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R.I.P. Pontiac


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As a long-time GM fan, I am sad to see this sort of thing. As a business professional, I know that these sort of decisions are a necessary and crucial step to maintaining any sort of viability in a corporate restructuring.


Better buy that G8 GXP before they stop building them!!!

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Everything in america is about nostalgia. Its like we cant move ahead because of whatever our past was. Its not a viable entity so move on to bigger and better things. Its a car company and I know americas love with the automobile, but its obviously not what americans want so why keep it around. maybe everyone in america should have joined cr. You can see how many nutswingers it has produced for pontiac. Sorry that was my rant for today and I dont feel good.
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Everything in america is about nostalgia. Its like we cant move ahead because of whatever our past was. Its not a viable entity so move on to bigger and better things. Its a car company and I know americas love with the automobile, but its obviously not what americans want so why keep it around. maybe everyone in america should have joined cr. You can see how many nutswingers it has produced for pontiac. Sorry that was my rant for today and I dont feel good.


Completely agree with this, I hate when people argue "well it's been around for 100 years I can't believe they would do away with it now." If it's not working, try something else instead of leaving it exist for history's sake.

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Meh, they haven't made any really cool cars in almost a decade...


What I don't understand is one, why keep buick, and two, why keep gmc? can't they just consolidate these similar models?

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Meh, they haven't made any really cool cars in almost a decade...


What I don't understand is one, why keep buick, and two, why keep gmc? can't they just consolidate these similar models?


Not sure, but I thought Buick was doing well in China so they may keep it around for that reason. As far as GMC I don't really know, seems like they could just keep their trucks down to Chevy only.

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Everything in america is about nostalgia. Its like we cant move ahead because of whatever our past was. Its not a viable entity so move on to bigger and better things. Its a car company and I know americas love with the automobile, but its obviously not what americans want so why keep it around. maybe everyone in america should have joined cr. You can see how many nutswingers it has produced for pontiac. Sorry that was my rant for today and I dont feel good.


I actually agree with this too. Just becasue something has been around for years and years doesn't mean that it's been doing the right thing for years and years.

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I agree that sometimes things have to go and it seems like now isn't a good time to try and save Pontiac; however, I am confused as to why they are keeping GMC. To me it seems like a no brainer to get rid of a truck only line, especially considering they are rebadged/retrimmed Chevrolets.
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They need to integrate the G8 and any other non Cadillac model that is worth saving into the Chevy lineup. Get rid of everything but Chevrolet and Cadillac. GM needs to eliminate their multiple models of the same vehicle and adapt the 2 company system like VW/Audi, Nissan/Infinity, Toyota/Lexus, Honda/Acura etc. One for your "regular" cars and one upmarket luxury brand.


GM can produce good vehicles, but they have an uphill battle until they do something similar to what I stated above. Increase the materials used on the interiors and the fit/finish, price them BELOW the Japanese competition until American companies gain some respect back.

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So.. I will never ever sale my car now.

Its a classic now. Americans are tired of paying way to much for automobiles. Its plain and simple. The screws are being put on us and in turn we do the same thing to those we can. We dont spend our money. Its the only means of fighting back we have. Cars should be about 1/2 if not less than they are new. there is so many things that can be done to make this happen. if you bought a new car within the last 10 years if not more, you were screwed paying for union nonesense, over the top bonus', back pocket government. Why put up with it?

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They need to integrate the G8 and any other non Cadillac model that is worth saving into the Chevy lineup. Get rid of everything but Chevrolet and Cadillac. GM needs to eliminate their multiple models of the same vehicle and adapt the 2 company system like VW/Audi, Nissan/Infinity, Toyota/Lexus, Honda/Acura etc. One for your "regular" cars and one upmarket luxury brand.


GM can produce good vehicles, but they have an uphill battle until they do something similar to what I stated above. Increase the materials used on the interiors and the fit/finish, price them BELOW the Japanese competition until American companies gain some respect back.


That is the truth!If they want to know how to make a quality automobile and still turn a profit while building in the U.S. look at the Japanese Automakers.Americans can and do build some great cars they just need to know how to do it and make a profit.I hate to see Pontiac go but it makes no sense to have the same vehicle under 3 different brands.

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Its a classic now. Americans are tired of paying way to much for automobiles. Its plain and simple. The screws are being put on us and in turn we do the same thing to those we can. We dont spend our money. Its the only means of fighting back we have. Cars should be about 1/2 if not less than they are new. there is so many things that can be done to make this happen. if you bought a new car within the last 10 years if not more, you were screwed paying for union nonesense, over the top bonus', back pocket government. Why put up with it?


Hells to the yeah! Paying $33k for a car just so some guy in charge of visually inspecting bolts can make $60k a year.

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Keep GMC, a brand that is nothing more than re-badged Chevy trucks.


Keep Buick? Who the fuck is buying a Buick?


Agreed drop GMC keep Chevy for trucks and current line up Cadi for you lux and Pontiac for the sport/fun line.

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If this happens, this will truly be sad. Seems like they are still hoping that trucks and SUVs will keep selling with GMC instead of bringing us more performance-oriented vehicles that everyone seems to be asking for.


They better not kill off the Solstice or the G8.

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Keep GMC, a brand that is nothing more than re-badged Chevy trucks.


Keep Buick? Who the fuck is buying a Buick?



Chinese are buying Buicks, and though their numbers are down currently Buick holds a huge enough market share there and deals in enough volume they they are anything but a drain on the company.

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Chinese are buying Buicks, and though their numbers are down currently Buick holds a huge enough market share there and deals in enough volume they they are anything but a drain on the company.


Perhaps GM can ask the Chinese for a bailout then.

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