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Whats my computers problem?


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Appears to be just cr. It has never happened before. It would sometimes refresh but now it does it on almost its over and over. I cant make it into the first reply of a thread and then it refreshes again starting me over on that page.


this haas been going on for over a month. but nothigns changed to fix it... it will load t he page half way then refresh aan show a little more of the page an keep doing this over an voer till the full page is viewed :mad:

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I have a similar problem at work, because my work comp has the latest version of internet explorer. I downloaded it for it's tab functionality, since we can't use Mozilla. I'm not sure of the problem exactly but would love to know the solution. I think it's related to either an IE setting or simply a software issue with the current version.


Edit: by current version I mean IE8

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Its internet explorer not a virus. Every computer I've been on that uses IE8 does it.


I have IE8 and not a single problem.


A couple things you can try:


(Be sure you close all of your browser windows, make the changes, then reopen your browser window.)


1. If you have the wptouch plugin enabled, that may cause the problem. Disable and try again.


2. Try deleting your temporary interent files, cookies, and history, and try again.


3. Try going into tools and in History/temporary files settings and where it says "IE stores copies of webpages", etc for viewing later and check one of the other options depending on what yours says and try again.


4. Run IE in "no add-ons mode", thus, disabling all plug-ins. Try again.


5. Boot to safe mode with networking and see if it still does it. If not then you may have spyware.


Hope that helps out. It's kind of a guessing game at this point without seeing the computer.

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