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Question about COP Quotas


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The other thread talking about the income tax increase made me think of something. When departments lay people off do they do it based on the number of tickets they write?


I say this because lately I've seen way more speed traps setup and everytime its seemed to have more then 1 cruiser.

Edited by Thorne
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The other thread talking about the income tax increase made me think of something. When departments lay people off do they do it based on the number of tickets they right?


I say this because lately I've seen way more speed traps setup and everytime its seemed to have more then 1 cruiser.


I doubt it. In the private/commercial sector it's typicall based on Salary Costs and Pension, etc..... However, this is the public sector so politics likely plays a greater part.


I think the speed traps, etc...are out there because it's summer. Because it shows a strong presence of "hey joe public, don't let all those cops disappear" and I also think it's a source of revenue that they are pressed to increase.

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It's very frustrating. It's like don't you have real crime to go deal with ?


yes, but like everything in life, it's not what you see that's the reality of it. nothing is what it seems. I always tell my sales team that it's not what you see or hear that you make your decisions on. That information guides but does not dictate the action. it's what you learn and understand behind the scenes that secures the sale.


case in point, the public sees and hears that the Mayor is looking out for us and wants to keep the city safe and growing thus the tax increase is needed and that the freeway patrol is there to keep your drive to work safe.


that's all true, but the reality is they want your money. pure and simple. they only care enough to show they care. they won't ever care enough to make a difference. that's up to us as individuals.


sucks, but really, that's life.

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I am pretty sure, CPD types can weigh in on this, that "ticket quotas" are a myth dreampt up by those that don't like to pay for their transgressions.


Isn't it a "real crime" if someone is racing and they accidentally kill another motorist? Preventing this is crime prevention by those standards. Additionally many traffic stops result in discovery of drugs, weapons, imported cigars and some other really nasty stuff.

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I am pretty sure, CPD types can weigh in on this, that "ticket quotas" are a myth dreampt up by those that don't like to pay for their transgressions.


Isn't it a "real crime" if someone is racing and they accidentally kill another motorist? Preventing this is crime prevention by those standards. Additionally many traffic stops result in discovery of drugs, weapons, imported cigars and some other really nasty stuff.

They tell you that there are no "quotas" and in the same breath say you can be written up for not having x amount of tickets written per month. It may not be a "quota" but isn't in the same thing?


I am sure street racing is a big problem @ 8am on a Tuesday. I sure see plenty of cops on my way to work and back every day...I have yet to see any street racing. Ever. Bet they will get some DUI's then too, right?


Wrong...it is simply the easiest time to MAKE MONEY. People in a rush to work, or rushing home. Rushing = speeding a bit = money in the bank. End of story. Notice they always scan people in the easiest places to get a speeder, and not usually the places where it is most dangerous to speed? It isn't crime prevention, it is all about making some scratch.

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I am pretty sure, CPD types can weigh in on this, that "ticket quotas" are a myth dreampt up by those that don't like to pay for their transgressions.


Isn't it a "real crime" if someone is racing and they accidentally kill another motorist? Preventing this is crime prevention by those standards. Additionally many traffic stops result in discovery of drugs, weapons, imported cigars and some other really nasty stuff.


Also how are cops supposed to address "real crimes" if they don't see them happening or are not called out to them. Would you rather have it to where they can just walk in your home to see if a crime is going on if you are in possession of anything illegal you know that way they can get those real criminals.

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They tell you that there are no "quotas" and in the same breath say you can be written up for not having x amount of tickets written per month. It may not be a "quota" but isn't in the same thing?


That would be incorrect.

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We have no quotas.


If your concern is the safety of your community you simply need to call in and complain about the lack of community patrol in your area.


Patrol keeps crime down.. the # of officers on the road in general does not necessarily have everything to do with it. However more officers taking calls and being REACTIVE = LESS officers patrolling to be PROACTIVE. More proactive patrol = less chance of crime happening in that certain area.


Officers mirror locked or 10 deep at chipotle = less patrol = more crime.


It’s simply a matter of calling and complaining every time you see stuff you don’t like.


There are so many ways to answer the question based on what dept you are questioning. Each dept has different views, different policies and procedures, different supervising staffs, different ways of handling calls and running traffic, I could literally go on and on for days


Feel free to ask more in depth questions if you wish

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It isn't crime prevention, it is all about making some scratch.


200% agree. Perry Township has 1-2 cops inside Brookside Woods/Estates at all times clocking people in a 25mph zone all day....or they will hit you on Smokey Row, a 35mph Zone. However where one person has been hit and killed and three others hit while walking on Snouffer Rd right around the corner at the entrance to my street, yet I've never seen a cop shooting Radar in that area. Why? 45mph and not as easy to bag speeders because most only go 45-50mph.


What was the end result to all the bitching our neighbors and we did about the four pedestrian accidents in past 18 months. They dropped the speed limit to 40mph. Did they put in a bike path like Worthington did just down the road? Fuck no, that would make too much sense. Oh, my bad....it was likely budget related. Tell that to the family of the dead kid or the little girl right behind us who suffered head trama and isn't "right" to this day. :rolleyes: But hey, I we did what was needed to make a new ball park happen! I'm sure there were no "deals" cut there. :rolleyes:

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I'll add a little to it.. Sum it up a little more for you.

Lets look at the big picture. City of Columbus... Many officers.. sometimes not enough in the high crime areas. They often do not have enough time to do community patrols because there is too much "real crime" (as others put it) in these areas. Budget cut thin.. so.. no extra officers FOR patrol FOR those areas. This is unfortunately just the way it is. When you call in for accidents and other reports you often get sent to a phone recording instead, mainly to keep officers off these 'less important' calls as you could put it.

Another picture..

Outside areas.. your Hilliard, Dublin, Westerville, Gahanna, Grove City.. so on..

Excellent/Good/More than fair budgets for the police departments. They have plenty of officers per shift and can more than handle their run loads. You WILL see these officers patrolling because the tax payers DO DEMAND to see them. Invite yourself to a city meeting one time and youll be in shock over the amount of residents that roll in to complain about not seeing their favorite officers more than 1 time per shift drive by and wave. This is good community policing. You are paying for this community policing with your tax dollars.

When areas get too big too fast they often have troubles. Example.. City of Columbus sucks up a bunch of a neighboring township and doesnt put more cars on the road to handle those run loads. Good for tax dollars, tax dollars not spent on police officers for the area, crime goes up. This is simple math.

In your outside areas, land gets annexed, civil service tests for officers and bam you have at least 1-3 new guys to help cover the area.

No one dept does anything wrong or incorrectly.. they simply do what they can with what they have.

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We have no quotas.


If your concern is the safety of your community you simply need to call in and complain about the lack of community patrol in your area.


Patrol keeps crime down.. the # of officers on the road in general does not necessarily have everything to do with it. However more officers taking calls and being REACTIVE = LESS officers patrolling to be PROACTIVE. More proactive patrol = less chance of crime happening in that certain area.


Officers mirror locked or 10 deep at chipotle = less patrol = more crime.


It’s simply a matter of calling and complaining every time you see stuff you don’t like.


There are so many ways to answer the question based on what dept you are questioning. Each dept has different views, different policies and procedures, different supervising staffs, different ways of handling calls and running traffic, I could literally go on and on for days


Feel free to ask more in depth questions if you wish


What would happen if next month you didn't write a single ticket. Just responded to calls or gave out all warnings. I'm sure someone would at least ask what's going on.


It's a double edge sword. You have to have some kind of traffic enforcement, but on the other hand they are a great source of income. I mean speeding/traffic tickets could be a points violation only. No fine and at 12 points you get your license taken away like normal.

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What would happen if next month you didn't write a single ticket. Just responded to calls or gave out all warnings. I'm sure someone would at least ask what's going on.


It's a double edge sword. You have to have some kind of traffic enforcement, but on the other hand they are a great source of income. I mean speeding/traffic tickets could be a points violation only. No fine and at 12 points you get your license taken away like normal.


I’ve gone a whole month without writing one before.. so have others.

Stops and tickets are more of showing productivity than anything.

You don’t HAVE to write tickets.. but you are required to make stops. You can not simply say "I didn’t see any violations at all this month" because we all know that’s not true :D

I personally think of traffic stops and tickets as a way of persuading people to try and correct their wrong doings. I would rather stop someone and lecture them on why they were stopped than write tickets most of the time, especially with the 16-18year old range groups that just need an eye opener (like insurance rates hikes from tickets and such).

Normally if I get a minor speed (or any other) violation and the person has no (or very little) previous record, its often just a warning from me. If I stop someone for as little as 10 over and they’ve had a few prior speeds and some within the past 12 months, well there’s another ticket for their driving record because they certainly have not learned anything.

The amount of accidents we routinely see from the smallest traffic violations is unbelievable, if I can stop even a 1/100th of those by saying "hey do yourself the favor and pay a little more attention to the speed signs next time to avoid an accident".. I feel I’ve done what I could to help those that might understand where I was coming from.

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Guest tbutera2112
Like I said that would be for those repeat offenders :D (and speed zone depending too)


and like i said....ill be avoiding you!! lol



so....generally, what do most cops allow? ive always heard "9 youre fine, 10 youre mine"....is that true usually?

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and like i said....ill be avoiding you!! lol



so....generally, what do most cops allow? ive always heard "9 youre fine, 10 youre mine"....is that true usually?


I would say that depends obviously on the officer, but also the speed limit in the area. Although I think in a 65mph zone anything over 72mph and you're pushing it. However, unless your at 75mph it's just a fine no points so it's not as big of a deal.


Now 7mph over on a side street and you'll likely get tagged and you'll have points.

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Depends on who, what, when and where.

9 youll get attention, 10+ you could be stopped for sure.


I've been saying this on this site for years. And here it is, from the mouth (keyboard?) of an actual police officer. :) Follow these rules, young drivers, and your chances of being ticketed for speeding are reduced greatly. The only exception to this rule that I add, is that if you are in a smaller podunk town somewhere, go no more than 5 over. Because those cops have much less going on, they are looking harder for other reasons to pull you over. Don't give them one by sticking closer to that limit... :nod:

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Other things to be careful of...


Sticker violations - stickers incorrectly placed on license plates = stop.

No front plates - plates in windows do no count = stop.

Loud music - dont thump your junk rolling through a nice area = stop.

Lights - Headlights, brake lights, license plate lights.. while riding dirty these are easy targets for = stop.

Signals - dont want to be pulled over.. no signals = stop.

Marked lanes - dont watch what were doing behind you, hit the line and your mine = stop.

(no Im not giving out any more!)

These are easy laws to follow... however.. in the end if we want to stop you.. theres usually a good reason we can find :)

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Guest tbutera2112
what about 3rd brake light violations? i know legally all cars are required to have a third brake light, but i killed mine...and what about tail light tint? you guys bust people on that or?
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200% agree. Perry Township has 1-2 cops inside Brookside Woods/Estates at all times clocking people in a 25mph zone all day....or they will hit you on Smokey Row, a 35mph Zone. However where one person has been hit and killed and three others hit while walking on Snouffer Rd right around the corner at the entrance to my street, yet I've never seen a cop shooting Radar in that area. Why? 45mph and not as easy to bag speeders because most only go 45-50mph.




The only thing perry township do is handout tickets in speed traps. Everytime I go down bethal road, I see them try to clock cars going on a down hill when it goes under the rail road tracks. They know people like to do close to 50mph in a 40mph road. So on the downhill they might go a lil faster like 51 or 52 if they are not paying attention, and that is where they get them.

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