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CBS Rejects gay dating site Superbowl Ad.


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this post is full of win. some things i might add to those who look to the Bible as a way to persecute others:


Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Galatians 3:26-29

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.


James 2:4

have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?


It really bothers me when people claim to be Christians and use that as an excuse to judge. I am sorry, but the bible does not teach you to judge, that is your own personal struggle, not a biblical teaching.

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I'll say what I really feel...


I have no issue, problem, ill-will, hate towards ~98% of gay men. I work well with several on a daily basis. I play Hold'em (not like that) with a gay couple every 3 weeks.


What I honestly hate (and I admit hate is the right term here) are men who have to put on a show to express just how gay they are. Talking in a fake-ass high pitched voice, wearing makeup, pretty much everything Brian Griffin's gay cousin does. I imagine the majority of gay men also dislike that 2% and probably don't like how much that 2% adds to the larger gay stereotype.


I can accept that some men just naturally are attracted to men. But I really believe men that parade around doing everything as over-the-top as they can have mental issues. No, I am not saying being gay is a mental disorder. Maybe they have to spend every waking hour proving just how gay they are because they suppressed it growing up in fear of what peers and family would do? My wife has had many clients with gender identity disorder and she claims it is very real and valid.


Just as a gay man would "hate" it if I constantly talked about fucking a woman and pointing out how much I love being straight, I can not stand being around an uber-gay.


I have talked to a few gay friends about this. They agree that the people that act like that do have some sort of mental underlying issues. Now, so gay guys act more feminine than others, but the flamboyancy is where the mental issues come in.

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The difference is the content aired during NASCAR isn't nearly as controversial and offensive to the other 90% of the population.

Actually, I was pointing out that the market share is roughly the same, making that argument against the ad invalid. Despite Nurkvinny's numbers, I think the numbers are a lot higher and closer to the 10%. But then alternative lifestyles are difficult to quantify.


I'll gladly have my kids and parents enjoy and afternoon of watching a football game where NASCAR is promoted vs seeing to guys in this ad with a tagline promoting a gay lifestyle.

Nowhere in the ad did they promote the lifestyle. They were promoting a dating service. And quite humorously too; I know my family would be laughing if they saw that ad, not horrified.


Again, the morality of America is already deep in the shitter on both sides, and we sure as hell don't need to sink the ship any faster by promoting a man on man play time.

Are we in the shitter because we tolerate gays? Or because we tolerate intolerant viewpoints? The one thing that truly offends me and makes me morally outraged is when someone tells me what I should be offended and morally outraged by.


"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" so all the flag waving freedom touting folks need to better balance morality and the greater good of what should be aired vs their own support and airing of something just because they can.

Who's morality? Misinformation and fearmongering aren't moral, yet the "I'm a Mac" ads are still on TV.


"Morality" is as difficult to define as faith. I'll say this. My friends, throughout my life, have very often been those who are looked down on by the "moral majority." Nerds, geeks, drug users, drug dealers, punks, metal-heads, ravers, gays, lesbians, wiccans, furries, as well as the scary-intelligent and free-thinkers that are often demonized. I never judged them on those aspects alone. And *to a person* I got a great friendship in return. They were better people than many of those who consider themselves "moral."


As for what people should tell their kids, tell them the same thing as when they ask why that man and that lady are tumbling around on the bed behind that bottle of perfume in the foreground. It's a discussion for when they're older. And if they are, parents should trust their parenting and their kids' morals to make up their own decision. Guide and Educate. Don't leave the kids in a vacuum or they'll find out on their own and without guidance.


Again, I think it's funny how gays go around with pink triangles and equal stickers on their car. Perhaps I should go around with a bunch of equal signs with lines through them promoting the straight lifestyle.

Equal Signs, Pink Triangles, and Rainbows show support for their lifestyle, not anti-heterosexualty. Putting a line through those symbols would be anti-gay. I'm sure you'd be upset if someone had a sticker of a cross, or whatever symbol you hold important, with a line through it. Come up with your own symbol for for your lifestyle and that would be fine (interlocked Mars and Venus sigils are fine). Showing support for something is not provocative. Showing your hate for something is.

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Despite Nurkvinny's numbers, I think the numbers are a lot higher and closer to the 10%. But then alternative lifestyles are difficult to quantify.


I think the real number is under 1%. I think that somewhere around 15 years ago, networks figured out that they can cash in on the wow factor of gay characters in their shows. It snowballed from there, and now most series have at least an occasional gay character... for ratings.


Somewhere in there, teens starting believing that just because every MTV "reality" series showcased at least 1 gay contestant, or 2 chicks making out, that the straight to gay ratio must be 5:1.


To believe that 10% of the population is gay, you'd have to believe that 10 out of every 100 people you see on a daily basis is gay. No way. Not even close, man.


The loudest and most persistent groups will always skew the public's perception of a topic, situation or count. For example, a small number of people complain about an "indecent" tv incident, and the media reports it as "massive" or an outrage. Or, maybe, the real number is 50% and I will become gay one day?

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Nowhere in the ad did they promote the lifestyle. They were promoting a dating service. And quite humorously too; I know my family would be laughing if they saw that ad, not horrified.


The whole ad promotes the gay lifestyle. I consider it somewhat an amusing play on what is otherwise something I consider sick. The only part I found funny is the guy sitting to the far left.



Are we in the shitter because we tolerate gays? Or because we tolerate intolerant viewpoints? The one thing that truly offends me and makes me morally outraged is when someone tells me what I should be offended and morally outraged by.


We're in the shitter for a number of reasons. It's pretty widely known that the vast majority feel morality (however you want to define it or measure it) has dropped over the past several decades. Not just here in the US but all over the world. Bottom line is the television industry is not responsible for all of society's ills, but the broadcasters must take their share of the blame. I'm glad in this case the right decision was made.


I'm trying to tell you what you should be offended at, but in return I don't want risque ads like this promoting an alternative lifestyle in my home as part of advertisements.


Who's morality? Misinformation and fearmongering aren't moral, yet the "I'm a Mac" ads are still on TV.


In this case, it's my opinion and my morality. It's a commercial that promotes a lifestyle where man on man sex is encouraged and accepted. Bullshit. I don't want that type of advertisement during the Superbowl. Scary-intelligent and free-thinkers of the world may accept that, then so be it, but the majority currently don't and I side with them. There's a time and place for everything and the game of the year is not the place to put this.


"Morality" is as difficult to define as faith. I'll say this. My friends, throughout my life, have very often been those who are looked down on by the "moral majority." Nerds, geeks, drug users, drug dealers, punks, metal-heads, ravers, gays, lesbians, wiccans, furries, as well as the scary-intelligent and free-thinkers that are often demonized. I never judged them on those aspects alone. And *to a person* I got a great friendship in return. They were better people than many of those who consider themselves "moral."


I'm not saying your friends over the course of your life aren't good people. My cousin is a great person. However, I don't want him influencing or exposing his lifestyle to me or my immediate family. If that's means I'm conditionally accepting him then so be it. I don't go forcing the non-gay lifestyle on his immediate circle either. We tolerate each other as we each know where the line is and respect one another enough not to cross it.


As for what people should tell their kids, tell them the same thing as when they ask why that man and that lady are tumbling around on the bed behind that bottle of perfume in the foreground. It's a discussion for when they're older. And if they are, parents should trust their parenting and their kids' morals to make up their own decision. Guide and Educate. Don't leave the kids in a vacuum or they'll find out on their own and without guidance.


My point is and has been I don't need to have this crap put in front of my kids or family to where I should have to explain it to them. This ad was targeting a game and time when kids of younger ages will be watching and I don't need that. No one does. My kids can read and I don't need them asking me what that site's tag line means. Or worse yet, reading it and not asking.


My kids will have the chance to make up their own decision, but I'll be damn if I'm going to let them grow up thinking a man on man is normal. IMO it's not. It's what some choose or their brain is bent towards, but they aren't going to think I accept it, feel is natural or that a mans dick belongs in another mans hairy ass crack. If they disagree and choose to do so than fine, but part of my guidance and education isn't to let them be so free thinking and open that they fall for everything as okay to do. Again, they will know where the line is and if they choose to cross it, is ultimately up to them.


Equal Signs, Pink Triangles, and Rainbows show support for their lifestyle, not anti-heterosexuality.


exactly...and they want to feel so special and draw attention for being chemically whack in the brain. I'm sorry but that's how I see it. IMO If a man looks at this image and is attracted then he has some neurons in his brain misfiring and I won't support it as normal, healthy or mainstream okay. http://galleries.blacksonboys.com/content/demarcus/pics/pic/20.jpg :nws:


but hey....it's only a lifestyle right? How about we promote a web site touting Beastiality. Should we grant the right of marriage between a woman and her horse or a man an a goat? You know I can't wait to have a deep seated conversation with my son whereby I tell him to be so opened minded that it's perfectly natural and good to be friends with and work next to a guy that readily talks about banging his dogs or has a sticker on his car promoting it. :rolleyes:

Edited by TTQ B4U
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It really bothers me when people claim to be Christians and use that as an excuse to judge. I am sorry, but the bible does not teach you to judge, that is your own personal struggle, not a biblical teaching.


Its easy to point out others who will go to hell, its difficult to live a life that will not lead you to hell.


One of the most mind-blowing conundrums I've seen recently is the guy in Wichita who killed the abortion doctor IN CHURCH. The murderer is one of those Pat Robertson-700-Club-born-again psychos who was against abortions in all situations except where it would pose danger to the mother.


Regarding abortions in cases of rape or incest, he said "two wrongs don't make a right." That's about where my head exploded, and as I lay in a pool of my own blood and drool, I realized that this is why organized religion doesn't work. People get so wrapped up in what someone else tells them is right or wrong, they forget to apply the rhetoric to their own actions.


The Bible says murder is wrong, yet this man thinks he's done right by killing another man, and being a judge of good and evil.


The Bible says homosexuality is detestable (note; SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE IS FORBIDDEN IN THE COMMANDMENTS, BUT SLEEPING WITH OTHER MEN IS NOT), yet the Bible also says "judge not, lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1)."

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I think the real number is under 1%. I think that somewhere around 15 years ago, networks figured out that they can cash in on the wow factor of gay characters in their shows. It snowballed from there, and now most series have at least an occasional gay character... for ratings.


Somewhere in there, teens starting believing that just because every MTV "reality" series showcased at least 1 gay contestant, or 2 chicks making out, that the straight to gay ratio must be 5:1.


To believe that 10% of the population is gay, you'd have to believe that 10 out of every 100 people you see on a daily basis is gay. No way. Not even close, man.


The loudest and most persistent groups will always skew the public's perception of a topic, situation or count. For example, a small number of people complain about an "indecent" tv incident, and the media reports it as "massive" or an outrage. Or, maybe, the real number is 50% and I will become gay one day?

It's a perceptual thing I guess. Because I can see 1 in 10 being attracted to the same sex to some degree. *shrug* It's not something that can ever be verified. Too many who would count will say no, and even some that wouldn't might say yes.


The whole ad promotes the gay lifestyle. I consider it somewhat an amusing play on what is otherwise something I consider sick. The only part I found funny is the guy sitting to the far left.

Then Auto Insurance ads promote crashing.


We're in the shitter for a number of reasons. It's pretty widely known that the vast majority feel morality (however you want to define it or measure it) has dropped over the past several decades. Not just here in the US but all over the world. Bottom line is the television industry is not responsible for all of society's ills, but the broadcasters must take their share of the blame. I'm glad in this case the right decision was made.

I think we're in the shitter for reasons not related to morality, but that's for another discussion.


I'm trying to tell you what you should be offended at, but in return I don't want risque ads like this promoting an alternative lifestyle in my home as part of advertisements.

I'm going to assume there's a "not" missing from the first sentence there.


Out of curiosity, and be honest here, would we be having this discussion if it was two hot chicks in that add?


In this case, it's my opinion and my morality. It's a commercial that promotes a lifestyle where man on man sex is encouraged and accepted. Bullshit. I don't want that type of advertisement during the Superbowl. Scary-intelligent and free-thinkers of the world may accept that, then so be it, but the majority currently don't and I side with them. There's a time and place for everything and the game of the year is not the place to put this.

Again, I don't see this promoting being gay any more than Auto Insurance ads promote getting into accidents. The ad doesn't say "Come be Gay with us!" It says "If you're gay and looking for someone else, come to our website." As for majority, that's questionable and unverifyable. But then, points like that are what discussions like this are based on.


My point is and has been I don't need to have this crap put in front of my kids or family to where I should have to explain it to them. This ad was targeting a game and time when kids of younger ages will be watching and I don't need that. No one does. My kids can read and I don't need them asking me what that site's tag line means. Or worse yet, reading it and not asking.

I don't know what age your kids are. But you will have to explain this stuff to them sooner or later. We're in an information age. Education and guidance can act as filters on the information they encounter. Better to give them a foundation to build ideas from rather than letting them make their own and trying to repair it later.


My kids will have the chance to make up their own decision, but I'll be damn if I'm going to let them grow up thinking a man on man is normal. IMO it's not. It's what some choose or their brain is bent towards, but they aren't going to think I accept it, feel is natural or that a mans dick belongs in another mans hairy ass crack. If they disagree and choose to do so than fine, but part of my guidance and education isn't to let them be so free thinking and open that they fall for everything as okay to do. Again, they will know where the line is and if they choose to cross it, is ultimately up to them.

Though I don't agree with your views, I'm not saying you can't teach them to your kids. I'm just saying that you need to start explaining things to them earlier these days because the information is out there and it's easier to find than it was in the past. Homosexuals have existed since the dawn of time.


I could ask that you refrain from teaching them Hate. But ultimately, they're your kids, so I'm not going to tell you how to raise them.


exactly...and they want to feel so special and draw attention for being chemically whack in the brain. I'm sorry but that's how I see it. IMO If a man looks at this image and is attracted then he has some neurons in his brain misfiring and I won't support it as normal, healthy or mainstream okay. http://galleries.blacksonboys.com/content/demarcus/pics/pic/20.jpg :nws:

Doesn't change that they do feel that way. Do you get upset about Autism Awareness stickers?


but hey....it's only a lifestyle right? How about we promote a web site touting Beastiality. Should we grant the right of marriage between a woman and her horse or a man an a goat? You know I can't wait to have a deep seated conversation with my son whereby I tell him to be so opened minded that it's perfectly natural and good to be friends with and work next to a guy that readily talks about banging his dogs or has a sticker on his car promoting it. :rolleyes:

I find it curious how discussions of homosexuality are always steered to this argument by the opponent. Last time I checked, animals weren't sentient beings who could offer consent.




Its easy to point out others who will go to hell, its difficult to live a life that will not lead you to hell.


One of the most mind-blowing conundrums I've seen recently is the guy in Wichita who killed the abortion doctor IN CHURCH. The murderer is one of those Pat Robertson-700-Club-born-again psychos who was against abortions in all situations except where it would pose danger to the mother.


Regarding abortions in cases of rape or incest, he said "two wrongs don't make a right." That's about where my head exploded, and as I lay in a pool of my own blood and drool, I realized that this is why organized religion doesn't work. People get so wrapped up in what someone else tells them is right or wrong, they forget to apply the rhetoric to their own actions.


The Bible says murder is wrong, yet this man thinks he's done right by killing another man, and being a judge of good and evil.


The Bible says homosexuality is detestable (note; SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE IS FORBIDDEN IN THE COMMANDMENTS, BUT SLEEPING WITH OTHER MEN IS NOT), yet the Bible also says "judge not, lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1)."

Are you familiar with the Greater Internet Fuckwad theory?



Same thing with Religion. Except that Religion gives people Moral Anonymity. "My religion says it's OK, so I'm right."



I can imagine both a moral-less future, and one ruled by a religious morality. And BOTH are Hell on Earth.

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Then Auto Insurance ads promote crashing.[/Quote]


I disagree. Insurance ads promote coming to get information on auto insurance. This ad promotes coming to their site to do the same. Only on a vastly more controversial subject.



I think we're in the shitter for reasons not related to morality, but that's for another discussion.


Me too and I agree. Holy shit did I say that! :D


I'm going to assume there's a "not" missing from the first sentence there.


Out of curiosity, and be honest here, would we be having this discussion if it was two hot chicks in that add?


yep...the not was missing.


two girls....yes, I'd still feel the same way. I've already had to cover the huge boob and plastic surgery discussion with my son. He's 6.5yrs old too.


I could ask that you refrain from teaching them Hate. But ultimately, they're your kids, so I'm not going to tell you how to raise them.


I'm not teaching him to hate. I am likely to explain to him that there are people who are different and IMO not able to see what's correct..ie that is man and women. I don't view man on man as "normal" or "correct" or "natural" I see it as demented and not right both from our family morality standpoint as well as mother nature. Animals partake in male on male but there are reasons. Humans do it too, but IMO they are not chemically the same and while Doctors and Researchers can debate that all day, I stand by my statements that if a man sees the above photo as attractive, then something isn't right in their head. The root cause of this attraction, I don't know and don't care, it's not right.



Doesn't change that they do feel that way. Do you get upset about Autism Awareness stickers?


No, but then Autism doesn't promote man on man sex.


I find it curious how discussions of homosexuality are always steered to this argument by the opponent. Last time I checked, animals weren't sentient beings who could offer consent.


My point doesn't revolve around consent, it revolves around sick behavior. Change it to men interested in drinking piss of other willing humans.....no less disgusting or whack than wanting to screw another man.

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Me too and I agree. Holy shit did I say that! :D

We can disagree on other things.. Like owning a FWD car? Sheesh.. :rolleyes:


two girls....yes, I'd still feel the same way. I've already had to cover the huge boob and plastic surgery discussion with my son. He's 6.5yrs old too.

Didn't know this was one of "The Discussions" beyond :thumbup:. :D


I'm not teaching him to hate. I am likely to explain to him that there are people who are different and IMO not able to see what's correct..ie that is man and women. I don't view man on man as "normal" or "correct" or "natural" I see it as demented and not right both from our family morality standpoint as well as mother nature. Animals partake in male on male but there are reasons. Humans do it too, but IMO they are not chemically the same and while Doctors and Researchers can debate that all day, I stand by my statements that if a man sees the above photo as attractive, then something isn't right in their head. The root cause of this attraction, I don't know and don't care, it's not right.

Nothing wrong with that. It's when people teach their kids to hate and ostracize those who are different that it puts my teeth on edge. And the polar opposite where parents try to keep their kids from learning anything about something like this is equally distasteful IMO. Kids need a foundation to work from, but not one built from hate.

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Animals partake in male on male but there are reasons.


I'd love to hear these reasons. When I was growing up there was a pair of Golden Retrievers that lived next door to me, both male, that humped each other almost non-stop. I don't think it was an issue of dominance, since they split time being "bottom".




edit: also L-O-FUCKING-L at family morality. There is no such thing in the world anymore. Just like your health, there is no way to be certain one way of doing things (i.e. the religious, moral, nuclear family) will yield a desired result.

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typically it's dominance. however it's also pre-programed sexual thing too. in layman's terms, they have no hands to use so they rub-one-out on their buddy. I really don't understand as my dog can lick his own nuts but I guess he's never learned to blow himself :D


I'd love to hear these reasons. When I was growing up there was a pair of Golden Retrievers that lived next door to me, both male, that humped each other almost non-stop. I don't think it was an issue of dominance, since they split time being "bottom"
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Is it gay if I climax during the part of the porn where they focus the camera really close on the guys balls? I tried to hold it but couldnt and now I think I'm gay.


Were your balls against the screen at the time? If so, I think you got your answer.

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What if I go to walk by a guy and he backs into me and touches his rear against my front? That happened to me at a football game by the concession stands and now I feel gay. I know it happens a lot but I froze up and didnt apologize. Only a gay isnt sorry when a man puts his Levis butt pockets on another mans zipper.
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