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Snow is coming


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Their calling for 2-5" THURSDAY. That could either mean a blizzard of epic proportion or an early spring.


It's called "break out all the dumbass drivers with cell phones/texting, driving in their bad ass 4wd SUV that thinks they're the king of the road on 270 day".


Thank god I work at home now. :)

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It's called "break out all the dumbass drivers with cell phones/texting, driving in their bad ass 4wd SUV that thinks they're the king of the road on 270 day".


Thank god I don't work now.




fuckin A man, both monday and tuesday evenings trying to get from Bexley to Dublin was like pulling teeth. The roads were NOT BAD, wet mainly, but every fucktard and their mother had to creep along at 20mph, making a 20minute trip a 45minute trip and me late to damn near everything!


fuckin' skanks! <<+rep to the first person who knows that...

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fuckin A man, both monday and tuesday evenings trying to get from Bexley to Dublin was like pulling teeth. The roads were NOT BAD, wet mainly, but every fucktard and their mother had to creep along at 20mph, making a 20minute trip a 45minute trip and me late to damn near everything!


fuckin' skanks! <<+rep to the first person who knows that...


This has been killing me this week. I drive in at 6:30AM and they idiots are already out. I'm trying to figure out where they came from. Traffic has never been this bad on the way in, but now it seems to be terrible. I haven't gone over 60mph the past three days, because everyone is scared of wet roads. Can't wait to see what happens on the way home when there actually is some snow.

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It has been horrible this week on 270 on my drive from Westerville to Dublin. I think this morning the far left hand lane was moving 65 mph almost the whole time. The bad thing about this snow is we are getting it around noon on. So driving to work will be fine, but coming home is going to be a b!tch. Oh and my wife has to drive to MI tomorrow for work. That is going to suck for her.
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I love how people stick on each others back bumpers and follow the tracks of other cars that have passed through. The line at Polaris exit Northbound was 3/4 of the way down the ramp and everyone was in the Right side left turn lane...wtf there are 2 left turn lanes the other one is snow that's all....
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I'll tell you what really sucks.

I spent most of my childhood hoping it would snow so that school would be cancelled. Now I have kids in school and find myself hoping for the same shit. :D I've came full circle.

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