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Computer Guys Need Your Thoughts


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I am going to be going back to school soon for my next degree and want a lap top. Since I already have a MAC I was thinking about getting a windows based machine to make things more simple for school work.


What would you guys suggest? It does not need to be a gaming machine just something good for school but still has some rip to it so if I want to do other stuff with it I have the ability.


Also is it better to wait until after Christmas for better deals? Is it better to buy from Dell or local like micro center?

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I have a MacBook and love it. Go to school in a mostly Windows environment and find ways around almost every issue i've ever had. Can't even fathom the idea of buying anouther windows based system. I have how ever thought about dual booting mine with xp or the new windows 7. What were you looking to gain from the windows?
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Windows 7 is worth waiting for. I've been using it since it was pre-released to OEMs and academics. Also finding one with a solid state drive should be on the priority list. Speed can't be beat, and the added battery life will be appreciated. Other than that I would say smaller is better. Maybe even snag a tablet or other small laptop without an optical drive. You hardly ever use them, and they use battery power and are weight. Just buy an external to use at home when you are not mobile.
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