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Kids and riding.....


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Okay so I had my daughter out a couple times on the bike last year. She is really enthusiastic about wanting to go out a lot more this summer. When she is on the back I am always responsible, she is always wearing full MX gear because I don't have a set of leathers for her.

Am I crazy to let her be riding even though she is only seven? Was wondering if any others had kids and what age they started letting them ride on the back. And if so, what do you suggest to tell them to do in the event of an accident i.e. should they hold on to you as long as they can and so on.... Not looking to get ripped on but if it's due then it's due. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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I was on the back of my dad's bikes when I was about her age and loved every minute of it as well. I never asked her if she wanted to go, it was her asking that got things going. She is very mature for her age and actually rides better on the back than the misses does. Lol.

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Well my plan is to buy this thing that goes around my waist that she can hold onto rather than reaching all the way around me (i'm kinda a fat azz). I know they make harnesses to hook your kids to ya but that I dea kinda scares the hell outta me too.




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my daughters are 8 & 9. the youngest one loves it but i feel wierd about taking her so we just ride around back roads slowly. I really love taking her but i'm scared something would happen and i would never forgive myself.

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my daughters are 8 & 9. the youngest one loves it but i feel wierd about taking her so we just ride around back roads slowly. I really love taking her but i'm scared something would happen and i would never forgive myself.

That is kinda where I am at now. Thanks for all the input guys.

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I bought my daughter a little 4 wheeler and helmet when she turned 4, she can ride it just fine, it has a remote kill switch in case she's heading for a tree, I can kill it.

I let her ride on the little XR80 with me (up front), but she doesn't get on my big bikes.

My other daughter is 2, she loves riding on the little 4 wheeler with mom, or the XR80 with me, she also has a little helmet.

Its better to be overly cautious, kids are not replaceable.

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My kids have been on the back of any bike and ATV I have ever had since the age of about 6 and 9 , my daughter has her own Icon jacket and Helmet , my son has a shift jacket and shoei helmet..

they love it and as long as you ride responsibly with them then what the hell let them enjoy it..

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i wish my parents did this stuff with me


haha i know i wasnt allowed to even get on a bike until i moved out of my parents house. I guess my dad has had too many close calls and doesnt want to be responsible for my stupidity.:D

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I started taking my son on the bike at 5. He had to sit up front till he was 8 because of his height. Its always a short little ride to hooters to get some food but we do it 4-5 times a summer. he has full gear and leathers so at least if we fall he's protected. I would never use a strap because if we fell off and i landed on him i feel that would be worse.

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I would teach them to ride dirty !! I wouldn't put them out in trafic till they get older. Putting my kneck out there everytime i get on is my choice, But most passengers don't understand the risk involved !!

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Check out my profile there is a pic there in my albums of my 7 year old boy on the back of my old CBR,This year he coaxed me into getting him to the 100mph plus mark,{safely} he has his own XR50 and a quad and he has been riding with me for years, and my 17 year old boy started riding my CBR at age 14,he has had a XR250 since he was 14,and now I have a 2 year old girl who has a electric quad and progressing every day. But as long as my kids are geared up, and on the back of MY bike, {mom will not take the kids for rides} or on the front, depending on your bike and child, they are safe. I would never wheelie or stoppie, or do something wreckless with them on it, even though my boy will BEG me to do something especially when we leave foot ball practice, I know what could happen, he peeks around my shoulder and keeps track of every MPH I go, always wanting me to go faster, when he passed the 100 mark he was thrilled!! bragged for a couple days, and now when we ride he is cool and calm, he realized speed is fun but riding is awesome, and theres a place for everything.

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Well my plan is to buy this thing that goes around my waist that she can hold onto rather than reaching all the way around me (i'm kinda a fat azz). I know they make harnesses to hook your kids to ya but that I dea kinda scares the hell outta me too.




What's the name of that? Where can ya get one.

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