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Epic lunch today...


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Coworker comes in talking about some "Man Vs Food" show that was on lastnight. He felt the need to be a part of it. We pack the van and head to Ohio Deli and two guys get the sandwich. They have 30 mins to complete it plus the fries. Off they go. One guy caves after three quarters. The other continued to eat and finished it. We sat there for a sec to digest this....He gets his "I defeated the dagwood" shirt. We get up to go pay. He's at the counter and pukes all over it. Register, the whole damn thing. It had to be the funniest shit I have ever seen. The place was packed. It got quiet, we were laughing out of control. He was standing there embarrassed like crazy. The workers were looking at him like "dude, wtf". Simply classic!


Here is the sandwich




Here it is next to the regular rueben I ordered.



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I did this challenge a few months ago. It was cake. I even went to DQ and got a blizzard afterward to wash it down.



I have also done the 5 pound burrito challenge at Del Mar in Canal Winchester. Finished it in 21 minutes.


Oh, and I weigh 170.

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I almost spit my food on the monitor. That is a large sandwich. I think I would have been laughing too hard to walk after that one.



Man, it was so damn funny. Just the look on his face, then the workers looking at him, the place dead quiet and us laughing like crazy was lol +11tybillion


I did this challenge a few months ago. It was cake. I even went to DQ and got a blizzard afterward to wash it down.



I have also done the 5 pound burrito challenge at Del Mar in Canal Winchester. Finished it in 21 minutes.


Damn that's a lot of eating!

I'll have to tell these guys about this burrito challenge.

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LOL, awesome. That sounds like it would have been funny as fuck.


I did this challenge a few months ago. It was cake. I even went to DQ and got a blizzard afterward to wash it down.



I have also done the 5 pound burrito challenge at Del Mar in Canal Winchester. Finished it in 21 minutes.


Oh, and I weigh 170.


Holy shit man, thats impressive

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Damn, talk about a huge top bun!


no pics of the carnage?


and yeah thats a shitload of eating, 5lbs in one meal? damn. we went to thurmans last night and I about split open eating a burger and fries, and that was my first meal of the day.

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Man, I got outta there once everyone realized he did actually just puked all over shit they need to use. Plus I didn't want a pic of yack in my phone. The bun was way too large. I've eaten that amount of meat before I know from a kobe steak, but that bread would screw me.
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Damn that's a lot of eating!

I'll have to tell these guys about this burrito challenge.


If they can't handle 3 and 1/2 pounds of food, there's no way they can handle this. From what the owner told me, a few have tried, I was the first to finish it.


Holy shit man, thats impressive


Thanks! I've also done a bucket of 50 wings in just under 30 minutes. The prize for that was a free pitcher of beer.


My next challenge is going to be in Reno again. My brother called me the other day to tell me some place there has a 2 person pizza challenge.

2 people, 60 minutes, 24" pizza that weighs over 10 pounds.


I can eat a large works pizza from donato's by myself, so I should be able to eat a little more than half of this since my brother won't be able to finish his half.

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How much does it cost?



$12 w/ a Mt. Dew!




My next challenge is going to be in Reno again. My brother called me the other day to tell me some place there has a 2 person pizza challenge.

2 people, 60 minutes, 24" pizza that weighs over 10 pounds.


Nice work! I'd like to see you go at it. These guys started to do the "blazin challenge" at BWs last week.

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haha my friend's brother tried to do this after the man vs food outing. he failed. he got all the way thru the sandwich but couldn't do fries.


on the way to the car, he started stumblin and losing his equilibrium. then he puked like an open fire hydrant and all was well in the world. they're probably used to that by now.

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i did it in 22 minutes... The worst part for me was the pickle oddly enough.. I hate them with a passion...


but ya 12 bucks for a ton of food... I will ahve to see if I can do the burrito one now...


I had three friends try also and none came close :)

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