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i think i got set up....has this happened to anyone?

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

Ok well my tire blew out yesterday. I check my tires all the time, checked them before i left my house and got to school fine. Left school and got on the freeway. After 5-6mins of driving my tire blows out, ruining my brand new tire and brand new wheel. I was omw to an interview, so as soon as i pulled over the first thing I did was grab my phone to call them. Literally 5seconds after i stopped on the berm, a car screeches to a halt in front of me. It was to the point i thought something was up and put my truck in D ready to pull away incase they were going to try to rob me or something. The guy gets out and has a jack. So he walks up to my truck and i told him I'm alright and that i can change my tire and he doesn't have to stop. He said no its fine and ran back behind the truck and started to change my tire even though i told him not to. Half way through he starts asking me for money, saying he is risking his life for me *since traffic was literally 3 feet away flying by*...I told him i dont have any money and he kept saying aww man and then i said i could mail him a check because i dont carry those either. Then he started trying to get me to go to an atm, and a cop pulled up. I was getting uneasy because of how much he was pressing the money issue, and was glad to see the cop. Once the cop showed up the guy gave me his name and address to mail him a check and finished the tire quickly and then took off. Kept saying how it was Gods doing that he was helping to try and guilt me. I kinda feel like maybe he put the nail under my tire at school and then followed me until it blew so he could change my tire to try and make some money. He was an older guy, missing tons of teeth, his finger went back the wrong way and kinda flopped around like there was no bone in it; he was a creepy dude. I dont want to press anything or accuse him because he really may just have been trying to help. Has this happened to anyone else? If i can find other people who have had the same thing happen then i will press to do something about it. It was just so coincidental that he was right behind me and stopped almost as quick as i did. It feels like it was set up. If i stopped to help somebody, theres no way i would be asking them for money. I don't carry money around on me, lol ask anyone who knows me; I pay more atm fees than anyone i know. But if this has happened to anyone else on here with the same circumstances, please PM me and let me know and we can talk about it and maybe speak to a police officer and see what they think about the situation...


how do i look up a criminal record check? he said he lives in knox county and gave me an address in fredericktown and his name

Edited by tbutera2112
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wow.. that does seem fishy and i would also assume something. maybe he didnt "plant" a nail and follow you but maybe he noticed your tire from the road and thought he could make a quick buck? i dunno.. but i certainly wouldnt give him any money. no way.
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Guest tbutera2112
wow.. that does seem fishy and i would also assume something. maybe he didnt "plant" a nail and follow you but maybe he noticed your tire from the road and thought he could make a quick buck? i dunno.. but i certainly wouldnt give him any money. no way.


i just dont see how else it was flat...i checked before i left my hosue, and would have noticed if it was flat when i was leaving my parking space at school or cruising the lot trying to find a spot....i had to of picked that nail up between when i left school and when i broke down on 71...it was a huge nail too, and it was in there good like it was standing straight up when i ran it over

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Guest tbutera2112
Go on with your life. I would not let this guy know your name, address, or anything. Do NOT send him a check because he will then have all of your personal info. Some people are just creepy.


not gonna send him anything

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Never had that happen, however, when I lived in California, I had a car try to pull the "We're broke down, please help us!" ploy where they weren't really broke down and were just trying to get people out of their car. I've also got to experience one (in Calif again) where they stop on a dark road at the stop sign, don't move and make you stop while they get out the car. I almost ran one of them over. In that particular instance, I actually turned around and went at them again. In hindsight, I'm glad nobody shot my ass.
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Guest tbutera2112
Never had that happen, however, when I lived in California, I had a car try to pull the "We're broke down, please help us!" ploy where they weren't really broke down and were just trying to get people out of their car. I've also got to experience one (in Calif again) where they stop on a dark road at the stop sign, don't move and make you stop while they get out the car. I almost ran one of them over. In that particular instance, I actually turned around and went at them again. In hindsight, I'm glad nobody shot my ass.


i had a couple ask me for money at a gas pump out by my girlfriends house...they said they live on the west side and ran outta gas and i was out in etna...i prepaid $10 on their tank but i didnt give them any cash...mighta been a scam, but $10 is worth the risk of it actually helping them...if i got taken on that, oh well its $10...if not then im glad i helped them out



im very paranoid when it comes to strangers... if im in my truck and theres someone acting suspicious, i get outta there...doors are always locked, i leave a car length in front of me at most stop lights incase someone tries to carjack me ill have somewhere to drive to get outta the way...the way this whole thing happened had me on edge the entire time, but i didnt think much into it because i was too stressed over my job interview and being late

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im very paranoid when it comes to strangers... if im in my truck and theres someone acting suspicious, i get outta there...doors are always locked, i leave a car length in front of me at most stop lights incase someone tries to carjack me ill have somewhere to drive to get outta the way...



Why? What are you scared of?


Not being a dick but did something happen. I will not let the world make me feel the way you do on a daily basis. I could not live in fear that i am going to be attacked. Maybe you should take some self defense classes or something.

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Guest tbutera2112
Why? What are you scared of?


Not being a dick but did something happen. I will not let the world make me feel the way you do on a daily basis. I could not live in fear that i am going to be attacked. Maybe you should take some self defense classes or something.


i got jumped by 3 people at gun point in high school and beat/robbed outside my neighborhood while riding my bike home at 9pm....when i was a kid (7 or 8) i was out with "friends" and they left me in the middle of a corn field because they thought it was funny...now i have problems being in public with people if they are not in front of me where i can see them at all times...even my gf has to be next to me or in front of me


im not worried about not being able to defend myself, but ive seen what people do and i am prepared...ide rather leave myself outs than walk around blindly thinking i am invincible

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Guest tbutera2112
go to the address he gave you and place nails under all of the tires on his car, wait outside for him to leave, follow him, and than help him change his tires for money. simple.


fucking win....you are awesome



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i had a couple ask me for money at a gas pump out by my girlfriends house...they said they live on the west side and ran outta gas and i was out in etna...i prepaid $10 on their tank but i didnt give them any cash...mighta been a scam, but $10 is worth the risk of it actually helping them...if i got taken on that, oh well its $10...if not then im glad i helped them out



im very paranoid when it comes to strangers... if im in my truck and theres someone acting suspicious, i get outta there...doors are always locked, i leave a car length in front of me at most stop lights incase someone tries to carjack me ill have somewhere to drive to get outta the way...the way this whole thing happened had me on edge the entire time, but i didnt think much into it because i was too stressed over my job interview and being late


I was in a similar situation on sancus hot girl no gas , long story short she gave great head and got a full tank of gas.


Now that I think about it it was howard

Edited by The Man of Steele
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I was in a similar situation on sancus hot girl no gas , long story short she gave great head and got a full tank of gas.



I guess I was right when I thought if this girl wants a free tank of gas she better do a lot better.... guess I got sloppy seconds on that one

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go to the address he gave you and place nails under all of the tires on his car, wait outside for him to leave, follow him, and than help him change his tires for money. simple.




also: http://www.ehow.com/how_2272840_spot-flat-tire-travel-scam.html


looks similar, you probably were set up.

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now did he have like a full on rolling floor jack or was it just a bottle or scissor jack out of his car? i think if someone came to a screeching halt in front of me and jumped out of their car with a floor jack like its the Daytona 500....I would think somethings up....I know there are people that carry small floor jacks in the trucks but if it is an everyday run of the mill cavalier of sorts....it sounds fishy to me!!!!!
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