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P90X - Have you tried it?


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Ok, I was thinking of finally starting this. I had it before, but lost it all when my harddrive crashed. I know there are at least a few people on here who've used P90. My birfday is coming up and I was considering asking for equipment the program requests.


I would like to know what your experience has been with it, good or bad, however minute or grand the experience was for you. Any other info would be excellent, ie; opinions, how long before results, etc. Thanks all.

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Guest slow f23

i know of a girl who once was pretty big lol but she'd been working out on the p90x and looks way better now.


I looked through the films and there is like a massive conditioning program and stuff..


looks legit.

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It's really meant for people who are in moderate shape to get ripped, I think. A lot of people use it to lose weight, however, it's tough as shit especially if you are not already a little inclined towards exercise. No harm in trying it, but I suggest you only do the lighter routines on the dvds while dieting and doing cardio. I lost 53 pounds over the summer and will be giving p90x another go here shortly.
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Has anyone ever compared P90X to Crossfit? I'e heard good things from friends on both of those programs. Everyone I know that's on P90X was really sore and say the workouts are intense. It's supposed to be an "Xtreme" workout though. Crossfit tells you to scale the workouts to your fitness level. Both look like circut training programs though.
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These views are very biased since it's on the crossfit board, but has some good points on comparing the two...




I'd be interested in hearing about some of the workouts P90X has compared to some of the crossfit workouts I've done or put my classes through.

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Well, I'm definitely not in good shape anymore. A few years back, I put on weight and aggravated an old back injury which just kept me from exercising enough. When I looked into P90 before, I noticed there is a set of test exercises or whatever they recommend you be able to accomplish before moving on with the actual program. I figured if I couldn't do it, I'd must keep at it until I could accomplish the test exercises.


I'll check out the Crossfit and 10min trainer, as well. I know I need something with a very set program and goals to be accomplished if I hope to stick with it. Especially, since I'm doing by myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
After I started on P90x I've noticed that I can last longer, cum harder, and my girlfriend says I taste better too!!! THANKS P90X!!!


I'm don't usually catalog qualitative data, but I suppose I could add these to the spreadsheet if you kids want.


she said the same to me! :cool:

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