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Just got back from the ER....


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yea i dont know my managers number at work haha but while at the ER i did have to wear a cool mask thing lol. I just sat there and played games on my iphone and was joking around with the doctors, they said out of all the sick people i had the best sense of humor lol. I told them it could be worse i could be missing a leg or something i dont think the flu is really gonna kill me
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IIRC Swine flu is just a faster version of the regular flu... I even think you get over it faster (citation needed).


I managed to get myself West Nile last summer. I didn't think anything was amiss until AFTER the bigass fever broke: I woke up in the morning, having hallucinated all night, in a puddle of my own sweat... but finally feeling fine... and just said "Huh, that wasn't normal."


I'm bad about going to the hospital.

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I'm curious about the actual syptoms... I'm a manager in a call center and I see reps so lazy it seems like they are trying to catch it on purpose so they can get time off work.


If you dont mind me asking... When you say horribly sick what do you mean? Did they give you any medicine or just tell you to drink fluids and get rest? How long are you expected to be out of work? Sorry for all of the questions but I know I will probably be dealing with people that have it soon and would like to get an idea of whats going on with you...

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This is an issue I share. If I got swine, I'd probably stay home, rest, play video games and not even think about going to the hospital.


Same here. I'd rather attempt at getting over it myself then going into a building full of people sicker than myself and getting it even worse.

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Ive had H1N1 also and now my girlfriend has it. Usually they will put you on Tamaflu. Thats what we both were put on. Honestly I did not feel that bad just fever, coughing, the shits and really never hungry. She is def worse off then I was. Her temp is almost 103, she has bodyaches really bad, can her coughing is terrible. Either way if your sick and you test positive for fluA make sure they send that shit off to be checked for H1N1


BTW if you do not have insurance the tamaflu is 140 bucks for 10 pills. So hopefully everyone has insurance .

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Tina and I have it right now, since Monday.


They prescribed me Tamiflu and Hydrocodones. The issue is, I had it for three days and you can only take Tamiflu effectively the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.


Also remember that it is highly contagious (a cough can spread the virus fifty feet in the air), and the carrier is still contagious 48 hours AFTER the last of the cough is gone.

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All 3 of my kids had it.Kept them home Tamiflu and 4 days later fine.I was told there is no "quick test" for the H1N1 but they test you for Type 1 Influenza which includes the H1N1 and since they treat with Tamiflu you get the Tamiflu and call it a day.When my kids went back to the Pediatrician for a follow up visit he said they had grown the sample and it was confirmed H1N1.
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So, does anyone else believe that 50%+ of people who claim they had it or currently have it just had the good ol' fashioned flu and somehow want to be part of the cool club?


If that is the case I will smack the shit out of someone.

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