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You text, you drive, you kill everyone...


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I'm out driving and I see this guy in a white car texting on an iphone. I realized it was Ben so I sent him a text telling him how dangerous that was. He sent me a text back inviting me over for dinner. I'll tell you guys more about it after I get to Bens house.
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I'm out driving and I see this guy in a white car texting on an iphone. I realized it was Ben so I sent him a text telling him how dangerous that was. He sent me a text back inviting me over for dinner. I'll tell you guys more about it after I get to Bens house.


did you also include how slow his pos is?:p

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How could anyone possibly think texting and driving is acceptable? I see more and more people doing this everyday in rush hour none the less. The shit will hit the fan soon enough, I just hope no one I care about is involved.


See you all in hell.


WTF!!! Do you want us to pull over or wait to answer the text? GTFO! You obviously have no clue how important these messages are that we are responding to.

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As to your little nick name, I thought me and Scott had that one covered?


WTF!!! Do you want us to pull over or wait to answer the text? GTFO! You obviously have no clue how important these messages are that we are responding to.
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