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Worked 98 hours this week.


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i know i couldnt do it. theres a guy i work with, about my age, no kids/wife/anything. few months back, guy busted out 93 hour weeks for the whole month. in the end though, he banked who knows how much off overtime alone, won a 37" flatscreen tv, sony blu-ray player, and surrround sound system (all 3 as a package) for a contest we were having, and had a $15,000 bonus check. fucking nuts. id have to guess that with the prizes, his hourly + overtime, and the bonus, he probably cleared $21k for one month.
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Yep, he's still employed. :)


And that idea should give companies free reign to treat their employees however they want? Because they know that they can get away with it because hey, what are they going to do, go find a different job?


To Bucky, you should be compenstaed properly for what you do. If you feel that you get compensated enough to do that, that's fine and well. I think another importatnt aspect is understanding of what comes with a job. If it was a reasonable clear thing that you'd be working 60 hours a week for your salary and you do that, that's fine. If it was understood to be a ~40 hour a week job and you all of the sudden have to work 98 hours, not so much.

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Do you receive comp time?


doubtfull my mom is in the same boat.


im assuming your dealing with the conversion? if so my moms putting in 90+ hour work weeks right now as well with the dam thing. shes at the albany new york location this week with the dang converstion gotta love chase worked over time but not gettin paid for it

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why u lieing buck some of us know the truth lol


This past week was totally different than any other week. My normal job, yeah it's pretty easy. This was conversion week. We converted the remaining 850 some WaMu branches over to chase.


Yep, he's still employed. :)


Winner winner chicken dinner.


U could of lost your job this week .... So why are u complaining about working ? This is really insensitive


Because I can :)


Do you receive comp time?


no, I just get to have a job :)


buck where do you work, and whats your job?


Chase and I support the servers/computers in the retail branches for Chase.


For what you do, most people would not consider it work :)


Yep. See above.


and I was drunk as shit when I posted this last night. Just blowing off some steam. We had 350+ contractors and what we do is not rocket science. I guess I'm just pissed off that the contractors were WAY to fucking stupid to click a check mark off on the site to verify the site was done and then they leave.


Again, my job isn't hard, just this past week was very stressful on basically baby sitting 50 or so contractors. I like my job. I just need to vent occasionally :)

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I could tell you stories of the hours I worked when I was younger or even just a couple years ago I worked a 96 hour week but my favorite story is about a guy at work Robbie. He is in his early 60's and he is an overtime hog. He will work a round house if you dont watch him. Any way he worked 16 hours a day, 17 days in a row when he got off the last shift he rode his bike to Gatlinburg with his girl freind on back.
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Buck personally I think that sucks, nobody should have to work that much overtime and not get comp'd. When I was fresh out of high school doing electrical work the construction industry was booming around here and I worked weeks like that a lot to get jobs done on time. I'd hate to get stuck in your situation, I just don't beleive people were meant to work so much.
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and I get paid for 40. FTW? or FTL. ?


11 am to 2 am m-f and then i work from 1 pm to 3 am on Saturday, then go in from 1 pm to 8 pm on Sunday for the WaMu conversion.


Thank god we hit a bar after work.

My Work will do this sometimes as well. I'm not sure about your work but at mine they have a certain beginning and cut off date for each paycheck. Your 96/98 hours may have crossed the cut off date. Expect bigger paycheck next time?

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Well, we will have to agree to disagree. From a moral standpoint I don't think it's right for a company to treat their employees like shit just because they happen to be able to in the here and now given the circumstances. From a business standpoint it's not a good idea to piss those people off because their quality of work is going to go down right now. When the jobs come back and when companies start hiring again, those employees you treated poorly are going to jump ship quicker than you can blink an eye. All for a little company gain right now.


Remind me to never work as your subordinate in the future. :p


I took a pay cut at the beginning of the year which is still partially in tact, everyone did (top down). I was pissed at the time, but at this point I fully agree with it.

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My Work will do this sometimes as well. I'm not sure about your work but at mine they have a certain beginning and cut off date for each paycheck. Your 96/98 hours may have crossed the cut off date. Expect bigger paycheck next time?


I think he's a salaried employee.

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