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What Is A Squid?


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What is a squid?

1. A newbee who's first bike is a 600 or larger sportbike?

2. A person who rides a sportbike without proper gear?

3. A person who does stunts on public streets?

4. A person who rides a sportbike in an unlawful manner i.e. speeding etc.

5. All of the above.

I use to think it was 1, then was convinced 2, then talked into 3, now being told 4, so I guess the answer must be 5. So it must be everyone who purchases a sportbike capable of 150+ for use on a public street, is that possible?

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pretty much someone who has no riding experience but acts like they are a badass on a bike....alot of squids die because they hop on bikes that are too big for their experience level and they get themselves killed....

Im a newbie because i dont have my own bike and have only ridden a few times on friends bikes....but i dont plan on getting even a 600 for my first and i dont act like a cocky mofo :D

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none of the above.

Someone who tries to act like hot stuff on a bike, but actually is clueless, is a squid.

Or someone who generally is clueless on a bike is a squid.


I couldn't have described it better myself.:metal:

Someone who is more into themselves trying to look good/badass than paying attention to what they're doing on their bike too.

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Personally I always wear gear, but I think my point is valid in that not wearing gear is a risk just as many other risks people take.

I'll give you that. Only the other risks you listed wont kill you in an instant. I used to not wear gear. After spending a week in ICU and another month on bed rest, I always wear gear. ATGATT

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Yes I agree with you, but in some circles an excellent rider who decides not to wear protective pants is labeled a squid.

:werd: One of my friends is this way. He quit riding a few years ago...great rider but only wore a helmet, jeans, sometimes gloves, and no jacket.:( I hope I can get him back on a bike someday when he can afford it...hopefully with the proper gear.

I think all your options could be considered a squid.

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i dont know... i started on a 600, but i knew my limits. for sure! i rode the thing like it was a 250 though. i would say its more of a mindset than anything else. like a im to cool to wear my helmet and jacket so im gunna slap on my oakleys instead type of deal. and someone who rides way above their own skill set. i am sure there are other examples, but what it comes down to is the mental aspect of the rider.

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You made me think...

We didn't used to have any gear at all. It wasn't invented yet. Gear was either a leather jacket or a jeans jacket and a cheap ass helmet. And it was wise to wear both. Gloves and boots were nothing special. Granted it only helped against road rash, but it was on everyone's mind. We spent our time concentrating on riding skills and tactics, knowing that was the only thing that would get us out of a collision. Times change, but I still would rather count on skill and tactics to get out of trouble.

Yeah, most of those old bikes would only barely do 100mph. And we didn't do that very often, it's part of "tactics".

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Always found this to be a good definition of a Squid-

Squid (Squiddy) - Acronym, SQUirrely kID. 1. In reference to younger MC riders with little respect to posted speed limit laws, self safety or safety of others. 2. Inexperienced newcomer, someone trying to ride beyond his skill level with arms flailing (like a squid) to try not to fall. This may be just a Southern term. 3. Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Imminently Dead. 4 Any Sportbike Rider - seems this term got twisted along the way and has many meanings. 5 Sportbike riders who wear tennis shoes or flip flops, shorts, T-shirts, etc. on their nice shiny new sport bikes. 6 Anyone that rides without all proper gear , rides recklessly, or rides beyond their limits. 7. Someone who rides a sportbike on the street as if he or she were on a racetrack.


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when A squid swims , it takes off at amazing speed in a strait line, but cant turn or stop for shit ! The most often seen subspecies that are indigious to this area are recognised by thier verry shiney scales, & 1,300cc 's of mustle. There is usualy at least one parasite attached to the top. This parasite keeps the scales shiney and in turn the squid gives transport ?

I saw this somewhere , I think on animal planet ??

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