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"Hitler's Stealth Fighter" Re-created


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Hitler did put into motion some pretty good things. It no way makes up the the bad, but some are still used today (one example: our modern highway system..... divided roadway w/ the clover leaf on/off ramps).



Edited by KillJoy
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YEP look up luftwaffe 1946. Geniuses hitler could have easily won the war if not for a few mistakes, or at least drew it out long enough for these weapons to become effective. operation sealion (should have gone threw with it,fully) operation barbarosa (should have never happened)
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his biggest mistake was attacking russia, if he would have kept them as an alley long enough to dominate the Allied powers he might have been able to keep europe. then when he had enough manpower he might have been able to take russia later.


But allot of the technology we used on the B2 bomber design came from this plane, pretty interesting stuff.

also the jet plane if introduced earlier would have greatly helped them, but it to was introduced to late.

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The fact that the U.S. Government had this plane for more than 50 years makes me not surprised in the least that the B-2 bomber is modeled so closely to Hitler's design.


Truly fascinating stuff. Thanks for letting me know about this, as I'll be sure to try and TiVo the show...NatGeo FTW.

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The fact that the U.S. Government had this plane for more than 50 years makes me not surprised in the least that the B-2 bomber is modeled so closely to Hitler's design.


Truly fascinating stuff. Thanks for letting me know about this, as I'll be sure to try and TiVo the show...NatGeo FTW.


"Northrop Corporation built an all-wing airplane in 1927, but the first successful tailless, all-wing airplane in which the pilot and engines were housed inside the wing was the N-1M which flew for the first time in 1940. Over 200 successful flights were made by this plane, the forerunner of larger flying wings built by Northrop Corporation for the United States Air Force. In 1942, the N-9M was built. This was a 60-foot scale model of the bigger Flying Wing, B-35 and YB-49.”





his biggest mistake was attacking russia, if he would have kept them as an alley long enough to dominate the Allied powers he might have been able to keep europe. then when he had enough manpower he might have been able to take russia later.


But allot of the technology we used on the B2 bomber design came from this plane, pretty interesting stuff.

also the jet plane if introduced earlier would have greatly helped them, but it to was introduced to late.


FYI invading russia was operation barbarossa. :)



and just so it's clear the flying wing concept as well as the horten brothers design (the hitler plane in question) had nothing to do with making it "stealth" it's reduced radar cross section is just a by product of it's design. just like the SR-71.

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I find it hilarious that certain people here are impressed with Hitler because of good things that he did, yet condemn MJ for the bad things that he was accused of doing. Just saying...


I try and condemn everyone for the bad things they do, and not overlook the good. Are you suggesting that Michael's name be cleared since he was such a good enertainer? Should we discount any good ideas that came about during Hitler's regime? To do so would be foolish. A lot of people lost their lives during the "research" that was performed in the late 30's and early 40's, and to ignore the results simply because they lost their lives makes it even more of a waste and an affront to their sacrifice.

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I find it hilarious that certain people here are impressed with Hitler because of good things that he did, yet condemn MJ for the bad things that he was accused of doing. Just saying...



hitler had nothing to do with what we are discussing, we are talking about people who lived in hitlers germany. if anything hitler had a negative effect on weapons development

hitler wanted jet bombers so thats where most of the potential ME-262 engines went greatly depriving the luftwaffe of the jet fighter. this might have made sence in 1939 but not in 1944 when germany was on the defensive, they needed to stop our bombers.

secondly hitler refused to put the "german assault rifle" into production the weapon that the AK-47 was based off of, i'm not sure what they called it mp-44 doens't matter the point is he refused to produce it because he thought it was ugly because it was made out of stamped parts. keep in mind at this time in history germany was still using a bolt action as the standard infantry rifle.

hitler also wasted vasts amounts of time and money with big artillary that had no real effectiveness. there is lots more but thats all i can think of off the top of my head.

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Very neat find, "hilters lake" is also a neat one to read about.


The Germans were way ahead of everyone at that time, except on the

process to develop the Bomb. Heisenberg went the wrong way and Hitler

didn't help either. Heisenberg may have deliberately slowed development.

That is all good, or we wouldn't be keying right now!

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I try and condemn everyone for the bad things they do, and not overlook the good. Are you suggesting that Michael's name be cleared since he was such a good enertainer? Should we discount any good ideas that came about during Hitler's regime? To do so would be foolish. A lot of people lost their lives during the "research" that was performed in the late 30's and early 40's, and to ignore the results simply because they lost their lives makes it even more of a waste and an affront to their sacrifice.


There was a lot of critical human research that was done during WWII by the Nazi's. We would not have much of this information otherwise. This is no excuse for the loss of life, but I am sure many lives have been saved over the years with the information the Nazi docs obtained.



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I'll play devils advocate. How much did this cost to replicate? Is there any valuable benefit to spending this money on a project just to determine what might have happened? Knowledge is power I understand but certainly we could have made educated assumptions based on the prototype we have possesed for 50 years.
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I believe it is "The Man in the High Castle", there are a lot of books based on if the Nazis kept going and were victorious, but that's the most well known.


Speaking of alternate history- The documentary "the Confederate States of America" is thought-provoking, as well.


The Nazis had some brilliant minds working for them. I remember watching a documentary on a similar plan designed to fly to New York from Europe to bomb it- prototypes were being built, but the war ended, so it as well was never produced.

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German technology was incredibly advanced in a lot of places.


The Axis lost for a multitude of reasons not just tactical mistakes. Barbarossa, the Battle of the Atlantic, total war economies, industrial strength, individual leadership (not Hitler, Roosevelt, etc...), etc...

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