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Question for any officers on the board.


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My brother in law's friend was driving home the other night between 1-2am, he lives in Granville (Licking County) out in the country. He is 22 Years old. He is pulled over turning into his drive way. The officer puts him through all the field sobriety tests, passes, makes him blow, (0.0) because the kid was not drinking at all that day. So the officer writes him a ticket for left of center on the road he lives on. (wrote his road of residence as the point of violation) Keep in mind he lives on a country road in liking county and it looks like this:




I mean if he goes to court this will be thrown out correct? How can you be left of center with no markings? The road is barely wide enough for 2 cars and if another car comes you almost have to put 2 wheels off the road. I would drive in the center at night also because of the deer population. Seems pretty shady to me. Would like some input. I think the officer was just mad he struck out and figures a 22 Year old will just pay it.

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Ahh, Granville cops, nothing to do in that quite college town so they will try to pull anyone over for anything. My wife also got pulled over one late evening because they thought she was drunk. Car was full of completely sober people.


I would fight it. It will be a Mayor's court and the Mayor knows that all those police tickets help pay his salary.

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*Disclaimer* I am not a current police officer, but I have been through the OPOTA Peace Officers' Academy and my father is a career police officer/supervisor.


Fight this. Take a picture, remain calm and civil during court, explain why you (him) were driving down the center of the road, and take the judgement of the court. I would bet $5 cash American that if the young man does this, the judge will dismiss the fine.

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I have a feeling it will not even get that far, I bet the officer will not show knowing it will be thrown out.


There should be a recourse of action one should be able to take against this type of frivolous ticketing. A person should be able to get the disciplinary process started against the officer. So the officer is not inconveniencing other citizens by making them go to court.

Edited by Benjamin
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That's uncalled for.


The cop should be fined for being a idiot.


Yep. They should force him to pay the same fine the officer attempted to screw him into paying. It should be this way for all similar incedences. Maybe, it'd make the shady officers think twice before charging people with frivolous shit.

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Yep. They should force him to pay the same fine the officer attempted to screw him into paying. It should be this way for all similar incedences. Maybe, it'd make the shady officers think twice before charging people with frivolous shit.



I agree. I think that if you get a ticket and you are found Not Guilty then the officer should be forced to pay it for giving you a ticket and wasting your time and money fighting something that you should not have to fight in the first place. Then the officer should automaticlly be personally resposible for reimbursing you for your time and money spent fighting the issue. There should be a 30 day limit that they have to pay you back and provide a public apology. I bet this would cut down on all the bullshit tickets real fast. Instead of them writting citations that they are unsure of and then leave it up to you to fight your way out of it they should be forced to use a little better judgment to begin with.

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404 country road


Anyways, I've known a few people out here charged with this shit before and it gets thrown out every time.


Is it possible that he was driving on the far left side, rather than in the middle?


No, middle, he has lived at this residence for his entire life (parents house), he knows about the deer.

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I am not a police officer but I have a Forensic Science degree. As many people posted, you should take a photo to court with you but chances are that the cop won't show up at all. Always go to court. What is the worst thing that could happen.....you end up paying the ticket that you would have paid anyways. If you disagree with the courts decision call the Licking County Commissioner and complain. Police use any reason to pull people over at those hours to see if you have been drinking.


Nikki Ward

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Its GPD theres nothing else to say, i live there and if your driving anywhere near one of the cops past about 11 you can bet youll get pulled over for something. They have too much time on their hands and almost always find a reason (usually B.S.) to pull you over. I'd fight it for sure. Take a pic of the road in when you go to argue it and theyll dismiss it....same thing happened to my brother and thats what we did.
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I am not a police officer but I have a Forensic Science degree. As many people posted, you should take a photo to court with you but chances are that the cop won't show up at all. Always go to court. What is the worst thing that could happen.....you end up paying the ticket that you would have paid anyways. If you disagree with the courts decision call the Licking County Commissioner and complain. Police use any reason to pull people over at those hours to see if you have been drinking.


Nikki Ward


Oh nonsense :)

Hey Nikki

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