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Since it was a rental gun I had to buy their ammo. I have never shot a .50AE before. My wife has shot the .460 before and she says she prefers that to the 500 because it seems to kick more. She loves pain, that's my girl. :)
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And the OP payed $3/ round which is at least 50% less than the $6-7 you are quoting.


Math Much ?



i was referring to this quote.///


Ouch, $60 for 20 rounds? You could shoot a .50 BMG for about half that! Jesus!


Rymer said it would cost half as much to shoot a BMG than a S&W 500... i noted that it would actually be two times as much instead of half as much...


logical comprehension much?

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i was referring to this quote.///




Rymer said it would cost half as much to shoot a BMG than a S&W 500... i noted that it would actually be two times as much instead of half as much...


logical comprehension much?


Ahh, we were working towards the same point, I confused you and Rymer momentarily. Good man. :cool:

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And the OP payed $3/ round which is at least 50% less than the $6-7 you are quoting.


Math Much ?


Oh, wow. I buy literally tens of thousands of rounds per year guys, I've got as good a handle on ammo prices as anyone here. I promise. I don't know where you're looking, but normal crappy retail price on standard .50bmg rounds is about $2.50-$3.50, not even looking around too much. If you find deals they're closer to $1.25-$1.50ish, depending on what exactly you want. If you want me to get you some .50bmg ammo for $6-7/round, I will gladly buy you a couple thousand rounds TODAY. Shit, I'd be rich if I could sell shit at that markup!


Thanks guys, I needed a laugh. If you want, I'll gladly sell you a few cases of .30, .45, or .22 loadings for a small fraction of that... should we say, $.50/round?:D:D:D Hell, I'll even load you up some M118 for $.75 each.

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I have rented and shot the Desert Eagle 50. No other way to explain it other than a canon! Didn't like it too much when the brass ejected and came right back and hit me right in the middle of my forehead. After a few rounds I have a nice red burn in the middle of my forehead.
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