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Guest Hal

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My little girl is a tough one too. Nothing hurts her, If she gets hurt and if you look as scared as she does she will flip out but if you laugh at her shw will laugh. My kids 4yrs old 55lbs and 4ft tall and she's crazy like her mom.


Tom and jerry

flintstones ftw




you got a kid roy? damn

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When I was a kid I had a good mix of videogaming and still going outside. We would stay out as late as we possibly could. We actually went crawdad hunting in the creek behind Worthington Park elementary if anyone knows where that is. I'm sure if kids tried to do taht nowadays adults in the neighborhoods would flip if they saw them. When I laid my bike down earlier this month EVERYONE I knew was freaking out about the "road rash"...aka scrape on my knee. Even my mom. I was just like "mom I had stuff worse than this all over my knees and elbows when I was a kid and you didn't flip out this much back then". With the way my dad and uncles are, hopefully when I have a son he'll turn out half way "normal", at least the way most of us see normal.
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My son still does all that stuff for the most part. Lancaster Sales has just about any cap gun you could want. He was shooting the round plastic caps for a while but now he's on the rolls of paper caps. Cheap too. The gun is like $1.99 and the caps are 30 cents a box or something like that. I also burned him a best of bugs bunny dvd that him and my daughter watch quite a bit. I do agree that kids are getting lazy compared to when we grew up but I blame most of that on the parents. My mom used to lock our ass outside during the summer.haha Hot? Sit in the shade. Thirsty? Water hose is on the side of the house. Hungry? Pear tree and the strawberry patch is around back.
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...smear the queer?

...real cartoons that weren't from Japan?

...cap guns?

...Super Soaker fights?



I was just thinking about what kids do for fun these days. Shit has changed a lot and I'm not even old.


What's gone from your childhood?




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I was at a yard sale today and seen 2 little porky pig looking kids buzzing around on them electric scooters. Kids now days are a bunch of lazy porkys. I thought my generation is bad, now we have little crybaby emo bitches and fat kids that are addicted to x box.


That's why the world eventually will turn into Wall-E mixed with Idiocracy.


My son is 2 and I hardly let him sit and watch TV, only while he's eating dinner or it's late at night. Otherwise he's going crazy outside, or playing hockey in the living room. Next year I'm signing him up for hockey lesson. I'm going to raise the next Mike Modano (leading NHL scorer from the US).

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Does anyone want to play curb ball with me :(


YESS! Curb ball was fuckin sweet!!! Plus all you needed was a ball, 1 friend and a curb. Haha



But I'd have to say that things like tag and the other mentionable are still around. There are a bunch of kids in my neighborhood and now that it's warmer out I see the basketball hoops going up kids on bikes ,playing football in the streets and yes, even curb ball! On weekends I hear kids out till about 9-10pm.

So to answer the question, I don’t think they’ve gone anywhere, sure things have changed but I think we all have just grown up.

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YESS! Curb ball was fuckin sweet!!! Plus all you needed was a ball, 1 friend and a curb. Haha



But I'd have to say that things like tag and the other mentionable are still around. There are a bunch of kids in my neighborhood and now that it's warmer out I see the basketball hoops going up kids on bikes ,playing football in the streets and yes, even curb ball! On weekends I hear kids out till about 9-10pm.

So to answer the question, I don’t think they’ve gone anywhere, sure things have changed but I think we all have just grown up.


Around my neighborhood you don't really see much but kids on bikes and fatty's on electric scooters.

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how about some suggestions for things to do outside. Right now we spend 99% of our life at friendship park in gahanna, by the creek skipping rocks. im into mountain biking so I pull both kids on the trailer, but thats not helping them any! :) They play outside non-stop but do nothing, really! My son is almost 4 and I want to start him on tee ball but he has to be 5, what else is there? the soccer is a joke, but it might be our only option.


when we were kids we used to melt army men and "bomb" ants with the molton fireballs, I dont see my son doing that shit now, my wife would kill me if I showed him that.

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I remember in Jr high school and early high school playing backyard tackle football all fucking day on Sundays at a park, getting into a fist fight during the game because some one stiffed armed you in the face. Going to school on Monday and legs being a little sore walking between classes and a black eye and cut lip, and on Tuesday almost not able to walk because of the soreness. Playing again on Sunday and the kid you got in a fight with last week was now you teammate and you high five him for the stiff arm to the face he delivered to score the winning TD. :)
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slot car tracks!


looking to pick one up sometime.


Those things are win. I have an old set of those that I'd like to get out sometime.


We made up so many games when I was younger. Target was my favorite, had about 10 people in an old caged batting box and had 10 or more people out around where the bases would be. The people would kick, throw, punt, etc. various basketballs, kickballs, soccer balls, etc. at the people in the batting box. Was great fun until some faggot got hit and told the teacher. That was the end of target. :nono:

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how about some suggestions for things to do outside. Right now we spend 99% of our life at friendship park in gahanna, by the creek skipping rocks. im into mountain biking so I pull both kids on the trailer, but thats not helping them any! :) They play outside non-stop but do nothing, really! My son is almost 4 and I want to start him on tee ball but he has to be 5, what else is there? the soccer is a joke, but it might be our only option.


when we were kids we used to melt army men and "bomb" ants with the molton fireballs, I dont see my son doing that shit now, my wife would kill me if I showed him that.


a good sand box goes a long way. My kids spend quite a bit of time in there. I also throw the ball around with both of them. You can still play tee ball with him even though he's not on a team. You'll be glad you did when he does start tee ball. He'll have a leg up on some of the others. Kids will self entertain pretty well. I've found you give them dirt, sticks, and rocks and they'll find something to do with all 3. :D I also bought a bow and arrow for my son and set up a target out back. He has that, a red rider bb gun, and a sling shot. He stays pretty busy out there. I also bought him a 110 cc 4 wheeler this spring. Although that's fat ass promotion it's fun as hell watching him tear around the yard on that thing.

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