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Dover, he said earlier he weighs 250. You need to look up the calculations that NASA (IIRC) uses in their competitions for age/weight.


I looked back through and couldn't find his reply to my question, so thank you for telling me. And I'll look that up, I'm 180. So we can see where this goes.

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This is better:

NASA doesn't take age in to an account.




Is this your boy Hal you seem to buddy buddying him a bit?


Lol, no. I'm just in a good mood today. I've never actually met him. I couldn't care less who wins, although I do find it humorous that a powerlifter is calling out someone who does not focus on all out strength.

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So explain this to me there superman when you have complete fatigued tris wouldn't you be isolating your shoulders more an working them harder hence shoulders as a major on that day? Hmm there's food for thought


ford_351 let's talk stats there buddy congrats your powerlifter that's cool how much do you weigh are we going lb for lb or are we going tradional rules like you know in actual power lifting comp. Age, weight, and weight completeted? Since your such a badass an I won't need longer than two weeks. You sound like suuuuuuch a badass let me tell you :rolleyes:


This have been taken to PM's.

Too much clutter in OP's thread

sorry /threadjack

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There are so many different opinions and styles to working out that I hate even talking to most people about this stuff. There are very little methods that have actually been proven BEST that it leaves everyone in a pissing match about what they have learned and why it is better and who told them. Everyones bodys are different and the only way to find out what is good for YOU is to try. If something works, well then it works for you.


Best advice in this entire thread. I personally keep trying new things in order to keep making progress. Once I get into a routine, I stop seeing gains.


And on that note, I should be doing cardio. I hate cardio.

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Lol, no. I'm just in a good mood today. I've never actually met him. I couldn't care less who wins, although I do find it humorous that a powerlifter is calling out someone who does not focus on all out strength.


I'm calling our your DD with my racecar Hal for monies. :bangbang:

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A few thoughts:


Whoever said to stretch before working out is wrong. You never stretch a cold muscle, according to prevailing current standards.


Whoever said that a muscle can completely recover in 24 hours is completely wrong. Most experts would contend that even the smaller muscles that can be worked out twice in a seven day span - such as abs and calves - still need at least more than 24 hours to recover.


Whoever said that a tricep is a small muscle is wrong. Yeah, maybe small compared to a pec or a quad, but a tricep is still a fairly substantial muscle, especially in relation to the arm. Want big arms? Focus more on triceps before you focus more on biceps.


Whoever said recovery is essential is absolutely correct.


Shanton, about your "playboy" workout, I've heard many a meathead say: "The top won't grow unless you feed the bottom." They swear that you can't get bigger up top until you work your legs. Not sure how correct that is, but I figured I'd share with you nonetheless. (FWIW, I noticed substantial gains in my upper body once I started doing legs, so, in my case, the meatheads were right.)


I firmly believe that, in terms of how you look, 80% of it has to do with what you eat. You can be in the gym 24/7, but if you eat like shit, then you'll just end up looking like shit. If you're trying to sculp your body, then you absolutely MUST eat better.

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Hal you know your washed up now so why try :p haha

I've been invited to lift at westside a few times just haven't mad the drive. Aslo have been invited to elite fitness and gone there a few times. Set a record at NASA shrug.


I know, it's a sad realization. :(


I probably won't ever touch a shirt again, and I doubt I'll compete again. It took over a year to recover from the training once I stopped.

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I firmly believe that, in terms of how you look, 80% of it has to do with what you eat. You can be in the gym 24/7, but if you eat like shit, then you'll just end up looking like shit. If you're trying to sculp your body, then you absolutely MUST eat better.


That's one part I'll disagree with to a point. I used to eat a couple 12" philly cheese steaks, a couple Wendy's meals, and whatever else I felt like when I was still hitting the gym hard. I didn't have the super cut muscles some guys want, but I was never into bodybuilding stuff. You could see I would say the type of workout you do will also have a profound effect on how you look.

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That's one part I'll disagree with to a point. I used to eat a couple 12" philly cheese steaks, a couple Wendy's meals, and whatever else I felt like when I was still hitting the gym hard. I didn't have the super cut muscles some guys want, but I was never into bodybuilding stuff. You could see I would say the type of workout you do will also have a profound effect on how you look.



I believe he was referring to a more sculpted look rather than just "big looking"

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I believe he was referring to a more sculpted look rather than just "big looking"


Yeah, that is what I meant to convey. Hal, I hear what you're saying though. I just meant that, if you're into bodybuilding, then, IMHO, diet counts for a lot.

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Yeah, that is what I meant to convey. Hal, I hear what you're saying though. I just meant that, if you're into bodybuilding, then, IMHO, diet counts for a lot.


Definitely. If you want that total sculpted look, diet is a HUGE part of it.

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They swear that you can't get bigger up top until you work your legs. Not sure how correct that is, but I figured I'd share with you nonetheless. (FWIW, I noticed substantial gains in my upper body once I started doing legs, so, in my case, the meatheads were right.)


Smartest god damn thing in this thread.. Heavy squats is taxing on the CNS, plus releases testosterone. Squat often and squat heavy... go deep, having your femur go past parallel, or your hips below your knees. No quarter squats with 4 plates so you can tell your friends you can squat over 400

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crossfit.com, brassringfitness.com, militaryathlete.com.


All already have a work out for you, and all with kick your ass.




Another smart post.. do you do crossfit?


SealFit.com is another one, but they're workouts are a little on the extreme side

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No quarter squats with 4 plates so you can tell your friends you can squat over 400


I love it.

I couldnt tell you how many people Ive given the "WTF are you doing???" look to when they try that shit. It looks completely pathetic to anyone that actually knows how to do a proper squat too hah.

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Dr. Tilley I need drastic help I am wasted an myg roomatesa aka shanton fucking wilson is drubnk an crazy an i wanna front kick our front door, should i d o squats orior to warm up mu leg muscles ?


Absolutely not. Drunken front kicks should be done with little to no warm up at all. Drunken roundhouses and drunken scissor kicks, however, should be preceded with 20 sets of fist pumps and two Jagerbombs, which should be an effective warm up.

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Smartest god damn thing in this thread.. Heavy squats is taxing on the CNS, plus releases testosterone. Squat often and squat heavy... go deep, having your femur go past parallel, or your hips below your knees. No quarter squats with 4 plates so you can tell your friends you can squat over 400


And to add to this, an article I recently read indicate that, because of the sheer size of the quads, working out your legs significantly enhances overall metabolism (which, of course, is great - and necessary - for building lean muscle, etc.)

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