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New Traffic Laws

Dr. Apex

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Some new laws kick in today for us so I thought I'd put this out there.


1:Trucks can now do 65mph on interstates outside cities. I like this one, it's proven no more dangerous, more productive and the trucks were mostly going this fast anyway.


2:Lights and wipers on in the rain. This is obviously for safety but I don't like it as I say when lights and wipers are neccessary and though I havn't seen the wording on it it seems to leave a grey area determining what is "rain" and maybe a "sprinkle".


3:Move over for tow trucks. I like it, nothing wrong with moving over and leaving these guys alone to do their job. Think of it this way, do you want to be the one who has the driver thats come to help you out get hit by another car??



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2:Lights and wipers on in the rain.


While I don't disagree with the lights on (I tend to drive with them on all the time now) I do disagree with the wipers.


If I have rain-x on my window and don't feel the need to have the wipers on, I shouldn't have to. I already notice that my wipers can be off when raining and the cars that I'm passing have theirs on high.

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On the news last night, they broke it down to say that if you have your wipers on, your lights must be on.


But here's my question...do your headlights have to be on, or can you just have your fog lights on?

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Nothing wrong with those at all, wipers should be discretion of the driver. I would assume that it would keep people off the road if their wipers don't work, but most of those people stay off the road anyways. I could care less as a part of the driving system if people have their wipers on or not as long as they can see, lights I care more about.


You should move over for anyone on the side of the freeway if the vehicle is occupied.

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What if I'm using my windshield wiper fluid to clean my windows? Do I have to put my headlights on for that?


LOL I am glad I am not the only one that thought about that. I am sure you don't have to turn them on. I am happy they are making this a law. I always turn my lights on as soon as I turn my windshield wipers on when it is raining. You should have your headlights on in any adverse weather.

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If some dumbass has to have a law telling him/her when to turn their wipers on they shouldn't be allowed to share the road. WTF?!?! Can't see through the rain, turn on wipers, it's common sense. I hate common sense laws, shit for stupid people, and I hate stupid people. You're already supposed to have your lights on whenever it's dim outside, fucking retarded lawmakers dumbing it down so people can get dumber. I hate it.
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My Mazda has auto lights and wipers, but if it's raining and then stops for a few minutes to say 15 minutes as I drive into a clearing, yet it's still wet and cloudy, the wipers may only swipe once every 3-4-8 minutes when the sensor kicks in due to road mist, which again, works awesome. However, if everyone else is still using their standard delay wipers, will I be expected to have my lights on still?


My lights are automatic, and often in rain, they will come on as it can get dark out, but there are times they shut off because it's brighter and they aren't needed. However, what if a cop pulls me over and tries to ticket me yet my lights kicked off by themselves and I wasn't aware? During the day there's really no way to tell my lights are even on as the dash is LED and lights up the same either way.


Kinda vague really. Rain comes and goes and my lights and wipers kick on automatically. I'll bet cops have a hey-day trying to pull over all the cars without lights on.


Me: Sorry officer, my wipers turned off on their own as they are rain-sense wipers and my lights...they turned off too. Sorry, but I like the intelligent auto features my car has that others don't.


I'll wait and see. I'm not going to get stressed or force myself to concentrate on one more fucking thing while I'm driving. Hell, I've got music going, coffee to drink, and calls to make. "Sorry officer, no, I didn't see you sitting there in the middle of the road. 72mph keeps me safely plugging through traffic just fine sir."


I love the revenue generation the state is putting in place to try and nab more innocent drivers.


I say fuck the trucks at 65mph too. They are only doing it because they know for a fact that now 99% of drivers near a truck will be going 65-70+ to get around said truck and they can nab them for speeding. Trucks don't need to go 65mph. That's sure as hell not going to help them stop any faster when they get cut off by all the people trying to get around them. We need to have signs that keep them out of the left lane like other states. Fuck semi's passing one another!


It's all about the money folks. It's not about safety...that's only the marketing by-product hype they want you to believe. If it were about safety, they'd use cameras for speed and govern the speeds of our cars.

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Anyone else still want to try to pull under the bed of a big semi after seeing fast and furious. Every time I pass one I always think of that.


If it's raining, and you pull under the bed of the semi, and then it's technically not raining on your (now) sheltered car, but there's water from the road spraying from the truck's wheels so you keep your wipers on, THEN, do you still have to have your headlights on? :confused:


Good luck enforcing that one. But I'll betcha it happens soon, prolly to someone from CR. :nod:

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Trucks = 65... Cool

Wipers = Lights... My driver's ed teacher acted as if this were already a law. It's really simple. If the wiper is moving due to precipitation, you turn on the lights. That simple. And no, windshield washer fluid doesn't count. Fair question, though, is whether cars equipped with DRL's have to switch to low beams.

Tow trucks... This is just freakin' common sense.

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Actually, the trucks at 65mph makes a TON of sense. There have been many DOT studies that have shown a big DROP in semi/car accidents when speed limits are the same.


Yes, but there have also been a number of studies that show the opposite. When the Ohio Turnpike Commission raised the speed limit on toll roads to 65mph thus trying to draw in revenue, their own study showed a 32% increase in accidents. The next year that same statistic went to 40%. 2005-2006


The American Society for Civil Engineers reported that split speed limits made little difference. That study was done in 2006.


The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that accidents and deaths increased with higher speed limits for all vehicles.


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is even behind the limiting of speeds on trucks to no more than 65mph completely. Many carriers have speed limiters installed right now. Conway Freight is one that limits their trucks to 62mph. The Ontario Trucking Association supports these limiters too stating safety and fuel efficiency as key reasons.


Bottom line is regardless of what the speeds of each vehicle are, passenger vehicle drivers do not like driving directly next a semi. Many don't like driving behind them either, so now you're going to increase the speed they will travel to get around them and put them in their mirrors. What they are likely going to be doing in response isn't right, but it is a reality.


That said an accident at any speed, will be worse at higher speeds, so the reality is that stopping that 50-80,000lb 18 wheeler is going to be more deadly for those involved in such wrecks. After all, it's not the 65mph that is the killer, it's the impact during a wreck, now at an additional 10mph or more that will be fatal.

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Stupid question, but does this raise the limit on 23 South toward Portsmouth from 55 to 65? It has been 55 for cars and trucks for as long as I can remember.

Unlikely. It's meant for freeways where cars have been 65, but trucks 55.

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Interstate only for the truck speed limit, no other roads.


Tim, while I agree about "more speed" when it comes to wrecks it is proven having all traffic at the same speed is helpful to traffic. People having a problem passing these trucks is "their" problem and it's all about "their" attitude while their driving. Most accidents involving trucks and cars are instigated by the cars because they act ignorantly around the trucks and the truck drivers end up crashing trying to involove these impatient drivers.


It's as simple as this: Trucks bring us everything we need so we all need to be respectful torwards them as the road is their workplace. How would you like to be told to stay out of other peoples way while your at your job?? Remember this too....in an accident of you vs. a truck you will lose everytime!!

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