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Official Who Dey Cry / Excuse thread


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I'm disappointed. They couldn't win 1 playoff game!? I thought they were good enough to make it at least to the 2nd, maybe 3rd round depending on who won out. Oh Well, I guess that's way all the fans were talking durring the regular season. Getn' while the gettin' was good.
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Im a Jets fan, Yes not a die hard Jets fan (i think its pretty obvious im a hockey fan first) but if i had to root for anyone it would be the Jets. I hated cinci's gameplan to basically not show up against the Jets last week and "save themselves" for the playoffs. As soon as I heard the 24-0 score all i could think of was, "man i hope we fuck them up next week and that plan completely backfires". I couldnt be happier that we won.
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Im a Jets fan, Yes not a die hard Jets fan (i think its pretty obvious im a hockey fan first) but if i had to root for anyone it would be the Jets. I hated cinci's gameplan to basically not show up against the Jets last week and "save themselves" for the playoffs. As soon as I heard the 24-0 score all i could think of was, "man i hope we fuck them up next week and that plan completely backfires". I couldnt be happier that we won.


what position do you play?

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Ok "ken", i never said I was on the team and i think i was pretty clear in saying that I was a fan of the team. I may not be a Grammer nazi but using the term "we" to describe "your" team isnt exactly a rarity now is it?


just a bengal fan giving you a hard time...good luck to your team. :)

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Thanks, Steerlerfan^ impressive analysis. So if Cincy sucks and rolled pitts twice this year...where does that put your team?


Talk trash when your team makes the playoffs and wins a game. Stealer nation is in flux. Your team has no identity without Troy P. Find a way to keep him healthy for more than a month at a time and you can rip the Bengals all you want. :)

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The saddest part is that they would have definitely been Super Bowl Champions if they could have just won this playoff game, the following playoffs, and the Super Bowl. Breaks the little engine in my chest.


Oh well, my buckeyes won their bowl game. Woot.

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Guys this is probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I was at my in-laws house Sunday for dinner, and shortly after i had to go #2. My wife's brother was in the downstairs bathroom, so i went upstairs to use the master bathroom. I was about to take a dump, and I remembered something my friend told me called AC Slatering. AC Slatering is when you take a dump facing backwards on the toilet, just how on saved by the bell AC Slater always sat backwards on a chair. So when I was taking a dump, My stomach was facing the back of the toilet, and my back was facing the door. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and began to get nervous. Since AC Slatering is a tough position to get into, it requires taking off your pants. So there I am sitting in my wife's parents bathroom taking a dump with my pants off and facing the wrong way on the toilet. My dump was about halfway out when the footsteps became closer. I then turned around to see that I had not locked the door. Trying to finish as quickly as I could, I began pushing harder and harder. Suddenly, the door opened, and my mother-in-law stood there in shock staring at me. We made eye contact for a split second, and I was so embarrassed I wanted to die. I quickly finished up, got dressed, and ran out of the house as quickly as I could. I am so embarrassed and I hope my wife doesn't blabber about this, Ill die if anyone else finds out.
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