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Why we need health care reform


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It's shit like that. The insurance company obviously knows whats best for the patient I mean there wallets. You can say well this is a extreme case.


Bull shit my wife has a medical necessity to wear compression stockings. Now they are custom and cost 270+ and need new ones any time her leg shrinks more or 2 months.


I do have a FSA which I keep putting more and more in it each year, It's empty already. and it seems like I'm paying more and more for my shit.


Why does a pill I take cost 8$ per pill? . The reason I know the price is because I had to pay out of my pocket once because the online pharmacy I'm forced to use by my insurance had not processed my prescription. So I had to pay at a pharmacy full price.


Everyone wants to bitch and moan about universal health care. Get a bigger FSA, Do tax write offs blah blah blah. I pay more for my copays I pay more for my per month and I get less and less.


I'm trying to get my eggs all in order to buy a house so I can finally start actually itemzing and take advantage of the tax breaks.




I play WoW (Yes I'm a nerd) with quite a few Canadians and they've told me there system works pretty well. If we had a system in place that did not fuck people over it would be hard for the companies to compete.






Sorry I'm sure I will be flamed as I know we have some die hard republicans on here. But blah fuck it I'm sick of watching my costs go up and my coverage go down. I also have the highelest level of insurance offered via my work.




I do feel people have a right to healthcare and insurance companies should have standards they keep.







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No rushing is not going to work .

But I do think people have a right. Thats my belief. Again like I said I talk to candians on a daily basis and I ask them tons of questions about there pros and cons and what not.


one of them just had a baby and how the care was through that. Its just blah

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Is our system perfect? No.


Is a rush-the-shit-into-law method the way to fix it? No.




While I do agree that there are aspects of our system that need looked into, I don't think a .gov take-over is the way to do it. The .gov will NEVER do anything as well as the private sector, though, I would agree that the private sector needs some attention and 'guidance'.


To me, this universal healthcare bullshit is just another form of welfare for the trash of society to mooch off of, and the common man to foot the bill for.


And you have precisely 10 RIGHTS in this country. You might have heard of them before. I don't recall healthcare being one of them.

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I agree, it's insurance reform that's needed, not health care reform. Personally, I don't believe in Universal Health Care. I am not at all interested in paying for everyone to be covered. I work hard enough and pay enough of my own money to cover my own family, I don't need the burden of others.


Now in terms of health insurance companies, I can also see there side of things in this case. Bottom line is this patient is pretty much fucked regardless. They are simply making a business decision. They aren't preventing her care or treatment, they just aren't going to pay for it. I don't entirely agree, but again, just am looking at things from all sides.


IMO, the insurance companies are also being beat to death. We live in a society where drug addicts, smokers and what nearly 50% of the population is fat. Fuck them all...let those that have "hand-to-mouth" disease, smokers and those addicted to drugs fend for themselves or pay higher rates. There's no reason why I should pay the increased premiums for their unhealthy asses to be sick all the time.


May sound mean, but Darwinism is real and perhaps we should let it begin to impact society a bit more. People don't respond unless they are forced to.


Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.

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I agree, it's insurance reform that's needed, not health care reform. Personally, I don't believe in Universal Health Care. I am not at all interested in paying for everyone to be covered. I work hard enough and pay enough of my own money to cover my own family, I don't need the burden of others.


Now in terms of health insurance companies, I can also see there side of things in this case. Bottom line is this patient is pretty much fucked regardless. They are simply making a business decision. They aren't preventing her care or treatment, they just aren't going to pay for it. I don't entirely agree, but again, just am looking at things from all sides.


IMO, the insurance companies are also being beat to death. We live in a society where drug addicts, smokers and what nearly 50% of the population is fat. Fuck them all...let those that have "hand-to-mouth" disease, smokers and those addicted to drugs fend for themselves or pay higher rates. There's no reason why I should pay the increased premiums for their unhealthy asses to be sick all the time.


May sound mean, but Darwinism is real and perhaps we should let it begin to impact society a bit more. People don't respond unless they are forced to.


Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.


This man should get a trophy or something. Or maybe just some +rep.

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May sound mean, but Darwinism is real and perhaps we should let it begin to impact society a bit more. People don't respond unless they are forced to.


Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.


O wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is!

O brave new world!

That has such people in't.

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Tim, Extremely well put.


I've been on the loosing side of health care costs this year but universal health care is NOT a solution.



I agree, it's insurance reform that's needed, not health care reform. Personally, I don't believe in Universal Health Care. I am not at all interested in paying for everyone to be covered. I work hard enough and pay enough of my own money to cover my own family, I don't need the burden of others.


Now in terms of health insurance companies, I can also see there side of things in this case. Bottom line is this patient is pretty much fucked regardless. They are simply making a business decision. They aren't preventing her care or treatment, they just aren't going to pay for it. I don't entirely agree, but again, just am looking at things from all sides.


IMO, the insurance companies are also being beat to death. We live in a society where drug addicts, smokers and what nearly 50% of the population is fat. Fuck them all...let those that have "hand-to-mouth" disease, smokers and those addicted to drugs fend for themselves or pay higher rates. There's no reason why I should pay the increased premiums for their unhealthy asses to be sick all the time.


May sound mean, but Darwinism is real and perhaps we should let it begin to impact society a bit more. People don't respond unless they are forced to.


Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.

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I think we need a system where the rich pay for it, and I can do whatever I want to my body because the system will cover it. Hell, if I want to see what it is like to break my leg and I do, let the system cover it.


I personally don't like the way the insurance companies have caused the health care system to become a money laundering scheme, but that's what freedom is. The constitution says "the pursuit of happiness" not that the gov't will survey everyone tri-annually to ensure happiness.


BTW, the pharmacies in Canada are inexpensive and subsidized. You roll into a hospital with lymphoma and they tell you about how long you are going to live. They aren't in a big rush to spend $400,000 on you.

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Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.




I see the whole health care reform issue as a moral and ethical issue. There are far too many lawsuits, loop-holes, and money grubbers for the insurance companies and health care providers to ever make a profit, or even a mild living. If people would simply follow the common sense rules already in place, rather than bending them to their will, we wouldn't have near the number of issues we have now. This rule applies to much, much more than simply health care by the way.

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People take universal to far, I think we need reform and not just insurance




-United states is the only place where drug companies spend money on advertising. why?

-So much money is wasted on the free shit, drug companies send to doctors; to have them use certian drugs.

-How come if you have insurance a drug cost x much and if you dont it is cheaper?

-one of the main reasons why doctors are so expensive in america is because people are sue happy faggots, if something goes wrong, even if nobody was at fault!


-Also, you should have to pass an alcohol,tobacco and drug screen before any goverment money. also, if you are given goverment money you should have to use a special card to pay for stuff so people know you are wasting goverment money.

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I hate government involvement, and the fact that they feel the need to take control of our lives is bullshit. All the overhead expenses a doctor must incur is a major part of the problem, so why not help aleiviate some of that. Help the doctors and hospitals get costs down, and drive down the costs for everyone, me, you, insurance, and everybody. No, instead lets make most of us pay more. My wife carries our insurance, and busts her ass at 2 jobs to make ends meet, why in the hell should we pay more for lazy fuckers to get healthcare because that's how I see it?


If you can't afford to live, then die.

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Why not bail on your shitty corporate insurance and get good private insurance? Probably be about the same cost.


Last perscription I needed were antibiotics. After handing them my insurance card, they said it was 58 cents or some bullshit. I was embarrased for having to swipe my debit card since I didn't have a single bill on me. Last time I went to the doc, it was $20 copay or something dumb, not even enough to give a shit. And I have a midrange plan at my company.

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Now in terms of health insurance companies, I can also see there side of things in this case. Bottom line is this patient is pretty much fucked regardless. They are simply making a business decision. They aren't preventing her care or treatment, they just aren't going to pay for it. I don't entirely agree, but again, just am looking at things from all sides.


IMO, the insurance companies are also being beat to death. We live in a society where drug addicts, smokers and what nearly 50% of the population is fat. Fuck them all...let those that have "hand-to-mouth" disease, smokers and those addicted to drugs fend for themselves or pay higher rates. There's no reason why I should pay the increased premiums for their unhealthy asses to be sick all the time.


May sound mean, but Darwinism is real and perhaps we should let it begin to impact society a bit more. People don't respond unless they are forced to.


Let's start forcing people to get healthy

Let's start forcing people to get an education

Let's start forcing people to be accountable for themselves

Let's start making people who receive hand-outs, pay back or earn those handouts.


EXACTLY! Its capitalism at its best, the company is only doing what the company does. Make money and by doing so they're going to make the smartest BUSINESS decision possible to help itself stay profitable.


The real issue here is how to take capitalism out of healthcare so there's no combating issues of wether or not the healthcare provided is both good for the company and good for the patient. Goodluck.


Oh and Tim, you cant MAKE people do those things. Those are thing's people SHOULD do regardless but dont simply because its easier not to.

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The real issue here is how to take capitalism out of healthcare so there's no combating issues of wether or not the healthcare provided is both good for the company and good for the patient. Goodluck.



There ya go.


I just finished watching 'Sicko' last week, one of Michael Moore's documentarys. If you get a chance, spend the 2 hours watching it. It looks at England, Canada, France and Cuba's universal healthcare systems, as well as our current system. One chick pays $120, twice a month, for her inhaler here. The same inhaler(very similar) was 5 cents US when she went to Cuba, saw a physician there, got a prescription, and had it filled. She, BTW, was a volunteer during 911 that developed lung related issues from all the dust at ground zero while she was volunteering, and our government wont cover her healthcare costs. They talk to doctors as well as patients in all 4 countries. It was a real eye opener. Granted, it is steered toward showing how bad our current healthcare system is, but damn, I walked away from it pretty pissed off at how healthcare in the US seems to revolve around capitalism and not what's best for the patient. It is on TMC right now, but I think its available at video stores too. Its done in 2007.

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Oh and Tim, you cant MAKE people do those things. Those are thing's people SHOULD do regardless but dont simply because its easier not to.


what I meant by "force" is to make it difficult. you're spot on with folks not doing it because it's easier.


She, BTW, was a volunteer during 911 that developed lung related issues from all the dust at ground zero while she was volunteering, and our government wont cover her healthcare costs.


but looking at the flip side and how people in this country are, there would be literally thousands of folks attempting to claim similar "cover me for free" illnesses related to volunteer work. I agree with the gov't in these cases. She needs to cover her own issues.


I walked away from it pretty pissed off at how healthcare in the US seems to revolve around capitalism and not what's best for the patient.


I have the movie and will have to get around to watching it. Health Care here though is among the best around in terms of quality, that I'll leave for the medical professionals here to step in on. You don't quality without paying them for the hard work and efforts. Doctors make good money, but in reality, they should.


Insurance companies are businesses too. Profit isn't a bad thing and they too can make money. The issue becomes they are taking risks and we as a society are growing more and more risky to cover. Not just lawsuit wise and costs associated with "damages" but mainly in terms of we are fat, lazy, and are killing ourselves in more ways than helping ourselves. I for one would wright a policy on my neighbor either.


We need to get to the root of the problem. Reduce risks and make those that are higher risks pay a lot more. We make high risk drivers buy special insurances, perhaps it should be the same way with health care.


That's what I mean by making people accountable. Reward those that are fit, penalize those that aren't and in some cases, let Darwin take over.

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Yeah I think you’re on to something. The government telling me how many times I can go to the hospital a year, or telling me what procedures I'm allowed to have done. Yep, I can't wait till the government can control every aspect of my life. I'll just pay them a shit load in taxes and they can make up my mind for me! :rolleyes: Fuck that!


The reason America has some of the best heath care in the world is because of the way it’s set up now. Imagine if your trip to the hospital/ doctor was like a trip to the BMV or to the post office.

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i don't see the problem. health insurance company raping you? either switch companies or do without the insurance all together. there isn't any reason someone shouldn't be able to cover basic yearly medical expenses on there own, considering how much everyone pays to an insurance company each year(you really think your getting your as much treatment as the money your putting in? if so, maybe you should be more concerned about your own safety in every day life). you(and this lady) can also work out deals with the hospital to make monthly payments on a surgery or anything major like this.


speaking of this lady, was she or her doctor just being stubborn? the alternative treatment was put on the table by the insurance company, and, the way the article reads, they refused it? or, as i mentioned, they didn't hash out a payment plan so she could cover the original treatment her self? if she couldn't afford it, then she must have screwed up somewhere in life(not saying i'm perfect by any means, but it's the truth). it's so much better living life paralyzed with a tumor in your head knowing that you didn't give in to evil corporate america i guess.


insurance companies aren't the problem, it's all the ignorant consumers who don't know how to manage money. if they did know how, they would be able to save some for an emergency rather than relying on an insurance company to store the money for them. universal healthcare isn't free, your paying the same amount no matter how few or how many times you go to the hospital. live life to only make yourself happy(without harming others), screw this "greater good" bullshit. if being a lard ass makes me happy, then so be it. this is my life(as well as my medical bills for my unhealthy lifestyle), not yours.

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EXACTLY! Its capitalism at its best, the company is only doing what the company does. Make money and by doing so they're going to make the smartest BUSINESS decision possible to help itself stay profitable.


The real issue here is how to take capitalism out of healthcare so there's no combating issues of wether or not the healthcare provided is both good for the company and good for the patient. Goodluck.


Oh and Tim, you cant MAKE people do those things. Those are thing's people SHOULD do regardless but dont simply because its easier not to.


Why not use capitalism to fight these companies, by deciding which insurance company offers the best deal? Why not get one of those healthcare savings accounts through your company, and use that to pay for a private insurance company?

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It's shit like that. The insurance company obviously knows whats best for the patient I mean there wallets. You can say well this is a extreme case.


Taking out the rest of it, and looking at the story. You did see her Insurance provider is Blue Shield of CA, which is a Not for Profit company.




Blue Shield of California, an independent member of the Blue Shield Association, is a not-for-profit health plan dedicated to providing Californians with access to high-quality health care at a reasonable price.


Not like it is United Healthcare, Aetna, etc... This is a Not For Profit company, who is trying to promote "Healthcare for Everyone" denying her.

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Why not bail on your shitty corporate insurance and get good private insurance? Probably be about the same cost.


Last perscription I needed were antibiotics. After handing them my insurance card, they said it was 58 cents or some bullshit. I was embarrased for having to swipe my debit card since I didn't have a single bill on me. Last time I went to the doc, it was $20 copay or something dumb, not even enough to give a shit. And I have a midrange plan at my company.




Private insurance costing less your silly. So what your telling me is your lucky enough to not have anything major wrong that costs constant maintence such as diabetes



Everyone wants to say OHHH I DONT WANT TO PLAY FOR THAT LAZY FUCK. You know 1 motorcycle wreck car wreck fall down the stairs catch cancer will change your entire life and now your in the same boat I am were your like wow this shit blows ass.



Torte reform is one thing that needs to happen but, I welcome Universal health care if thats the only way I can see some change in how our system works.



Its complete bull shit.



Every person I hear bitch about not wanting to pay for someone else is 1 major incident away from changing there tone.

Edited by Thorne
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