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What I learned last night

Guest Hal

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Lesson #1

If your wife leaves a Meijer bag on the stove with a bottle of sleeping pills in it, your dog will get it. Once the dog gets it, it will open the box, open the lid, tear off the foil, pull out the cotton, and finally eat 12 of them.


Lesson #2

When you get home an hour after this happens, call the emergency vet. They won't be able to do anything so you have to call the ASPCA poison control line and pay $65 to talk to a toxicologist.


Lesson #3

3 table spoons of hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1 table spoon of milk will induce vomiting in a large breed dog. Don't forget to give the dog 1 piece of white bread before this though.


Lesson #4

A dog overdosing on Diphenhydramine HCI will cause the dog to be hyperactive and edgy, not sleepy. The normal does of Diphenhydramine HCI for dogs is also only 75mg, the pills are 25mg each.


Lesson #5

You have to watch the dog 12-18 hours after the initial overdose. If the dog will sleep with you, you can go to sleep because any signs of a reaction will likely wake you up.


Lesson #6

If your dog has eaten the handle of a hammer, a large portion of steel toe boots, wood (floor, sticks, bark), a flashlight, etc... Sleeping pills will probably not do anything and your valiant life saving efforts will be wasted because she's fucking fine.


That was my night, it sucked. Wifebert is not allowed to handle medication unsupervised anymore.

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This brings back a memory of when my large dobe ate a whole box of rat poison we had hidden behind the furnace. He lived thru it. I gave him a large table spoon of salt so he would throw it up. The same dog stepped on a large rusty eye hook and it went thru his foot. He also went thru a glass window once by accident. He was a tough one for sure. Pets are a lot of work.
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Hal, do you figure your dog's overdose was just a "cry for help," or do you think it just doesn't want to go on living with you? :confused:


I'm pretty sure it was a cry for help. She's been self mutilating for a while, but I just couldn't see the cuts because she always wore a sweater.



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At least it seems like it's working out for the best. I can imagine last night and even today is a bit touchy.


I freaked out when one of our boxers ate an entire corn cob. Not a small one either. Had no clue if she chewed it or swallowed it whole or in chucks.


The vet said to keep an eye on her and rush her in if she showed sings of it not coming out one way or another.


Thankfully, it came back up that night in two pieces. I've found that if they eat something like that they usually puke it up that night.

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What emergency vet said they wouldn't be able to do anything? MedVet? I know OSU helps with digestion of medicines and drugs because I have been there when people call or dogs come in.
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What emergency vet said they wouldn't be able to do anything? MedVet? I know OSU helps with digestion of medicines and drugs because I have been there when people call or dogs come in.


Yeah, it was MedVet. They could have done activated charcoal if we took her in, but they suggested we call poison control first.

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Yeah, it was MedVet. They could have done activated charcoal if we took her in, but they suggested we call poison control first.


Yeah my gf says she doesn't know why they didn't just tell you to make the dog vomit at MedVet. Diphenhydramine HCI is Benadryl basically and they are dumb asses for not knowing that.

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Diphenhydramine HCI = Benadryl for any non-medical types out there. It's also in Tylenol PM and such. Antihistimine with drowsiness as side effect. Safe for dogs, but as posted above, does not make them sleepy. 50mg Benedryl tablets might be cheaper than your co-pay, tho.
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Diphenhydramine HCI = Benadryl for any non-medical types out there. It's also in Tylenol PM and such. Antihistimine with drowsiness as side effect. Safe for dogs, but as posted above, does not make them sleepy. 50mg Benedryl tablets might be cheaper than your co-pay, tho.

Will it function the same? I have trouble sleeping during the week so the stuff I have is just Simply Sleep right now.

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One melatonin and two Valerian Root. You'll be sleepy in 30 minutes and out like a light once you lay down and close your eyes.




Benadryl helps you get to sleep, but in general it's not a good nights sleep and it only lasts about 4 hours.

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