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I need the loudest piezoelectic spreaker they make.


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I have (or maybe used to have...) one out of a fire alarm cover. That was one loud SOB.


If you can wait 2 weeks (lulz), I'll be back home and can look for it. Though I think I threw it away a while ago.


We made a game back in college called the wheel of intoxication with it. We made a spinning wheel with nails to hit a trigger that made the horn beep like the wheel of fortune. We had to cover it up with a few layers of tape to quiet it down enough to be bearable. Every spot had something you had to do, or a drink amount. Lots of fun, lots of naked people from that game (we had some 'good' rules).


Why a piezoelectric specifically, looking for as loud and small as you can get? Like Christian, I'm interested in seeing what you want to do with it. :)

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Well, I suppose it doesn't have to be a piezoelectric. I just remember hearing a 110db version as a kid and specifically remember it vibrating my brain (not kidding here) when it went off. I just remember it producing a wicked, ear-piercing shrill. I basically am looking for the loudest, most unfriendly-to-human speaker there is.



My father, a gun nut like myself, is currently working in Mexico (been there about a year) and will most likely be there for the next year or two. He lives in a really nice apartment complex, but recently, there have been a rash of 'break ins'. They are targeting his fellow employees who also live in the complex, most likely because it's pretty well known that the company he works for pays very well.


The break ins appear to be an inside job. People are coming home to find their stuff missing (mostly firearms), with no sign of forced entry. The doors are being unlocked, the shit's taken, and then the door's being relocked upon leaving.


A friend of his had his new XD40 stolen. He walked into his place. Noticed a water bottle sitting on his table, and knew it wasn't his bottle; at which point, he discovered some things were missing.


Now, my dad is getting pretty worried because he's bought close to $25,000 in guns since he's been out there, and they're pretty much just sitting in a closet. If he gets hit, it's going to suck a big one.


Being an apartment, it's not the most secure facility in the world. He called up an alarm company and had them install a complete system on his unit. He had them configure it to go off within 15 seconds of opening the door, and the company is to call directly to the police instead of calling him first; hopefully to limit the amount of time for anybody who wants to smash and grab. I suggested that he get a decent size safe and bolt it to the floor inside the closet. But, he doesn't want to do that since he moves around a lot. So, my next suggestion was to swap out the deadbolt on the entry door, and if management complains - tell them to go fuck themselves since it's probably one of their people that's doing it. I also suggested that he replace the bedroom and closet doorknobs with deadbolts so that it will possibly slow them down a little bit more.


I then asked him if the alarm system had a loudspeaker to alert anybody within a mile radius. He told me that it's got a small speaker that the neighbors could hear. It was at this point that I told him that's not enough, and got the idea to use as loud a speaker as possible - something that will hurt.


So, here I am. Looking for something for him that can be used as even further deterrent. I'm serious when I say I want it to hurt people, not just be annoyingly loud.

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Guest tbutera2112

why not pick up the guns and bring them to your place until he gets back?


unless im misunderstanding, and his apartment is down there where hes staying? i assumed you meant he had his stuff stored in an apartment here...but i guess i could be reading it wrong

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Guest tbutera2112
yea...i just edited my post before you responded to that...guess i read it wrong, thought you meant he had an apartment here with all his stuff in it and was worried about it since he is out of town
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Electrically operated valve opening a compressed air line to a horn. How loud you want? For a short blast you could probably power one of those from a small CO2 bottle for a BB gun.


I'm in agreement about adding a deadbolt to the closet and changing the one on the apartment door. Management won't even know until someone tries to use a key to get in.

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bolting a safe down and changing locks vs. getting ur stuff stolen........


even if i had to move once a week and unbolt that shit i would rather do that then give some punk a chance 2 steal it........


second option, set these ppl up, he could have a coworker that was robbed or something stay over that night dress up like ur old man and in morning they could leave the apt and get in your old mans car and go on to work like anyother day while your father sits in closet waiting :) they might notice the guy leaving and think coast is clear;)

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bolting a safe down and changing locks vs. getting ur stuff stolen........


even if i had to move once a week and unbolt that shit i would rather do that then give some punk a chance 2 steal it........


second option, set these ppl up, he could have a coworker that was robbed or something stay over that night dress up like ur old man and in morning they could leave the apt and get in your old mans car and go on to work like anyother day while your father sits in closet waiting :) they might notice the guy leaving and think coast is clear;)


This is how I feel about it. It's a small expense and inconvenience to protect your stuff. My dad can be pretty naive when he wants to be. Drives me nuts.

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Safes are extremely heavy especially the larger ones. If its upstairs and in a closet, you would have to think it would be near impossible to get it downstiars and loaded up before the cops made it there. Bolting it to the floor may be better but just having the safe may be all thats needed.
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Safes are extremely heavy especially the larger ones. If its upstairs and in a closet, you would have to think it would be near impossible to get it downstiars and loaded up before the cops made it there. Bolting it to the floor may be better but just having the safe may be all thats needed.


He's on the first floor, so it's kind of a good/bad thing. 50-60 gun safes usually weigh somewhere between 6-900lb, depending on the quality; not anywhere close to being easy to move. In fact, I think most places will deliver them for you as well. Bolting it down would be a no brainer if he did get one.


His problem is, he skips all over the country. He travels light, because he travels often. He CRAMS everything he needs into a little 4x8 enclosed trailer and his Durango. When he moves, those are both strategically packed to the hilt. Getting a safe in there as well is not do-able without making 2 trips.


Still, I keep telling him he needs to get a safe of some sort and bolt it to the floor and walls. If he has to sell it for 1/2 price before he leaves, then so be it. It's still worth the insurance.

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He's on the first floor, so it's kind of a good/bad thing. 50-60 gun safes usually weigh somewhere between 6-900lb, depending on the quality; not anywhere close to being easy to move. In fact, I think most places will deliver them for you as well. Bolting it down would be a no brainer if he did get one.


His problem is, he skips all over the country. He travels light, because he travels often. He CRAMS everything he needs into a little 4x8 enclosed trailer and his Durango. When he moves, those are both strategically packed to the hilt. Getting a safe in there as well is not do-able without making 2 trips.


Still, I keep telling him he needs to get a safe of some sort and bolt it to the floor and walls. If he has to sell it for 1/2 price before he leaves, then so be it. It's still worth the insurance.


What if, instead of a huge safe he used something similar to a bike lock. You know the type thats just steel wire, only use a thicker gauge steal wire. Im sure there is a way he can run it through each of his guns (thinking maybe throught he trigger well?) and then possibly just bolt them to the floor? Or course you could add some sort of lock so they wouldnt be permanantly stuck to the floor but after he moves he can unlock them and all he would leave is an anchor bolt on the floor. After all, your not looking to make it impossible to take the guns just make it harder and more time consuming so the cops can show up right?

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What if, instead of a huge safe he used something similar to a bike lock. You know the type thats just steel wire, only use a thicker gauge steal wire. Im sure there is a way he can run it through each of his guns (thinking maybe throught he trigger well?) and then possibly just bolt them to the floor? Or course you could add some sort of lock so they wouldnt be permanantly stuck to the floor but after he moves he can unlock them and all he would leave is an anchor bolt on the floor. After all, your not looking to make it impossible to take the guns just make it harder and more time consuming so the cops can show up right?



Right. I like this idea. I'm going to pass it on to him. Each gun is in an individual case, so maybe if he locked the cases, and then chained all of the cases to something solid, it might work.


Any thief can get something if they have enough time. The goal is to give them as little time as possible.

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i was thinking the same with a heavy cable bolted to something super solid...sorta like how they do it at gun stores...run that shit through each gun, preferably the barrel if possible. anyone can remove a trigger guard and replace it for $2
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Forget cable. If they have five minutes, a bolt cutter can be used by just nibbling through a few strand at a time.

I've seen a cheap design for an effective gun safe that doesn't require 200lbs of armor steel. All you need is a three lengths of 1/2" steel rod and two 1/4" steel plates. One of the steel bars goes through the trigger guards, the other two rods bracket the barrels for shotguns and rifles/carbines. Fasten the ends of the upper bars through the plates with nuts, and the trigger bar with a welded flange on one end, and a good lock that doesn't leave an exposed shackle on the other. Build the whole thing into a cheap plywood box. Run a HEAVY eyebolt into a stud in the wall and use another lock to secure it in such a location that a thief couldn't even turn the whole box to back the eyebolt out of the wall.

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why put a security system in an aprt. that you will be moving from in a short time anyway? id invest in a nice security system for the Durango and keep all the guns in there. hell even put the biggest loudspeaker in it to wake you up if anyone trys to F with it.
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