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Stranger: hey

You: hello

Stranger: normal?

You: ?

Stranger: psycho?

You: abnormal?

Stranger: ok

Stranger: speed?

You: where do you hail from, wayword traveler?

Stranger: speak

Stranger: from polsih

Stranger: poland

You: you are well polished?

Stranger: you say now

Stranger: da

Stranger: ja polak

You: is it true your tanks are battery operated and/or pulled by donkeys

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Your turn. :)

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Stranger: hi

You: i put on my robe and wizard hat

Stranger: where r u from?

You: The kingdom of Merth

Stranger: wow

Stranger: im japan

You: I am the King's sorcerer

Stranger: how old r u?

You: 264

Stranger: aa..

Stranger: man?

You: Yes

Stranger: im woman

You: I cast a level 15 ecstasy spell on you



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You: hi


Stranger: yo


You: balls in your mouth?


Stranger: ㅡㅡ


Stranger: what?


Stranger: what do u mean? 씨발새끼야?


You: pikachu?


Stranger: pikachu?


Stranger: pika pika


Stranger: 미친놈ㅋ


You: egg rolls?


Stranger: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Stranger: 병신


Stranger: ㅡㅡ


Stranger: you die. tonight


You: i just died in your arms tonight


You: it must have been somethin you said


Stranger: ^^


Stranger: 엿먹어


You: what did the duck say to the fish?


You: ?


Stranger: what?


Stranger: fuck




Stranger: hey


Stranger: u mom bitch^^


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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I just went to Korean translator and started typing in vulgar shit. Apparently everyone on this site speaks Korean?


Stranger: hii


You: knock knock


Stranger: who


You: knock knock


Stranger: zz


You: top?


Stranger: yes


You: 나의 격발준비작용을 빠십시오 (suck my cock)



Stranger: 그게뭐ㅑㅇ


You: 격발준비작용 빨판 (cock sucker)




싸우는 격발준비작용 소대-模糊 -MOVO

홈 음 악 블로그 서클 동성약전 게시판 밤의가게 로그인 | 회원 가입| 도 움 싸우는 격발준비작용 소대 http://group.movo.tv/rongchuangpei    복사    수장 서클 분류 :취미서클/관광서클...


Stranger: 격발 [ 擊發 ]네이버 백과사전

총의 방아쇠를 당겨 탄약이 폭발하고 발사에 이르는 과정을 말한다. 표적을 명중시키려면 정조준을 한 상태에서 방아쇠를 당기는 손가락의 압력을 직후방으로 순간적이고 부드럽게 당기는 요령이 필요하다. 방아쇠를 급격...


You: i'm not watching your gay porn


You: sick fuck


Stranger: 뭐


Stranger: ㅂㅂ


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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: I'm masturbating right now, if that offends you, or if you are male, please disconnect.


You: i am to


Stranger: you are male, or masturbating?

You: both


You: can u breath heavy for me


Your conversational partner has disconnected.





Good times....

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Stranger: hi

You: Hey...

Stranger: asl?

You: What?

Stranger: age sex location

You: Old, No Thanks and at work

Stranger: sex=male or female

Stranger: no thanks too

You: I prefer females

You: What about you?


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Howdy!

Stranger: Greetings.

You: hahaha, who says greetings?

Stranger: Oh! Incredible!

Stranger: You are the fourth person whom I greet thus.

Stranger: The first three of them disconnected immediatly.

You have disconnected.



Bahahahha :D

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This time I gave it a little thought....

You: Hello

Stranger: hello

You: Hi

You: Can you help me?

Stranger: whats up?

Stranger: i think so

Stranger: what can i do for u

You: I'm scared, my mom and dad are mad

You: they are yeling

Stranger: yeh,parents yells

Stranger: i think you cant stop them

You: its loud and mom said she leaving with my uncle Rob

Stranger: thats their own things

You: Do your mom and dad yell

Stranger: sometimes

Stranger: but not often

You: I think its bad cuse sometimes dad hits mom

Stranger: and as they getting older

Stranger: they dont yell as much as before

You: dont tell on me okay im not sopose to tell

You: how old are you?

Stranger: 23

Stranger: u?

You: 11

You: Have you heard of CR?

Stranger: No, whats' that

You: Oh nothing..

Stranger: oh,

Stranger: sorry about the yelling thing ,kid

You: Its okay. they yell then go to bed. It get loud then to but dad says its beceasue he loves mom

Stranger: okay then

You: I just think its diferent becasue my moms crying now and said the police are comming to take dad back. I dont want that.

You: Oh SHIT SON!!! dad is choking mom. You gota help me!

Stranger: What! Is this real?

You: Dude I'm 11 years old, how could I make this shit up. Call the cops!

Stranger: I don't where you are... you call them.

You: Dad said I can't leave the room or he would...never mind

Stranger: Is your mom okay?

You: I don't know. Now dad is crying and moms just sitting in the bathtub. I think something is wrong casue dad keeps telling her to wake up.

You: I should go.

Starnger: Wait, please tell me this is a joke.

You: You're a sick fucker you know that!!! Why whould I make this shit up?


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Stranger: hi

Stranger: 한쿡살람

Stranger: 찾아횰~~

You: what the fuck is that shit? ching chang chong.... I can't understand you.... go back to your country..... WHITE POWER!

Stranger: suck my ass



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edit.. it got better


You: who are you


Stranger: Sophie


You: where do you live


Stranger: You?


You: I am in Ohio


You: how old are you


You: sophie sounds like an old name no offense


Stranger: Im 17 In Ireland


You: ah ok


Stranger: None Taken :D


Stranger: So. . .


Stranger: Do You Like Sex?


You: No


Stranger: Oh?


You: Yea it sucks


Stranger: No. . .I Suck


You: my penis is so huge no girls like it


Stranger: ;)


Stranger: I Like It Big


You: no you don't


Stranger: Oh?


Stranger: How Big Are You Babe?


You: too big. every girl gets scared and leaves me :(


You: i am lonely


Stranger: Oh. . .


You: I am thinking about reduction surgery



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You: a/s/l

Stranger: hi

Stranger: you first

You: What the fuck, I asked first, learn some fucking manners you douche


Mine aren't very good. Usually I tell the girls I am looking for a hot european bride to bring over to the US

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last one


You: Hi I am Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.... have a seat over there for me

Stranger: i..

Stranger: wasnt planning on doing anything

You: then why do you have a rope, a box of condoms and a bottle of vodka with you?

Stranger: i was uh.....

Stranger: i .

Stranger: work construction

Stranger: had a drink with friends earlier

Stranger: i mean....nothing was going to happn tonight,.,with me..and this 13 yr old girl

You: Then why did you say this in your chat log "oh baby, I can't wait to be inside you"

Stranger: uhhh

Stranger: i didnt mean that sir

Stranger: rly..didnt mean anything by it

Stranger: just wantd to talk

You: you also said "Have you ever done anal sex? I can't wait to try that with you", sir this is a 13 yr old boy you were saying that to

Stranger: umm

Stranger: please sire..

Stranger: sir8

Stranger: i uh....

Stranger: left my lights on in the car

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: wtf is happining

Stranger: i have no idea

You: thats not good

Stranger: i know

You: i know whats happining here

Stranger: what

You: people are getting fatter

Stranger: are you?

You: no.

You: when i say fat, the people in our town are 9 out 10 times goingto be 350lbs+

You: im only about 165

Stranger: i am about 200

You: almost evry woman has a BIF

Stranger: Whats a BIF?????

You: BIF- But In Front

Stranger: cool

Stranger: where u from?

You: im not from earth, im from a small planet called ryloth.

Stranger: cool

Stranger: i am from earth

You: and where do you hail from

Stranger: earth scotland

You: sweet, i love a man in a skirt

Stranger: its not a skirt

Stranger: its akilt

Stranger: kilt*

You: still , there sexy.

Stranger: i have 1

You: do you go commando when you wear it?

Stranger: yeah you have to

You: man. thalk about balls sticking to your leg on a hot humid day

Stranger: i like wearing it commando because of the freedom

Stranger: lol

You: well, shit.

You: i gots to go.

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Stranger: hi

You: hello

Stranger: where?

Stranger: g

Stranger: wj\

Stranger: \\

You: i like the letter e

You: i don't like g's

Stranger: where

Stranger: china

You: i hail from the planet mars

You: i am a destroyer of worlds

Stranger: really

You: i must research everyone before I plan an attack

You: yes really this is no joke

Stranger: when

You: when i feel like it

You: you will never know

Stranger: i know

Stranger: forever

You: every time I look in the mirror I am reminded of how awesome I am

You: and how I will crush everyone in my path

Stranger: the same as me

You: you feel that way?

Stranger: not all

Stranger: a little

You: well then i guess we can't destroy worlds together

Stranger: good

Stranger: i believe we can

You: you type slow

Stranger: 、

You: type faster?

You: I must get back to randomly probing humans anally.

You: I can put you top on my list if you wish

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i'm busy

Stranger: you know

You: me too I need to take a shower

Stranger: the guy from the mars

Stranger: haha

You: showers take all day on mars

Stranger: yeah?

You: yes why didn't you know

You: i thought you were smart

Stranger: the earth is better than tha mars

Stranger: i think

You: lol silly human

You: my city is underground

Stranger: i am serious

You: you would never understand how awesome it is unless you saw it with your own eyes

You: your planet will never evolve to this level of awesome

Stranger: i love our earth

You: you should all just give up

Stranger: all my heart

You: yes give your heart to me

You: i will enjoy that

Stranger: you say u from mars

You: no joke mars here

Stranger: how can u speak english

You: i learned it because most everyone I talk on her speaks the earth english

You: i told you i am studying before i destroy earth

Stranger: how

Stranger: don't do it pl

You: with a huge laser how else do you blow up a rock?

You: you humans are slow

Stranger: i'm the superman

You: and inintelligent

You: superman?

Stranger: i can stop u

You: how on while I load my kryptonite shield

Stranger: u should do your usiness

You: hold even

You: thats better

You: what were you saying human superman?

Stranger: never

Stranger: strng

You: the probing never stop

Stranger: handsome

You: watch your butt tonight i might be at your house

You have disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.

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Stranger: 17 M Brazil :)

You: 19 F New York

You: Wanna fuck?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: u?

You: Sure, my B/F is gone I was looking at porn and found this site

Stranger: webcam?

You: I'm actually blind

You: I was looking at brail porn

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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