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Best way to get tree sap off of paint?


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I have tree sap all over my Avalanche...parked it in the wrong place. Paint hasn't exactly been waxed any time recently, which I am sure makes matters even worse. :( It is hardened tree sap that doesn't want to come off without a fight.
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There are far more experienced people here than me, but I'll throw in my $01.


I had various crap all over the GTO when I got it. The cheapo bottle of Turtle Wax bug and tar remover did wonders, but was pretty much a must to wax afterwards...


Worked for me.

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There are far more experienced people here than me, but I'll throw in my $01.


I had various crap all over the GTO when I got it. The cheapo bottle of Turtle Wax bug and tar remover did wonders, but was pretty much a must to wax afterwards...


Worked for me.



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Isopropyl alcohol from the cosmetic section of the grocery store is just as effective and cheaper than bug and tar remover. Put on a rag and let the rag sit over the spots for 10-30 seconds and then aggitate if the tar isn't already dissolved.


Doing it in the warm sun helps too as previously stated.


No vigorous rubbing.


Wax when you're done.

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I will try the alcohol...have a bottle sitting here!


Tommy, I'd love to take the truck in to one of the CR 3 detailers, but $$ is a bit tight with all of the other things I need to purchase right now. The truck DOES need attention!

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