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Have you wrecked?


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Street riding:

once, dodging an oncoming car, in my lane, in a corner :( ...


twice, (Nelson Ledges) highside out of the carousel (pushing the rear end to hard) and got a false neutral into 12 -- figured I would save it in the grass and hit a car rut

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The whole arguing about group rides being dangerous thing has made me curious.

Have you wrecked?

If so, how many people were you riding with?

What caused the wreck?

Once, late last year(4th year riding) and would be my fault. I was by myself and figured I was good as I had cleared the fog that left visibility at 30yds. I was on the way to work on I-70 West coming up to Miller Kelton. I needed to merge 1 lane right to get onto 670W so I glanced right to make sure it was clear. Before I could get look back ahead of me, everyone decided they wanted to stop for no reason. I managed to get the bike as far as I could right to avoid it, but no dice. Clipped the left edge of the bike on his bumper/brake light, and my knee into his metal bumper (Denting the metal). I stayed on the bike and coasted until I could get off the road. (Bike damage: Plastic Front, Left Middle/Lower, Tank Cover, and minor clip/dent on radiator(Missed frame/subframe!) Me: bruised knee cap and large scrape down my shin from the peg.

Edited by SJC1000rr
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You couldn't have cropped the photo just of your "injury"?

I could've went without seeing boy-body, c'mon man. We know the ladies on the site love you, but we kinda outnumber them.


So in other words, his pic got you all kinds of horny? You're a sick fucker:fruit:

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Wrecked once. It was a newbie mistake the first year I had my motorcycle. It was morning and still cold outside, I was leaving to ride to work and hit the gas too hard when starting to turn right. Bike came out from underneath me and slid for about 20ft on its right side. Frame sliders saved most of the damage, but new right fairing, bar end, and mirror.

Almost wrecked once on a group ride. Came into a left hand turn too hot, got spooked and looked straight ahead as I slammed on the brakes. Saved it about 3 inches from going down a hill into a forest full of stuff that wasnt good for me or my bike.

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Low side at the gap, Thought I was out of the turn looking at the next one next thing I know bike is sliding away from me in to a rock wall. got a little excited is all.

Low side, putnam park bus stop. pushed the front end farther than I was comfortable with at the time, throttle chop loaded the already maxed out front end. could have been saved just made the wrong move.

Highside- turn 9 putnam, never saw it coming a guy tucked his front end inside me, bike slid into my rear end knocked it loose then it hooked up and I tried to fly, at 220lb without wings it didnt work to well.

If ur gonna crash atleast try and be good at it.. The putnam crashes were back to back sessions. The high side ended my season. 7-29-07.last year lots of miles and track days/ races. nada crash!!!!!!!!much more fun that way..

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I haven't wrecked, but my wife dumped her scooter a week after getting her temps.

She was unable to make a left hand turn and went off the rode to the right into gravel,

and applied both brakes, down she went.

I did witness one wreck last summer while riding with Kosmo, MadMax, Thomez, and Shittygsxr.

Kosmo got a little carried away and went to wide into a right hand curve, caught the left hand

curb I think and he highsided.

Edited by SWing'R
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Witnessed this wreck. it happened during the photo shoot at Fontana during the Busa Bash. He is a fantastic rider. Posted speed for the turn was 30, he was doing a little faster than that. He had the bike over so far that the swingarm spools caught the pavement and lifted the rear tire and caused his accident. Photo's by Killboy






Gear saved his life. he had a little road rash on one leg cuz his pants came up a little bit. Snapped the frame. Took the bike back to the camp and made repairs. He was riding again before the sun went down

Edited by SAMBUSA
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Witnessed this wreck. it happened during the photo shoot at Fontana during the Busa Bash. He is a fantastic rider. Posted speed for the turn was 30, he was doing a little faster than that. He had the bike over so far that the swingarm spools caught the pavement and lifted the rear tire and caused his accident. Photo's by Killboy






Gear saved his life. he had a little road rash on one leg cuz his pants came up a little bit. Snapped the frame. Took the bike back to the camp and made repairs. He was riding again before the sun went down

Swingarm spools didnt cause that crash...

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Look at the 2nd pic. See how ginormous his spools are? I too thought he low sided til I watched the video in slow motion. Spool hit, raised rear tire and down he went

Nope. Not calling you a liar, but coming from a guy who has had spools hit, this wreck isn't from that. The one pic shows them bending (common) when they FINALLY hit. I think low side or peg... Definately not spools... Even the big fat spools guys use won't cause a crash as they will bend the bolt first and snap off the swingarm.

I had one snap off at Mid-Ohio and it sat me up (faster than 30mph) and I kept running - came back into the pits and almost dropped the bike due to no right side spool!

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Nope. Not calling you a liar, but coming from a guy who has had spools hit, this wreck isn't from that. The one pic shows them bending (common) when they FINALLY hit. I think low side or peg... Definately not spools... Even the big fat spools guys use won't cause a crash as they will bend the bolt first and snap off the swingarm.

I had one snap off at Mid-Ohio and it sat me up (faster than 30mph) and I kept running - came back into the pits and almost dropped the bike due to no right side spool!

And I'm not saying you arent speaking from experience. I respect your opinion, but like i said I was it happen. Had I not seen it, I would say the same thing as you. Not sure what his speed was but they had been hitting it at 90. I'm sure you know the area and know that the posted speeds are alot slower than what the turns can be taken at

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I crashed my 600 the day of the Ohio Riders Scavenger Hunt. Caused by a few things that I know of: Schmuck and I were late (because of me) and I was feeling rushed to get us to Honda Northwest. It started with an F150 in the lane to my right. Apparently I was in his blind spot cause he went from the lane to the right of me to the lane left of me, all in one swoop. I was freaked cause I had to dodge him.

Then, about 1 mile later, when a car drifted into my lane a bit, I got spooked and moved too far left, getting my wheel caught up in the median and taking myself out.

I had all my gear on and it was low speed, so only bruises and scrapes. Fortunately we called Casper and CBRgirl, who requested help from Honda Northwest. Someone with a truck and trailer picked my shaky self, my busted up gixxer and my gear and we went back to the dealership. Then MyBret and 250Bunny were kind enough to move my bike to my apt.

I'm still very grateful for the kindnesses to me that day and it is what made me realize I had found a quality group of riding friends.

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