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Married Folks with Families type question


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So if your boss walked up to you and asked you to work from 5 PM to 2 AM would you do it?


Benefits (sort of)


- 10% shift differential pay increase

- Work from home every day of the week except for maybe one day where you got to go in for a meeting.

- Doing possibly less work, but getting paid more.

- Not dealing with some assholes at work I really don't like.

- Being able to make dinner every night for my family considering my wife can't cook for shit.

- Saving $40 a week or so in gas not driving to work every day.

The bad?


- Stuck in your home most of the day.

- I bowl regularly on Friday nights. That would be out (it's kind of a big deal for me since my entire family bowls on the same league).

- Not being able to spend much time with your family since you're working in your office all night and they are in school all day.

- Shitty hours. period.


I know all of the single guys would probably say yes to this. What about the family guys out there? I thought about this earlier today. All the goods. The extra money would be f'n awesome and I can pay off bills faster. Then I got to thinking of me being stuck in the house all week going stir crazy. The extra pay would be easily a few extra hundread a week in the bank. Roughly the size of a decent car payment. (No, i'm not going to get a new car either, I have other priorities that need taken care of first).


Just wondering what you folks would do. And remember, money isn't everything. I had a bunch of more "bad" than "good" when I was thinking hard about it earlier, but I can't remember them yet. It'll come back to me.

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no family, but a g/f. if i could work from home, i would. unfortunately, with my job, i cant work that late...we have people who W@H now, but i guess theyre not doing that anymore. id love it for the sheer fact i wouldnt have to deal with office people all day
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Tough question. Would be nice in the summertime when the kids are home. With both pre-teen kids and teenage kids, I think it would be very difficult to spend time with them. Not sure of the actual demands of your job, but does it allow for any free time to roam about and see the kids while working? With the info you gave, and after just quiting a job where I spent the week nights without my family, I would have to say I couldnt do it.
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All the people I see who work on their computers from home get fat quickly. If your not sure but feel you may want to try it, I would suggest not. I have seen people lose their jobs for goofy reasons like, they replace you instead of telling you they would rather have you switch back, someone else stands up in the office and since your boss dont have a face to put towards who he needs to keep employed he lets Bob keep his.
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I hate working 12 to 9 cause I don't get to spend time with them during the week as there ready for bed when I get home. Its not even that late too



Goodluck man like u said money isant everything but do u have a choice to switch back? Mabey do this for a few months?

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Dude, you are the ONLY person who can answer that question.

Seen alot of friends hate life after switching shifts like that with a family. Think it through carefully.


yeah, I know. I just posted it to get some other opinions that I may have not thought about.


I'm thinking about asking my boss for a "month trial basis". If after a month I don't like it, I can go back. I'm sure that would fly for him, but I'm just not sure on the commitment of the deal quite yet.


Sure there are pleanty of goods about saving money, being at home, etc.


My job during the day consists of talking on the phone doing Tier 2-3 support for bankers fixing their problems with PC's. I wouldn't be doing much of that while at home, but probably 20% of my time would be that. The other would be monitoring a queue, restarting some services, rebooting servers. Pretty easy shit.

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My g/f just got offered something similar at the bank she works at and she decided she would rather not be stuck at home all the time. I agree with that. It might be good at first but later it might start sucking.


I like the normal going to work everyday.

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Would it put a strain on your relationship. Would she look past the fact that although your there physically, your not daddy or husband and work comes first.


naa. not at all. She's not that type of person. She understands when I'm on call for a certain week, I put in roughly 80-100 hours a week and she knows not to bother me when I'm down here. It wouldn't be much change at all.

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I always look at the reasons people list when they ask these questions and that will usually tell which way they are leaning. For example. You list 6 good things and only 4 bad things. So it appears you've put some thought into why you should do it.

How old are your kids? I personally would never do anything that would take away from my family time unless I was forced too but that's me. You never hear someone on their death bed say they wished they would've worked more. Those are some nasty hours too but they're at home hours right? So you'd get to see your kids off to bed at night and things like that?? It'd be a tough decision probably but I would choose whichever afforded me more time with my kids.

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8 years working second shift here... Working 2-11 or 3-12 is really bad with kids. The 10% is good but then you blink and your son is 10 years old... litterally (today is my sons birthday).


In your case you dont have to go to work until 5 and you will be at home. I say do it.

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I would do it in a new york minute... (of course this is coming from the guy who is working from home today)


I log on every night for work for at least an hour if not more... if I could work from home all the time, 2nd shift wouldn't bother me.... (of course it depends on the job) I could still squeeze out a little time to help my daughter with her homework and stuff... plus we could all still have dinner, etc together and I'm only a room away... besides, it's an excuse to not have to watch all those stupid reality shows with my wife and kid :)

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my life motto makes my answer easy

"I work to live, I DO NOT live to work"

family 1st, no matter what

i would rather live in a smaller house and have less money to do things, than to make lots of money and live in a huge fucking house and never see/think about my wife/kids because my "career" was all i had time for


for my answer to your question - i wouldn't do it man, it's going to be terrible working those hours with a family, especially if you not being FORCED to do it.



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would he let you 'test drive' it? maybe try it for 2 weeks and see how it goes... see how much you actually do spend with the fam and see how the extra few bucks feels in the bank.


but if theres more bad than good.... its usually worse, and thus a no.


im not a family guy though...just my .02

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