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Shouldnt tax's cover this?


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Ten years ago it was $460 for a ride.


Ever heard of this concept called "inflation"? 20 years ago Mustang's were 10k. :p


Everything but a ride is usually covered. When I ended up on 670 after my motorcycle engine failed, they came and patched me up and I never heard from them.

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Your ride could be 2 minutes or 20 minutes, same price. Another one of Mayor Coleman's revenue sources. Columbus Medic transports bring in about 1 million a month. And people get pissed at me when I tell them they can drive themselves when it's not actually an emergency! Just trying to save 'em a dime. Usually your insurance covers it.
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It depends on where you are at. Some cities don't have money problems, and so the taxes you pay cover ambulance rides. Other cities can't manage money (this isn't a new problem, btw) and figure a good way to make some extra cash is charge for it. This fee helps fund the fire departments, which IMO is one public service that's actually worthwhile. Although it still irks me when local govs have to cut fire budget then charge to make up for it, to cover their pet projects.
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