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What is wrong with people?


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So I drive the Trans Am to work today since it is nice. Get out start walking towards my office and happen to look back and notice something on the driverside rear of the car.


Right by the rear marker light someone was nice enough to hit the car with an egg. It looks like it was there all night is all dried and nice.


Happy fucking monday.


I swear on Disney's dead ass if I ever find out who did this I will gouge out there eyes and skull fuck them.

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Sorry man, I had a bunch of eggs, and too much time.




SRSLY though, on the bright side, as far as someone "fucking" with your car goes, could've been a lot worse.


Yea it could have been a lot worse my Z28 was subject to a break-in try and it damaged it pretty good.

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yeah i fucking hate dipshits. I had someone fuck my hatch up, and i still don't know how. All i know is its got about a million scratches and looks like ass in one section. Im guessing someone used it to kick off of and all the cracks and scratches are simply from stress. Its about as gay as the dent/broke tail lights i had thanks to a beer bottle from another douche. I don't understand vandalizing personal property. Public property is okay though lol.
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This kind of vandalism always makes me want to stab kittens. It's so senseless and cowardly. I had someone dump a half gallon of tuna on my air vents of the Z while at college, in May, right before a long drive down to the Smokey Mountains the next morning.


Fucking people. Hopefully the egg didn't do any lasting damage to the paint.

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I swear I'll pull over and jack any fool I see messing with ANYONES car. I have no tolerance for vandalism.


I had my 1st RX7 egged 3 days after I got it back from a re-paint. The paint was still soft and the eggs fucked it up pretty good. I had to wait 2 months and then wet sand the whole car. Still never was right.

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Vincent: Aw, man. You know what some fucker did the other day?

Lance: What?

Vincent: Fucking keyed it.

Lance: Oh, man, that's fucked up.

Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it.

Lance: They should be fucking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.

Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.

Lance: What a fucker!

Vincent: What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle.

Lance: You don't do it.

Vincent: It's just against the rules


quoted for truth

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I'm with most in that if I ever see someone damage another persons car, I'm all over that shit.


I have my first ever so light ding in the MS3 on the rear quarter panel. Hopefully far enough in to be removed, but I'll find out shortly. That's exactly the reason I jack it in nearly sideways at in the last Handicap spot at the school.


I usually park far out and away at the stores too. My guess is it came from a recent trip to Target with the kids.

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I think the guy I bought my car from has all of you beat. He was married and must have messed around... needless to say there are key marks all the way around the car. Not just once but two full rotations and a third in some places. Beat that.


Thats why I got the car for "cheap" before their prices took a dump.

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This kind of vandalism always makes me want to stab kittens. It's so senseless and cowardly. I had someone dump a half gallon of tuna on my air vents of the Z while at college, in May, right before a long drive down to the Smokey Mountains the next morning.


Fucking people. Hopefully the egg didn't do any lasting damage to the paint.


You HAD to piss off the wrong person. People just dont take time to dump a 1/2 gallon of tuna down somebody's airvents for the lolz... or do they?



In anycase that is one killer fucked up shit to do. cold blooded:o

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Had a woman open her van door into the side of my truck in a parking lot while I was sitting inside. She just pushed it open and let it go, her door bounced off the side and came back towards her....so whats she do? Pushes it open again with the same result.


I roll down my window and say "HEY, hope you have insurance to cover that."


"Oh", she says, "I didn't know someone was in there." :eek:


I said, "Does it fucking matter? You still hit the side of my truck."




I searched as hard as I could and couldn't find shit...I was still pissed.

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I had some fat bitch in a SUV slam her door open into my Buick while I was walking up to it a couple weeks back. I confronted her about it, and she got her yeasty cunt all puckered in a knot cause I was interrupting her while she was on the phone, so I blew it off, let her go(as opposed to ramming my fist into her face). I couldn't find any new dents, at least.


Of course, me being such a forgiving soul, as soon as she was out of sight, I whipped out my pocket knife and shaved a 2" wide strip of paint off the length of her driver's door, straight down to bare metal. Took fucking forever to get the blade sharp again.

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I had some fat bitch in a SUV slam her door open into my Buick while I was walking up to it a couple weeks back. I confronted her about it, and she got her yeasty cunt all puckered in a knot cause I was interrupting her while she was on the phone, so I blew it off, let her go(as opposed to ramming my fist into her face). I couldn't find any new dents, at least.


Of course, me being such a forgiving soul, as soon as she was out of sight, I whipped out my pocket knife and shaved a 2" wide strip of paint off the length of her driver's door, straight down to bare metal. Took fucking forever to get the blade sharp again.

Something similar happen to me, only i used a t-ball bat that i kept under my drivers seat in my 97 F-350. Some dumb bitch slammed her BMW door into my truck door (MY truck was MINT) and left a 6 or so inch gash in my paint. She gets out, looks around, shrugs, keeps on with her life. (im on the passenger side fixing my glovebox light when this happens) So i took my t-ball bat out once she walked away, literally smashed her door handle off and left a smiley face in the black paint with the bat.

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I think the guy I bought my car from has all of you beat. He was married and must have messed around... needless to say there are key marks all the way around the car. Not just once but two full rotations and a third in some places. Beat that.


Thats why I got the car for "cheap" before their prices took a dump.


haha damn, my paint is terrible shape right now too, my front bumper was partially yellow when I got it, theres a bunch of scratches on the paint i dont even care anymore about scratches till I get home to CBUS and have the car resprayed.

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