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To who ever brought the dog Today

Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

To who Ever brought the dog today,

Look, we thought everyone here, knew. Me and Rob (Gearhead) have rather very large dogs(and a Evil cat/dog) at our side 90% of the time. Yes at the shop. hence the sign on the door.

Now, lots of people, meat cooking, and dogs being very territorial, what happened today could have been way worse! If I would have came out of the office, Rob might have been trampled into the grill And so on. Bad move. I wont put all the blame on you, but damn it, Rob has a fucking chunk missing from His fucking finger. On that note, Huni would have been fine, but if Brutus would have felt threatened, it would have been over, and then Huni would have jumped in on it too. Now when you bring a dog into another dogs zone, you have to introduce them. Now, i have no issue with people bringing their dogs over, but use some common sense! If you are not aware of the rules of the dog world, i can give lessons. granted, not much can be done with a dog that out wieghts you. but 2 dogs that wieght in at 240 plus pounds together, its not a smart idea to bring a a small dog that is not socialized with other dogs, and she looked very uncomfortable as is. I suggest you go on you tube and watch Cesar Milan on being the dogs pack leader. and to start watching his show. You are the pack leader and the dog looks to you for what to do. Barking my kids, pulling, can all be trained into the dog not to act that way, but it starts with Us. Like I said we are the pack leader! the dogs look to us for what to do. But like I said, this is very hard to do with large dogs. I have been working very hard with brutus on commades and what not. And in no way any one can say my dog's are in no way viscous. Hell they live with 7 cats, and have a cat/dog at there side all the time. But when bringing a uneasy dog into into another packs zone, you have to introduce the dog's out of there zone. then bring them into there zone. The dogs could have played all day. But the proper steps where not takin on either side of this. A phone call ahead of time would have been nice. So this could have been handled better.


Thank you, we all had a great time today. And this is one way we want to pay everyone back. Rob say's it could be like this every Fri/Sat. Hell this always happened at the house, Alot from what I have heard. And yes we have a nice setup here. We can do what we want as most can see! And i think today was a learning lesson, but are doors are open, and Rob well every one should know this is what its all about for him. I hope everyone had a good time today. I know we did. Thanks again CR and friends.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Could have been that way. Thats what I dont want. You should have been here. Why was you not is the question at this point. We are right down the street now!
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Guest tbutera2112
nobody fucking told me that this was going on!! and i wasnt on the comp at all today pretty much....i was too busy dropping the oil filter while changing oil in my gfs moms car, and then chasing it as it rolled down my driveway leaving a 20+ foot streak of oil down the driveway, through the grass, and onto the sidewalk
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I got worried when this started to go down, luckily bad things were avoided. I'm not sure who had the other dog, but you can't just take it anywhere. I'm no expert by any means, but please be more carefull. I wouldn't suggest anyone taking their pets with them to Gearheadz.
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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
nobody fucking told me that this was going on!! and i wasnt on the comp at all today pretty much....i was too busy dropping the oil filter while changing oil in my gfs moms car, and then chasing it as it rolled down my driveway leaving a 20+ foot streak of oil down the driveway, through the grass, and onto the sidewalk


I would have told you on the phone, but i didnt know what was going on out in the shop. I do know several nice Cars pulled up while Rob was working on something,cars leaveand the next thing I know he is sending me to kroger for more buns,pop and what nots for a cook out. Next time We will be more prep'd For this, cause I am almost positive this Will be a normal thing on weekends.

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nobody fucking told me that this was going on!! and i wasnt on the comp at all today pretty much....i was too busy dropping the oil filter while changing oil in my gfs moms car, and then chasing it as it rolled down my driveway leaving a 20+ foot streak of oil down the driveway, through the grass, and onto the sidewalk


I farted in your car.


Resume thread.

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Guest tbutera2112
I farted in your car.


Resume thread.


quoted for proof you were in my car...if anything is missing, i know who to report to the po po

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
I wouldn't suggest anyone taking their pets with them to Gearheadz.


No no no. We love our pets and anyone else's for that matter. It just needs to be handled different. Fair warning would have been nice. I came out to walk the dogs , So I came out the other side of the building to walk , and I had No idea there was a uneasy unknown dog right by the grill and Rob. You see what happened, The dog's had no idea There was another dog. Being right by there pack leader, and food. This could have been real bad, and might have went that Way if Rob would have not got there as soon as he did. Nothing can bring Brutus from Protect mode.NOTHING. He is Ok in the office with unknown people walking in., But you never bring a unknown dog into a packs zone, with out introducing them out side that zone. That is what I am trying to explain here. If bringing a dog, This must be handled the correct way. Maybe I shouldn't have not put this in the kitchen, but in the parking lot.

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Guest tbutera2112
No no no. We love our pets and anyone else's for that matter. It just needs to be handled differently. Fair warning would have been nice. I came out to walk the dogs , So I came out the other side of the building to walk , and I had No idea there was a uneasy unknown dog right by the grill and Rob. You see what happened, The dog's had no idea There was another dog. Being right by there pack leader, and food. This could have been real bad, and might have went that Way if Rob would have not got there as soon as he did. Nothing can bring Brutus from Protect mode.NOTHING. He is Ok in the office with unknown people walking in., But you never bring a unknown dog into a packs zone, with out introducing them out side that zone. That is what I am trying to explain here. If bringing a dog, This must be handled the correct way. Maybe I shouldn't have not put this in the kitchen, but in the parking lot.


fuck that...i think its best to just not bring other animals there...if someones dog cant be alone for a few hours, then that is their own problem...perhaps drop it at a kennel or something

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
fuck that...i think its best to just not bring other animals there...if someones dog cant be alone for a few hours, then that is their own problem...perhaps drop it at a kennel or something


So are you telling me to Kennel My dog's everyday? Cause we are here 11 plus hours a day. Thats one reason why they are with use all day.

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Guest tbutera2112
So are you telling me to Kennel My dog's everyday? Cause we are here 11 plus hours a day. Thats one reason why they are with use all day.


no not you...im saying other people who feel the need to bring their dogs for whatever reason

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
no not you...im saying other people who feel the need to bring their dogs for whatever reason


Why should we not apply to that comment? We welcome other animals. It just has to be handled the correct way. Nothing bad happened today, Other then Rob ripping his finger open, but I think he is used to that bye now.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Does anybody even know who the person is and if they are even on CR?


Neither one of us is sure who's dog it was. But a call ahead of time to the shop or Rob's cell would have been rather nice on the heads up on a dog coming.

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Guest tbutera2112
Why should we not apply to that comment? We welcome other animals. It just has to be handled the correct way. Nothing bad happened today, Other then Rob ripping his finger open, but I think he is used to that bye now.


you shouldnt apply for that comment because its your shop and you are there all day? :confused:


how is that in any way similar to someone who feels the need to bring their dog along when they come visit for an hour or two....not good to leave dogs at home alone for 11 hours, hence why you bring them


but dogs are fine for a couple hours alone, there is no need for anyone else to bring their dog to come visit the shop


if brutus eats another dog or person, you guys are in deep shit if someone decides to press charges....no matter how much animal planet you watch, shit can still happen...and brutus is too big to take that risk with...i would strongly advise not allowing other people to bring animals to the shop without a damn good reason...but hey, not my shop i guess so do what ya like

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
you shouldnt apply for that comment because its your shop and you are there all day? :confused:


how is that in any way similar to someone who feels the need to bring their dog along when they come visit for an hour or two....not good to leave dogs at home alone for 11 hours, hence why you bring them


but dogs are fine for a couple hours alone, there is no need for anyone else to bring their dog to come visit the shop


if brutus eats another dog or person, you guys are in deep shit if someone decides to press charges....no matter how much animal planet you watch, shit can still happen...and brutus is too big to take that risk with...i would strongly advise not allowing other people to bring animals to the shop without a damn good reason...but hey, not my shop i guess so do what ya like


You know better then that. Brutus is a big baby. But also the big protector of this pack. Our dogs was having a blast. Up to that point. I will say it again, we have come across this many times before. With people and other dogs. Rob can control Brutus and I have Huni. It would Have been way different. And don't try to tell me I watch to much animal planet. I have had more animals here then most of the people here put together. there have been other animals here, playing with the dog's already. A customer of Rob's came in the other day with a dog that could fit in Brutus's mouth. And there was NO issue's with proper introduction. Plus the dog that was here was very uneasy as it was. Which is just wrong. But with proper training, it would have been fine. The dog is very lucky she did not jump/snap at Brutus. It could have went a completely different way, ruining the day for everyone.

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Guest tbutera2112
You know better then that. Brutus is a big baby. But also the big protector of this pack. Our dogs was having a blast. Up to that point. I will say it again, we have come across this many times before. With people and other dogs. Rob can control Brutus and I have Huni. It would Have been way different. And don't try to tell me I watch to much animal planet. I have had more animals here then most of the people here put together. there have been other animals here, playing with the dog's already. A customer of Rob's came in the other day with a dog that could fit in Brutus's mouth. And there was NO issue's with proper introduction. Plus the dog that was here was very uneasy as it was. Which is just wrong. But with proper training, it would have been fine. The dog is very lucky she did not jump/snap at Brutus. It could have went a completely different way, ruining the day for everyone.


thats my point exactly...no matter how much control you got over your animals, shit can still happen...i guess it just doesnt make sense to me to take any risks over something as dumb as someone wanting to bring their dog over for no reason

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Does anybody even know who the person is and if they are even on CR?


I knew this was coming...



It was my buddy Nyall's dog, Nyall86 on here. He felt bad because he hadn't gotten her (Harley, his dog) out to walk, run, whatever, all day. So he brought her along. I'm not used to the whole pet thing, and honestly got a call last minute to head over to the shop. If I would had known he was planning to bring her, I would have called Rob ahead of time as soon as I knew about it. Sorry for the situation guys. It sucks, and since I'm not used to having to think about situations like this I know that I'll be more conscientious from now on.

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Guest Removed
I knew this was coming...



It was my buddy Nyall's dog, Nyall86 on here. He felt bad because he hadn't gotten her (Harley, his dog) out to walk, run, whatever, all day. So he brought her along. I'm not used to the whole pet thing, and honestly got a call last minute to head over to the shop. If I would had known he was planning to bring her, I would have called Rob ahead of time as soon as I knew about it. Sorry for the situation guys. It sucks, and since I'm not used to having to think about situations like this I know that I'll be more conscientious from now on.


look, dont sweat it. its ok. no body got hurt in the making of the cookout. yeah im missing a chunk from one finger. nothing new there. but if the dog was riding with you, you knew there would be large dogs at my shop. i am in no way saying its not cool bro. we would had to just introduce the dogs to keep bad things from happening. nyall's dog was very uneasy.my dogs senced that. from the get go, i wasnt even worried about it myself. but now we all know better. and can handle it better the next time. im sure his dog and huni would have been playing the whole time. i dont know nyalls dog, and not sure on how his dog would have handled it. it could have been way worse IMO.

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She (Harley) wasn't riding with me. I didn't even know Nyall was bringing her. Oh well, I learned something new about dogs today. I haven't had one since I was a real little kid so this wouldn't even have crossed my mind even if I had known he was bringing her. I'll remember this now for future situations if I ever get a dog. Sorry again, but thanks for having everyone out and feeding us Rob. It was a damn good time.
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