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In this thread you will post ideas for saving America


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My idea that will never happen:



Stop giving out citizenship just because you were born here.

Make everyone take the same citizenship test immigrants are required to take. If you dont pass when you are 18, you can still live here; but you can't vote and you pay higher taxes.


A citizenship purgatory, if you will.

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best idea yet on this semi socialist forum you communist fucks





Mandatory driving tests every 5 years. During the tests your driving history is reviewed and you have to show you are a competent driver in real life traffic... I call it the keep Paul off the streets initiative.

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My idea that will never happen:



Stop giving out citizenship just because you were born here.

Make everyone take the same citizenship test immigrants are required to take. If you dont pass when you are 18, you can still live here; but you can't vote and you pay higher taxes.


A citizenship purgatory, if you will.


This is a great idea, it would lower the drop-out rate of highschoolers, hopefully increase the intelligence of those who would otherwise drop-out.

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-/automization....can't have Americans working if a fucking robot is doing it all.


-Dont allow companies based in the US, but make their goods over seas to sell said product here in the states. You wanna live here and run your business here, then you had better make your product here.


-Quit giving welfare to those that are lazy and would rather make babies and turn it into a career. Give it to people that are actually working, no more of this "single mother of 2 who is waitress MAKES TOO MUCH MONEY" bullshit.


-Legalize Pot (I don't even smoke) but millions are wasted each year in "the effort" to rid the US of drugs. Pots one thing, might as well legalize it and profit from it.


-Have a cap on how much a pro athlete can make, there is no man in this world worth 50mil to run, jump, throw or swing sorry.


-Bring back MTV that actually plays music lol


-Stop downloading music/movies...you are part of the problem people. Its the same as stealing not to mention your putting the music industry out of business, which will put stores that sell cd's/dvd's out of business. Suck it up and pay the 15-20 bucks or go without.


I have many more ideas but thats enough for now

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- Have a 3rd party audit of every government office or tax funded operation (police, fire, courts etc.) every year including local, state and federal to keep them honest.

- No special “privileges” or “benefits” in holding office. You speak for the people, which should be privilege enough.

- Limit terms in office for all.

- Get rid of the Electoral College and let the people speak!

- Get rid of ALL political parties. Why have separation or labels in office, it should be the party of the people.

- VOTE on whether or not we go to war!

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:lol: Because the average joe is the best source of knowledge about global conflict.


Not now, but if we put it on the people they would have to make an informed decision. Right now some people don't know whats going on, only because they don't need to. It's out of their hands. But put the responcibility on the people and they will be forced to make an informed decision.

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Not now, but if we put it on the people they would have to make an informed decision. Right now some people don't know whats going on, only because they don't need to. It's out of their hands. But put the responcibility on the people and they will be forced to make an informed decision.


The US military isn't designed to "serve" the people, nor are they appointed by the people. Less civilian involvement is all for the better of the military. Personally, that'll only lead to more politics in the military, which in turn leads to more complications. More complications for men on the ground = Death.



I mean I know voting works, hell Ted Kennedy's still in office......

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The US military isn't designed to "serve" the people, nor are they appointed by the people. Less civilian involvement is all for the better of the military. Personally, that'll only lead to more politics in the military, which in turn leads to more complications. More complications for men on the ground = Death.



I mean I know voting works, hell Ted Kennedy's still in office......


Hummm.... let me think about that, you make a good point...

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Corporate responsibility... no more sovereign entity, limited liability, etc... Whoever is on top (making the most money) gets to live and die with the company. If your company makes a billion dollars, you get a fair share. If your company kills someone, you go on trial for it. If your company loses a ton of money, YOUR ASS IS BROKE. Maybe then we wouldn't have companies getting by on handouts from the Fed and the managers walking away to retire on their 120' yacht while their company pumps sludge into river water and gives kids cancer.


You know, for the kids' sake.

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if two people f*(k and form a child then seperate. child support should not go to any agency, or parent but into a savings accound for the child and they get it when they turn 18 for college. or to get away from the stupid parent
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