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So who bought a Droid today?


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So what you're saying is the Eris will be a reliable kick ass phone? Because that's what I'm leaning towards, both for function and form.


I had a motorola phone once and promised myself that I will never ever own another one. The only thing that I like about the motorola is the physical keyboard, and that its running android 2.0 where the HTC Sense user interface is still on android 1.5 (there will be an update soon enough). But even so, HTC Sense still has more features than stock android 2.0.


So in short, Yes!

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played with it at the verizon store...maybe since i was just playin around the touch screen is great, typing on it was pretty difficult the keyboard was to small for my taste. didn't get to play and aps really, gps was pretty sweet on it and fast. but prolly not worth an extra $30 a month for the data plan
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30?i think im paying 25 a month for mine and that includes TV


Theres a difference in the browsers. HTML phones can go online and are pretty fast for what they do, but a data device does more. You have the ability to download, stream things, etc. Thats why it costs more.

Edited by V8 Beast
hit the wrong button
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I've had the Sprint Version, the Hero, since the first day it came out. I don't understand why this phone didn't get the press that the droid did, considering its the same phone, without a keyboard.


Yeah, I've been wondering that since my G1 came out last year. For some reason Verizon decided to promote the crap out of it, where t-mobile and sprint did not. T-mobile did start advertising the MyTouch 3G which is also an android phone but the commercial doesnt say anything about the phone, weak.

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