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Know! about 420


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This is an email I received from my sons Jr. High:


Parents need to Know! terms children are using to code drug messages. One such term that is popular is "4/20" - a generic way of declaring one likes to use marijuana, and April 20 is observed by some as an opportunity to smoke marijuana.


Know! the significance of the day, and what you can do to monitor your child for drug use.



* Listen for slang or coded language that could signify drug use: 420, chronic, baked, mary jane, blazed or blazin', bong, joint, lit, bud, ganja, etc.

* Ask Who, What, Where, and When. You should always know the details about your teen's whereabouts, but pay special attention on 4/20 as to who your teen will be with, what your teen will be doing, where your teen will be and when your teen will be back.

* Watch for paraphernalia. There are many different kinds of pipes and other smoking devices people use for marijuana. Common household items like soda cans and apples can also be used as pipes. Tell-tale signs include a sweet smoke-like smell and black residue.

* Watch for physical signs of use. There are distinct symptoms of marijuana use that are fairly easy to tell. Red and bloodshot eyes are a sign of marijuana use, so be on the lookout for recently opened eye drops. Uncontrolled giggling and extreme binge snacking can also be signs of marijuana use.


Know! to talk with your child about the dangers of using marijuana. More information is available at http://www.TheAntiDrug.com.



Notice the part in bold. This describes EVERY Jr. High School student in existence. Am I wrong?

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Know! that if parents don't already know! any of this, they've probably failed at parenting already.


These days it seems like parents are more worried about kids using tobacco than marijuana. Even they know that one is a lot easier to stop doing.


I saw a flyer today at OSU for "Bingo for Bongs" or something like that on 4/20, I think it's even being held in a campus building.

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These days it seems like parents are more worried about kids using tobacco than marijuana. Even they know that one is a lot easier to stop doing.


I saw a flyer today at OSU for "Bingo for Bongs" or something like that on 4/20, I think it's even being held in a campus building.



Which one is easier to quit?

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What school district is this? I mean really who doesn't know this stuff, I still don't know anyone who refers to it as mary jane, but 4-20 is ancient.


And when I'm feeling low,

She comes as no surprise.

Turns me on with her love.

Takes me to paradise.


Do you love me Mary Jane?

Yeah. Whoa-oh-oh.

Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?

Now do you think you love me Mary Jane.

Don't you play no games.

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And when I'm feeling low,

She comes as no surprise.

Turns me on with her love.

Takes me to paradise.


Do you love me Mary Jane?

Yeah. Whoa-oh-oh.

Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?

Now do you think you love me Mary Jane.

Don't you play no games.


See that's 60s style shit.

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If I had to choose, I would rather he smoked pot. True story.


Same thing my parents told me.


I disagee with that 100%


That's fine, but for most people the physical withdrawal symptoms of nicotine are way worse than the mental cravings after quitting pot. When I had to stop smoking pot for a few months (job interviews, etc) it was honestly a breeze. When I tried quitting cigarettes, which has been 3 times now, the most I've made it was 4 months. All it takes is one really stressful event in your life to finally cave in and buy a pack.

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Ben, it's too late, they have already started...



Parents need to Know! terms children are using to code sex acts. One such term that is popular is "THE SHOCKER" - Notice how it is spelled with all capital letters. Capital letters indicate that one is screaming. If the text was not in "screaming" format it would simply be "the shocker". When your child first attempts this act they will more than likely use the screaming text format when texting their friends.


Know! The significance of The Shocker



* Listen for slang or coded language such as two in the pink one in the stink. This is code for using fingers in a sexual act that involves the vagina and the anus. Some prefer a water based lubricant to make penetration easier, some use saliva, and others "anally rape you". "Anally raping you" is a term for penetration without the use of lubricants.

* Smell your childs fingers. If you notice their pinky finger smells like feces they may have given a female "the shocker"... or used their pinky to scratch their ass which means they are probably gay. If this is the case a shocker is the least of your worries.



* Watch for this sign http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:KtixrtgGijjISM::blog.ugo.com/images/uploads/shocker-2.jpg. Be sure not to mistake it for the sign used at rock n roll concerts. That sign only uses the pinky and the index finger.

* Watch for physical signs of use. If your daughter comes home walking funny she may have been given the shocker by a guy with large hands. As a parent all you can do is hope the little ho isnt pregnant.


Know! to talk with your child about the dangers of doing "the shocker". More information is available at http://www.2inthepink1inthe stink.com.

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