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Why are people against the casino?


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Seriously! It'll stop people from taking tons of money to other states. It'll offer SOME jobs to people around here. I hear it'll bring drugs and prostitution. Well, we have that now, so what's the problem. Who gives a shit if the state does get all the revenue from them. What are they getting now.....nothing, so even if it's half, it's better than what we're getting. I'm all for it even considering i'm not big on gambling and probably won't spend much time there at all.
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We'll see. I'm sure a bunch of people thought it would be a good idea to have a hockey team here, and look how that worked out? There's a thread right down there somewhere about it... You just wait until the city raises your taxes to bail out a casino that it will collect revenue on. Don't think the crooked-assed Columbus .gov won't do it!


If I lived anywhere near the site, I'd be protesting like crazy. They'll do a shitty job and it will be a dumpy eyesore in 10 years. CBJ = fail. City Center = fail. Casino = ???

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I am for the casinos but against issues which seem to appear around here, which is an eventual downswing of the area after things like this have run their course. I think their should be something in writing(it will never happen) that if these things fail, the owner must demolish the site and replant grass. I know its far fetched but the last thing we need is an empty casino in 15years which nobody can do anything with until the city takes on the expense of destroying it. If the could design it so it would be easier to adapt to future uses perhaps. I know it will never happen. I am just worried in 5 years we will be hearing reports of "casino owner needs taxpayer money or its moving due to losing money".
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It's not the casino, it's the fact that the issue is an amendment to our state constitution to give a monopoly to one owner.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that little thing. You guys didn't honestly think casinos were going up in Ohio without shady sketchy back-room deals and corrupt kickbacks and such did you? Worst amendment ever!

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I'm only against the reasons everyone uses to get the casinos. There are better ways to make new jobs and almost any new business would bring money to town. I beleive in a free country so if people want to waste money gambling I could care less.
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It's not the casino, it's the fact that the issue is an amendment to our state constitution to give a monopoly to one owner.


+1 - I could care less if people want to gamble, and if they do, I think Ohio should get to collect taxes - it was done poorly (amending the state constitution w/a sweetheart deal).

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It's not the casino, it's the fact that the issue is an amendment to our state constitution to give a monopoly to one owner.




If we had voted to set up a gaming commission that would take bids and sell licenses to the highest bidders, as well as create zoning ordinances that would allow for but not require the building of casinos in different areas of the state, I'd have been all for it. As it is we voted for a worse bill this year than the one we rejected last year. I'm actually kind of disgusted.


(Note: I deal part time in a card club here in columbus, and I LOVE poker, so it's not that I don't want casinos, I just want them intelligently.)

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Keeping the tax revenue in Ohio that now leaves is great. But the costs to the community will be even greater

If any of you ever lived in an area where gambling was legal you would know the answer to the OP's question.

The number of gambling addicts will skyrocket. People that never had a gambling problem will develop them. When I was working in Nevada we where making big money. Every week I had to lend money to the guys on my crew because of gambling. people I had known for years, gambling there paychecks away instead of sending the money home to there families.

Ever take a good look at the majority of the people in the casino's in detroit. They look like bums, poor at best. These are not people from out of town spending there disposable entertainment dollars.

Mark my words, in ten years everyone of you will have someone you know that suffers in some way from the casino's

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Most intelligent reply to this thread yet. Completely agree. It's one of the worst ways to try and help the people of the city who are the ones driving the economy. Will do zero to help retail, will create more shitty hourly jobs and bring trash to the Arena District and simply transfer money from your pocket to the tax base and to the ones profiting.


IMO, what the country is facing now is our own dumb as fault for thinking just like this. Let's spend ourselves into a country of consumers and do-nothings waiting for a president to figure out a plan to distribute the wealth and create more handout programs.


How about we come up with an idea that really does something to make a difference vs just taking from Peter to pay Paul.


Keeping the tax revenue in Ohio that now leaves is great. But the costs to the community will be even greater

If any of you ever lived in an area where gambling was legal you would know the answer to the OP's question.

The number of gambling addicts will skyrocket. People that never had a gambling problem will develop them. When I was working in Nevada we where making big money. Every week I had to lend money to the guys on my crew because of gambling. people I had known for years, gambling there paychecks away instead of sending the money home to there families.

Ever take a good look at the majority of the people in the casino's in detroit. They look like bums, poor at best. These are not people from out of town spending there disposable entertainment dollars.

Mark my words, in ten years everyone of you will have someone you know that suffers in some way from the casino's

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The CBJ might be losing money, but for now they are employing a lot of people. Don't say they aren't until you've thought about the people involved in an operation like that including all contracted support. Sure they may go under and people will lose jobs, but people lose jobs sometimes, it happens, and people get over it and find new times eventually. In the mean time they are paying people.
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We'll see. I'm sure a bunch of people thought it would be a good idea to have a hockey team here, and look how that worked out? There's a thread right down there somewhere about it... You just wait until the city raises your taxes to bail out a casino that it will collect revenue on. Don't think the crooked-assed Columbus .gov won't do it!


If I lived anywhere near the site, I'd be protesting like crazy. They'll do a shitty job and it will be a dumpy eyesore in 10 years. CBJ = fail. City Center = fail. Casino = ???


Jesus this post is so full of fail I dont even know where to begin. You honestly think there will be some sort of "bailout" for a fucking Casino?! Dont be ignorant, read up on a subject before you start making rediculous and totally unfounded comments about it. Hell even if the CBJ does move as a team it hasnt failed the city to make money and generate other businesses. City Center failed b/c of increasing and better competition from newer, more convenient malls in the suburbs. Obviously there will be only 1 Casino so we dont have to worry about competition, after the "newness" wears off it will become like any other Casino just making money off of the 'regulars'.

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Casino so we dont have to worry about competition, after the "newness" wears off it will become like any other Casino just making money off of the 'regulars'.


what no one has mentioned thus far is that Casino's are suffering just as much as regular retail customers right now. gaming stocks and bonds are trading at less than 50 percent of their value of what they were just 1-2 years ago. there is a newness effect that may be seen, but the long term viability to make the profits targeted aren't going to be easy. operating costs are high and many of them rely on lending and strong cash-flow to fend off the lean times.


several of my previous customers were in the Indian Casinos in the Midwest. that market has all but dried up. they aren't buying anything because their business is way down.


their success here will depend on the economy and whether than can create an exceptional experience. given movie theaters and even the best restaurants in town are struggling to do that, I wish them luck at their turn.


Call me silly, but if anyone thinks the solution to our economy is more retail, then they should look at consumer spending reports over the past two years.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Jesus this post is so full of fail I dont even know where to begin. You honestly think there will be some sort of "bailout" for a fucking Casino?!


Who would have thought there would be govt. money given to detroit and wall street? Nobody can imagine how dumb the government is until it gets desperate.


Dont be ignorant, read up on a subject before you start making rediculous and totally unfounded comments about it. Hell even if the CBJ does move as a team it hasnt failed the city to make money and generate other businesses. City Center failed b/c of increasing and better competition from newer, more convenient malls in the suburbs.


Don't need to. There is enough contained in the CBJ post alone to imply this being a bad idea, let alone all the other arguments we've been over about casinos before.


Obviously there will be only 1 Casino so we dont have to worry about competition, after the "newness" wears off it will become like any other Casino just making money off of the 'regulars'.


Yeah, that's one of the problems. It's a monopoly genius, and that never works out for the customer. Who's ignorant now? I don't give a shit how many people the CBJ are keeping in business. If it's failing, they're all working on borrowed time so to speak. This is going to be one big giant "I told you so" you just wait and see.

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The only thing that bothers me is that casinos are actually losing money. Everywhere, including Vegas. Before the economic downturn. They are not making money. As soon as the 'new' wears off, will Cbus' continue to make money? From who? Local? No. It's going to need visitor money and what does Cbus have to offer to really make people go downtown? There aren't any succesful major sports teams. What's the draw for those out of state? Are we going to rely on OSU games?
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