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Did some lanscaping..

V8 Beast

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Since I'm sick and stuck at home I figured I would do something productive. The total cost was $150. It took a total of 70 brick/stone thingys, 3 bags of leveling sand, and 3 1/2 hours for my wife and I to get everything done. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out considering its the first time we have ever done anything like this. Here's a quick pick from my phone...




Its 17ft across and 4ft out from the porch. Next I'll be redoing the grass thanks to the kids in the neighborhood thinking my yard is their own personal bike path. I'm also going to have the wife plant some flowers and do all that girly shit.


On a side note I now have a trash can full of fill dirt that I dont need :D

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After giving you my address I went into witness protection. Posts like this show that I made the right choice :p


but see thats where i get off with the wording. i have to stay 1000ft away from you. so i'll stop bye when no one is home. so go build me a woop section in the back with the left over dirt :p

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but see thats where i get off with the wording. i have to stay 1000ft away from you. so i'll stop bye when no one is home. so go build me a woop section in the back with the left over dirt :p


Done.. and its 2000ft.

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Very nicely done!! So many of the people in my gheyborhood try this without putting a base down and leveling. They all look like ass.


I did mine seven years ago. Over 130 linear feet. I really don't EVAR wanna do it again!


Sorry for the shitty early spring cell pic too!




Yes, my weeping cherry focal point took a dump last year thanks to some fungus.

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Mike you should replace that with a Bloodgood Japanese Maple. It would go well with that colors you have going on.


Actually that's a seven+ year old Japanese Maple on the corner of the garage, below the coach light. This year, for the first time, it's broken the 15 inch tall mark. My horticulturist at work is working with me on some new plants.


There are now 2 rose bushes, along with the Sedum, Lavender, and other shit in the pic I can't remember the names of.

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