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Any BMW Financial workers here?


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My wife has an interview with BMW Financial for an entry level customer service position. Anybody on here work there or know any inside info?


Is the interview actually with BMW Financial or through a temp agency? HUGE difference.


I worked there for 6 months as a temp. I was one of almost 50 temps in my department alone. They would interview for full time positions but the older temps were always first to hire (as they should be). I knew a few of the temps that had been there for over a year just waiting for their turn.


The good is that they were extremely nice to work for. Great with scheduling and overall cool people. What department is she interviewing with?


If it is a full-time gig with BMW I would hope to hell she gets it! When I was there BMW paid 100% of medical insurance for employees. They would offer amazing deals on buying a new BMW as well as their employee lease program. Here is how it works: You are allowed to pick 3 different cars and options that you want. Your choices are based on your position on the totem poll, ie the lower you are the shittier car you can get. You are eligable after 1 year. You would pay for the car and it comes directly out of your paycheck. The cost was between 300-400 a month for lower employees. That money includes registration, tags and insurance which is why all of those cars have the dealer type plates.


You are not allowed to smoke in the vehicle or talk on your phone while driving. If caught doing either (and yes, people turn you in including your co-workers) you will lose your car. You keep the car for around 8k miles and then turn it in and the car is then sold as a certified pre-owned vehicle. About halfway through the 8k miles you are to pick out your new car and it is built for you.


Kind of a sweet deal.


I actually worked for BMW North America. In my short time I was also 'promoted' to the BMW Motorad line and covered the bikes aswell as the cars.


I made it to the final interview for a real position and was going to be offered the position right before I left. I found out the pay was around 31k/yr and decided it wasnt worth it to me. Luckily, I had already interviewed for my current company and had the position offered to me with a much better salary.


As a temp I think I was making $13hr. Through my temp agency (Dawson) we were also given health benefits. We were the only temps that had that.


PM or email for more info. Hope this helps.


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Is she going to be a BMW employee, or is she getting on as a contractor?

The car deals are only for employees and change at what level employee you are. The call center employees will be able to get on what is basically a year deal for a car. They can get most of what BMW or Mini offer. Prices will vary from around 220 a month for a Mini up to around 1000 a month for a loaded 6 series. None of the "M" cars are available. Insurance and all maintenance are covered by BMW. You just put gas in the thing.

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Thank you for all the infor so far guys! I am trying to be positive and hope she gets to be full time and not a temp. Her contact has not mentioned anything yet about being a temp but I am guessing she will find out when she goes in.


Lord knows it would be nice to catch a break the past couple of months have been more brutal than the Browns football season...

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It sounds like she will be an employee of the staffing firm. If that's the case, she won't get any of the BMW perks and will be one of the first to get layed off when cut backs hit.

Not trying to be negative as I wish her the best of luck. Just relaying what I was told by my buddy that works there....


The good news is that being on the call center she has a good chance of getting hired into BMW if they like her....

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I used to work there as a PT second job. Very cool place, got to drive every type of BMW, Motorcycle and Mini. I worked in Customer Relations. Basically people and call in to bitch about the dealership not kissing their ass, and the occasional "what kind of oil should I use in my XXX".
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i dont know to be honest...for some reason, 13.xx is popping into my head, but i could be way off, so dont take my word for it. but the no incentive part, im 95% sure. i know i was talking to another guy that did verizon collections and he said its a 1x/yr bonus there, so i dont think im getting them mixed up


but Kritikos came out with his buddy that works over there about a year and a half ago to a co-workers bachelor party, and the guy that worked over there was rocking a brand new 335i sedan. i was jealous.

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Well she was offered the job today! It will be though the staffing agency to start with but the person at BMW said he hires on based on performance, not how long you are there for.


Might be pimping a BMW for a daily soon so I might have some questions on what to look for :)

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she'll just get a semi-based out 3 series (328i probably) to start. its not like you get any of the BMW lineup you want. the guy who had the 335i i think he had been there for a while and might have even been a sup or something.


She is super happy just to have a job and when she is able to get the car she does not care what it is.


I might get rid of my current daily for a BMW down the line. I was looking at used M3's last night and the 06's are not as over the top as I thought. Hell the 03's were very affordable :)

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