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Losing Health Insurance, need something else...


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Hey guys,


I'm losing my health insurance at the end of this month and would like to have something in place until we get back on our feet again.


We are looking for a plan (husband and wife) and something that covers the big stuff, major illness, major accident, etc ($2500-5,000 deductible). As we would like to have regular insurance, the monthly premiums would be higher than my mortgage.


We just want it in case something major happens to us and we won't lose everything. (house, cars, IRA, etc)


Do you guys know of any good companies that could help and doesn't cost an arm and a leg?


Website and/or phone numbers please!!!





Edited by Billiumss
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I found this one: https://www.goldenrulehealth.com/ through ehealthinsurance. It looks like they might be a part of United Health Care which I have now.


I ended up calling them and for the 2 of us for a $1000 deductable its $90 a month for 6 months worth of coverage. Its a 80/20. Better than nothing but I'm still looking. I'd like one to cover doctor visits more but I guess we will have to wing it till things get better for us.


Anymore ideas or suggestions are welcome.



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To continue my insurance under COBRA it will cost $1,200 a month, I just got the paper work the other day.


I'm going to review mine today. Changed jobs and had to wait 90 days for benefits to kick in :mad: That leaves me exposed for 30 days. If I choose to go with Cobra, I'll have to back-pay the past two months plus the third for a grand total of nearly $3,500.


No thanks. I'm likely going to sign up with one of the providers on the link listed. BC/BS and Aetna are offered so I'm good with either. I am also going to look into going with them on my own vs the benefits from my new job since the rates seem very close if not better. It's sad that the costs are skyrocketing so much. For my first couple years at Panasonic health insurance and vision coverage was FREE! :eek: Never dawned on me that I would go from paying nothing to nearly $500 mo. for health, vision and dental for my family. Crazy.

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I got my cobra papers today it will be $411 for my 5 member family for medical, and $25.21 for dental.



What are the "specs" of your plan?


I'm not trying to call BS but how can a family of 4 have a monthly premium of $1200 for COBRA and then a family of 5 have a premium of less than $500?


If COBRA is just a continuation of my current insurance which is $30 copay $10 generic and $25 brand named drugs and a 95/5 what is yours?



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