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Watch out for this Columbus scammer!!!


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the only defense he (Seller) would have is that you bought it on sight, you actually got to old the thing and look at it and you handed him money for it. A lot of the times the authoritie may tend not to side with you because "you saw it, and you bought it"... which is why they have paypal for most online "sight unseen" transactions. Its almost like being able to examine it while having a chance to back out. The guy could also claim that "to the best of his knowledge" he sold you a working turbocharger


You said it yourself


I checked it for shaft play in the low light of the Giant Eagle parking lot


Why didn't you take it into the giant eagle and look at it under good light? What about even taking it under a lightpole? or even sit down in your car and look at it? isn't that your responsibility to know what you are buying?


I feel for you for the fact that the guy is unreachable to resolve the issue... But, you should never give someone your hard earned money (ESPECIALLY FOR A FUCKING TURBO) without taking a good long look at it!


Caveat Emptor!

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Right, because i'm sure every inch of the scammers house is covered in 1 thing and 1 thing only!


lol, who would take a item to 3 different rooms in the house to have the pic in different backgrounds and such haha


an artist

that be the only reason i could see if he really did take the picks witch he didnt .

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the only defense he (Seller) would have is that you bought it on sight, you actually got to old the thing and look at it and you handed him money for it. A lot of the times the authoritie may tend not to side with you because "you saw it, and you bought it"... which is why they have paypal for most online "sight unseen" transactions. Its almost like being able to examine it while having a chance to back out. The guy could also claim that "to the best of his knowledge" he sold you a working turbocharger


You said it yourself




Why didn't you take it into the giant eagle and look at it under good light? What about even taking it under a lightpole? or even sit down in your car and look at it? isn't that your responsibility to know what you are buying?


I feel for you for the fact that the guy is unreachable to resolve the issue... But, you should never give someone your hard earned money (ESPECIALLY FOR A FUCKING TURBO) without taking a good long look at it!


Caveat Emptor!



I agree with you that I should have brought a flashlight (which I intended to but forgot and remembered when I was halfway there.) I agree (now) that I should not buy any car parts off someone unless I know them personally or buy it brand new from the retailer (sad you can't trust anyone).


Lesson learned. This is my fault. I am now under the mind state I can't trust anyone. Hindsight is 20/20. It won't happen again. Thanks for pointing out I shouldn't give my hard earned money to someone without extensive research, as I didn't just learn that from this experience.


Look forward to further verbal thrashings everyone! Peace.

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Thanks for pointing out I shouldn't give my hard earned money to someone without extensive research, as I didn't just learn that from this experience.



You are welcome.


My advice, read more, post less, learn, and always, always, Don't take life too seriously.



Look forward to further verbal thrashings everyone! Peace.


Welcome to Columbusracing.... If you are going to cry, the girls bathroom is down the hall and to the left, the tampons are in a vending machine in front of the 3rd stall.

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Welcome to Columbusracing.... If you are going to cry, the girls bathroom is down the hall and to the left, the tampons are in a vending machine in front of the 3rd stall.


What kind of tampons are they? I prefer Tampax Pearl which is why I always carry my own, but in case I forget to put a few in my pocket, just need to know what kinds I am looking at having to use. (No cardboard applicators would be great).

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What kind of tampons are they? I prefer Tampax Pearl which is why I always carry my own, but in case I forget to put a few in my pocket, just need to know what kinds I am looking at having to use. (No cardboard applicators would be great).



you just earned your way to wrung number 1. I'm impressed!

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Yo. Just throwin this out there, this is the same jordan kid that used to tool around polaris in his "500" hp silver mustang. Also, i know for a fact he didnt buy a bigger turbo, slomo never finished putting his eclipse together. Motors kept blowin and i think he just gave up.
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yeah, he said something about a mustang when I met him up and he did say slomo kept blowing his motors. My wife just talked to a Columbus Police office that her family is friends with and he said with the evidence I have (text messages guaranteeing the turbo was in "perfect" condition) and all that I should be able to take him to small claims court and win. I need to get his last name and address first. Can't take someone to court if you can't find them.
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Yo, was this the kid?




Also, i can get you an address on his grandparents place (Where he used to live) but i currently don't know where he lives with his girl.


Kids a fucking tool, ill do anything i can to help you get your cash back.

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I am about to have a heart attack. That looks just like him except, if that is him, he has shaggy hair now. Also can't tell how tall the dude actually is in this pic but I am 6ft 2in and he was significantly shorter than me. He was real thin too even with his jacket and everything on. This jeep looks just like his as well but the license plates aren't the same. (Maybe he changed them) Dude also WREAKED of cigarettes. I mean, the box he gave me the turbo in had to be put down the basement b/c it smells so bad. One other thing, he said something about having an Evo IX and Evo X that his GF bought him with her $500K+ she got from a settlement due to being in a car accident and having her back broken. I don't know what to believe with this dude and what not to...he also told me he lives off Ponderosa Drive off 161...that's all he said and I don't know if that is true or not. but that picture looks eerily like the guy...
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he said something about having an Evo IX and Evo X that his GF bought him with her $500K+ she got from a settlement due to being in a car accident and having her back broken.



Yeah thats DEFINITLY him. Thats from the accident where he wrecked his mustang. Spent so many hours in the hospital with his girl cause i felt so bad for her. Anyways, if theres anything i can do to help let me know. One of my friends also knows where he lives so i might be able to help you out with that. It has to be him, with the eclipse and slomo, and him wrecking his mustang and his girlfriend breaking her back. It HAS to be him. I think i know his last name not sure, but i know where his parents / grandparents live and you could always visit that place with the authority, or i can try and help you find out where he lives.


Reguardless you should have not been fucked outta 300$ +/- cause of this douchebag.

Edited by Fubar231
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