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So what do you say and do if you take your kid into work with you on your day off because you did a favor for your boss, but your kid pees on your boss's carpet while you are there? I am in the process of potty training my daughter. :D


you don't say one word since it probably won't stink much once it dries :o

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My boss is a woman, and she witnessed the action. (she was present) My question is, what do you say at that moment, it's too late she has done the damage.....


Really it's more of a funny moment, but I was interested on how others would handle the situation. And to Chris, have a kid, and potty train and then talk to me about diapers or ask your sibling on that issue. Big girl underwear is an important part of potty training. She goes in the potty a lot. She just has lapses at times. This was one of those times.

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One better for ya Ben we were in Worthington last week at the farmers market sitting in the park and one of the boys started to do the potty dance around so get the other 2 turn around and his pants are around his ankles and hes just pissing away like it ain't no thing. All I could do was shake my head and let him finish.
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I had a friend bring his kid over to my house a couple years ago. When he took him to the bathroom he pee'd all over my wall. He told me, cleaned it up, we had a good laugh. I didn't care. I would have been a little more upset if he wouldn't have told me.


His kid to this day still calls me "Chris Green pee on wall." Hah.

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One better for ya Ben we were in Worthington last week at the farmers market sitting in the park and one of the boys started to do the potty dance around so get the other 2 turn around and his pants are around his ankles and hes just pissing away like it ain't no thing. All I could do was shake my head and let him finish.


I had a friend bring his kid over to my house a couple years ago. When he took him to the bathroom he pee'd all over my wall. He told me, cleaned it up, we had a good laugh. I didn't care. I would have been a little more upset if he wouldn't have told me.


His kid to this day still calls me "Chris Green pee on wall." Hah.


Kids are awesome. My Boss was extra cool about it I must say. She laughed a lot. One of those moments in life I will never forget.

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