5-6 minutes. I feel a lot older than I used to feel. You will be fine, if it doesn't hurt in rehab, you're doing wrong. Go see Dr. Berlet.

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Dont read if your grossed out.








just an update. The pain is horrendous. Worst thing I have gone through. Started developing open wounds on the underside of my body. And thats with moving and getting up frequantly. Did prune juice, milk of magnesia, and a suppository, nothing worked so enima it was. The pain is so intense, I just need to keep saying it to hopefully eleviate some of it. I never thought there was pain that a drug couldnt mask so its unfeelable. I am sure there is but they wont let me have it.

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See now they have it somewhat under control and I can bear it. But it takes hours of lying absolutely still to achieve it. Cant wait for the doctor to show up today so I can hopefully get some answers. They should be unwrapping it and opening it back up. Depending on what it has done over the weekend, will determine the next step of surgery..
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Skin graphing the foot tomorrow using skin from my leg. Swelling isnt going down. The reality of it all is setting in and noone can give me an answer about when I may be able to go to work. Doctors really dont have many answers at all unfortunately. I am contemplating selling the bike because I am not sure if its wise to keep it seeing as though it wont be until next riding season til I am able to get on it if ever. They say I can hope for 80% normalcy when its said and done. I guess thats not to bad. I smell like a sweaty whore in church.
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Damn, the pain is still that bad huh!? I have a hard time checking back in on this thread becuase nothing I type is going to make it any better. Hang in there though and as easy as it is to say vs. do, make sure you work you ass off in P.T. The harder you push yourself there the better you'll be in the long run. G/L with everything!
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Hang in there, you are not going back to work any time soon, you ain't driving any time soon if it is your right foot. I totally understand the BM trouble, Pain Medicine does that, nothing gross, just a side effect. I went through that too.


The most important thing you need to know right now is: If they want you to get up and get around on your own with crutches or wheelchair Fucking do it as much as they will let you. Prove that you can go home. At the end of the week of my stay, I did not do this and they made me go to a Nursing home on Friday at 4PM. I was no longer allowed to stay at the Hospital. Of course I could have come home but it was too late. I had to wait until Monday to be evaluated at the home and then Tuesday for the doc to sign off, then Wednesday I finally got home. The Nursing home stay was the WORST part of the entire deal. I spent my first fucking fathers day in that bitch, and it was a nice nursing home in Westerville. It was the worst 4+ days of my life. I think Jail is better.


Do NOT let them send you to a Nursing Home!


PM me your phone number if you want to ask me anything.

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Man....sorry to hear about all this. I don't know you but I relatively know how your whole hospital visit is going. I broke my forearm a while back and had to get two plates installed, I know all about the pain not subsiding, going in and out of consciousness, and no one having any idea of what the eff is going on. Then of course when you can sleep you can't cause they are coming in checking machines, you, and everything else and the machines are so fucking noisy you can't sleep. Trust me buddy I have been there. Hang in there bro surprisingly there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Thanks ben and mark its cool havin someone who can relate. Ben that would really suck. Why couldnt you just tell them you were going home and went? The one good thing so far I think is that I am on workers comp so I dont necessarily have an insurance company calling the shots. Surgery again tomorrow and then hopefully going home wednesday or thursday. Moving around makes me so nauseous. Just the slighest movement makes me want to just puke. Nurses are decent but none of them are really young and hot. All but 1 has been very nice. One was really whiny and I made her leave and made them give me another one.
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Thanks ben and mark its cool havin someone who can relate. Ben that would really suck. Why couldnt you just tell them you were going home and went?


Medical Advise, if I went home I would be doing so AMA (Against Medical Advise), and insurance does not pay. Remember I had my left hand only, all other 3 limbs were broken or no ligaments. They consider you living arangements, I could not feed myself or use the bathroom as each are on a different floor of the house, that would require me using Stairs. Wheelchair<Stairs. :)


Are they Giving you Phenergan or Zofran for nausea? Phenergan makes you sleepy, Zofran does not, I was given Zofran because Phenergan made me irritable and mean. Zofran made my nausea go completely away. I found if I didn't nap during the day I slept better at night when it sucks to be awake. Zofran helped a bunch.

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Yeah they should be giving you a thing to breathe into and you push a ball up with your breath to keep your lung function good since you are laying around.


You getting shots in the belly for blood clots? I got shots of lovenox in my belly to thin my blood so I didn't get clots. I even had to continue them when I got home for a month until I got into rehab.

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Yup everything is almost identical, breather, shots. I was awaken about 3am with doctors in the room because my blood pressure was rising rapidly for no reason. Still havent figured that one out. Still cant have a BM, sucks and thats probably whats making me sick. Yesterday was bad. Food is horrid here. I do crave fresh fruit and thats the only thing that even sounds remotely good to me. Surgery today so maybe that will be the turn around which gets me outta here.
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I tell ya, I was so thankful I had one good arm. I could wipe my own ass. It was a bitch to learn to wipe "lefty" but shit I'm ambidextrous now! :) Amazing what you take for granted, but that little bit of privacy was all I had. And I totally agree about your comment of not having a shower. First thing I did the Wednesday morning I got home from the nursing home was a hose and a plastic chair in my in-laws back yard and showered outside. A shower never felt so good.


You will get depressed later, it really sucks to get hurt this time of year, Mine was June 10th, 2007. When it is nice you want to be outside being active. Keep your mind about you. you will heal, it's a pretty amazing thing. Let that motivate you, I wanted to be outside enjoying at least the end of Summer.


I had my 4 month old daughter with me every weekday I was in the wheelchair once I got home from the nursing home. She is in my sister in law's arms in the pic below. I stayed with my mother in law because I had to have someone home with me It was the only way to leave the nursing home. My Mother in law was supposed to care for my daughter, but I wouldn't let her. I fed her, changed her, burped her, put her down for her nap. All against doctors orders. I wasn't even supposed to pick her up or hold her with my wrist. She just stayed on the couch with me. Then My ankle got better and I could put weight on it, I got rid of the wheel chair. I went home and was Mr. Mom for 2 more months. And I tell you what, it really sucked that I got hurt and had 7 surgeries that year and all the rehab. I look back now, and you know what? It was the best thing that happened to me. Why, because my daughter and I are so close. My daughter is a huge daddy's girl, it pisses my wife off to no end. My daughter gets hurt, only Daddy is good enough to console her, she wants Daddy to play.... All because for 4 months of her early years I was Mom. If I could to go back in time, I would not change that night.


You never know how things are going to turn out man.


This was Me on my First Father's day 2007:


You can't see my road rash, it's all covered up. That stuff was just as painful as the breaks. You can see how miserable I was. I laugh when I see this pic anymore. Trust me man, you will get better. I think you have kids (much older than what my daughter was), use the time you will have now when you get home any way you can. It pays off when you are better.

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Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah my kids are 14, 10 and 8. My wife is a stay at home mom so at least I will have company. The kids will be getting out of school soon so maybe I can spend some time with them at the pool this year. I am sure some good will come out of this.
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Helmet, Textile Jacket, Gloves, Jeans, Tennis Shoes. If I had boots and riding pants, I wouldn't have had most of the road rash and I most likely would not have broken my Ankle. I still would have been in the chair though, I would not have been able to use crutches. I was a moron and didn't read the inside of my jacket, I was supposed to wear a long sleeved shirt under the jacket. The rash on my arms was from the Nylon melting to my skin as I bounced down the freeway. DOh!
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My helmet sits on my desk here at work. It's my trophy.










As you can see, I would have had no face, and the big mark in the back would have killed me, and the the small mark going a different direction in the same place would not have helped.


I hope your surgery goes Awesome!

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