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I got a OMVI


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I hate to be the one to turn this thread upside down...


But Im glad you got pulled over. And Im glad this will help you think more clearly the next time you have the option to get behind a wheel.


My Aunt and Uncle were killed by a drunk driver. He plowed through a red light as they were coming through the intersection, because he thought he was following tail lights. Either way if he was following tail lights, someone else would have been plowed pretty hard from behind. To top it off he was driving a semi with a fully loaded trailer.


Driving under the influence is no joke. Even if its just a little bit. You can never replace a person. Everything else is just material things.

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With Kevin on this one. As a first-time hit, I hope it doesn't break you, but I'd say the price tag is just about right. Coming clean on the board is a good step, I'm glad you owned up rather than starting a rant like so many others would.


And yes, I am biased towards MUCH harsher laws on multi-DUI offenders...My cousin and Aunt(mother and daughter, in two accidents years apart), five friends in high school(one accident), and three friends who went away to college and never came home. Yeah, they can't be harsh enough for me.

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With Kevin on this one. As a first-time hit, I hope it doesn't break you, but I'd say the price tag is just about right. Coming clean on the board is a good step, I'm glad you owned up rather than starting a rant like so many others would.


And yes, I am biased towards MUCH harsher laws on multi-DUI offenders...My cousin and Aunt(mother and daughter, in two accidents years apart), five friends in high school(one accident), and three friends who went away to college and never came home. Yeah, they can't be harsh enough for me.


sorry to hear about that bud :(

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Now I know I will get crucified for even posting this from the holier than thou side but I will accept what ever flames I may get in trying to educate those from avoiding my fate. It really is not worth it!


I did it, I got caught, and there is no denying it. I believe about every state is .08 limit on breath and .11 if its urine. My urine came back .117, and I was fine and dont argue with me here! I got pulled over by the Highway Patrol for simply no use of a turn signal and it snow balled from there.


I know there is those here weather they will admit it or not drive after drinking. I admit I love my beer on the weekends and like bouncing a few of the bars. There is nothing wrong with that but try to be responsible about it.


Either have someone drive you, dont do it at all, or at least know your limit. I never figured I would get caught but I did and I am paying the price now. I do try to be responsible in that I would never attempt to drive after getting totally shit faced.


After everything is said and done it will probably cost me about 5 grand for a 1st time offense. If your going to do it at least pick you a little insurance. Ebay has portable breathalyzers ranging from 10 bucks to a grand. Hind sight is always 20/20 and if I would of had one of these I never would of got behind the wheel until I knew I was well under the limit.





Take it for whats its worth and avoid my fate at all cost as this has not been fun in anyway.


Flame suit on



So I'll admit I have NOT read any response's to your initial post but I have to ask. It doesnt seem like your asking for advice and you know what you did wrong so why did you even post about it?! Yeah we get it, you got an OMVI (which is different than a DUI fyi) but why do you feel the need to communicate this with everyone on CR?! Do you want to fly a flag that says "hey im a dumbass and got caught for it everyone look at me!"?!?


Despite all of that I do agree with you, I think more people do it than will admit to it. Thankfully I live less than a half mile from all the bars I frequent and can catch a ride or walk if a need to (on a night like tonight no less). Working in the bar industry for the past few years Ive seen my fair share of people driving who shouldnt even be walking under the influence. Yeah you fucked up but at least you can admit it, have fun with you 5k$ bill when your done with that I'll buy you a beer ;)

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So I'll admit I have NOT read any response's to your initial post but I have to ask. It doesnt seem like your asking for advice and you know what you did wrong so why did you even post about it?! Yeah we get it, you got an OMVI (which is different than a DUI fyi) but why do you feel the need to communicate this with everyone on CR?! Do you want to fly a flag that says "hey im a dumbass and got caught for it everyone look at me!"?!?





Quoted from first paragraph of my initial post is the reason I posted it.


Originally Posted by mrtbolt64 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

Now I know I will get crucified for even posting this from the holier than thou side but I will accept what ever flames I may get in trying to educate those from avoiding my fate. It really is not worth it!

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Quoted from first paragraph of my initial post is the reason I posted it.


Originally Posted by mrtbolt64

Now I know I will get crucified for even posting this from the holier than thou side but I will accept what ever flames I may get in trying to educate those from avoiding my fate. It really is not worth it!



So you posted this to 'educate' everyone not to make the mistake you did?! Consider me educated sir. But I am far from holier than thou, I guess I just dont understand why some people decide to share their whole lives with CR?? Yeah it sucks what you have to go through and you seem like your owning up to your own mistake but why share it unless you need advice or something tangible like a lawyer?

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ONE WORD.... SHAMANSKY... having been involved in many OVI he would be the best attorney for you.


and his first action will be to bitch slap his client for posting anything about the whole case on the internet. the second will be to have further followed up said post with replies. :rolleyes:

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I think its kind of bullshit ..........some people can handle their shit better then others.......no offense to people who have had accidents with their family involved...but I think a shitload of people could drive just fine after drinking over .08. I used to drink and drive alot.......with a lot of alcohol in my system......and I simply got lucky as shit......I now use my girlfriend or friend to drive due to my love of the booze.....but I think a usual drinker can drink .08 without a buzz and drive fine.
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I think its kind of bullshit ..........some people can handle their shit better then others.......no offense to people who have had accidents with their family involved...but I think a shitload of people could drive just fine after drinking over .08. I used to drink and drive alot.......with a lot of alcohol in my system......and I simply got lucky as shit......I now use my girlfriend or friend to drive due to my love of the booze.....but I think a usual drinker can drink .08 without a buzz and drive fine.


And I think you're an idiot.

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I think its kind of bullshit ..........some people can handle their shit better then others.......no offense to people who have had accidents with their family involved...but I think a shitload of people could drive just fine after drinking over .08. I used to drink and drive alot.......with a lot of alcohol in my system......and I simply got lucky as shit......I now use my girlfriend or friend to drive due to my love of the booze.....but I think a usual drinker can drink .08 without a buzz and drive fine.


The line must be drawn somewhere; most people who can legally drink probably can not function properly whilst intoxicated.

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