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Do you know what really grinds my gears.....

Jizzle Juice

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Irony! Bet you miss slamming 2nd gear don't you :p


ahahahahaa i wish i coudl +rep you lol





another thing that gringsa my gears dudes who look around while at a urinal. fucking brandon the homo looked over an my cock while i was peeing gayyyy

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ahahahahaa i wish i coudl +rep you lol





another thing that gringsa my gears dudes who look around while at a urinal. fucking brandon the homo looked over an my cock while i was peeing gayyyy


you lying sac of shit! Its not my fault you piss with your pants at your ankles!

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  • 2 weeks later...
....people who cant drive, dont listen, who doesnt know what your account is negative means :mad: paul since this past weekend, girls who dont give it up on the first date, and people who wear flipflops in the damn winter!!!! WTF Theres more but that was bugging me


going into second gear?

sorry brandon i had to do it .



dang mopar beat me to it

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....people who cant drive, dont listen, who doesnt know what your account is negative means :mad: paul since this past weekend, girls who dont give it up on the first date, and people who wear flipflops in the damn winter!!!! WTF Theres more but that was bugging me


mopar beat me to it sry bc

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....people who cant drive, dont listen, who doesnt know what your account is negative means :mad: paul since this past weekend, girls who dont give it up on the first date, and people who wear flipflops in the damn winter!!!! WTF Theres more but that was bugging me


McSteaks, they happen.

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LOL correction DROVE a neon


from that statement the neon is what you choose to correct me on? :p


well your the boss pubebert, what happens when ball hair intertwines with your chin pubes? do you guys get stuck together?

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umm......i like pan cakes? did you know that already? if i go snowboarding this year with you then we are going to hit up waffle house at least once.


im down. i alreaddy spoke with rob he said hes down for a weekend trip to a resort. i think he said seven springs . so we can ac tualyl do a real mountin. an yea waffel house ftw!

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