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The white Mustang on Mink Rd.


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I'm sorry that I passed you. The thing is, I take that road because I CAN pass people. It's not your fault, I was on my way to work and running late like always so I was trying to make up time. I pass people on that road every day. It just so happened that today I passed the biggest SPS sufferer in all of Columbus.


Blaring your horn at the light, yeah I got your point. You are upset that you got passed by a Jeep. Chasing me down old 161 and passing that truck in the middle of a turn to keep up with me, well that was probably worse than anything I did to you. Screaming at me at the next light just showed how nuts you are, but then at the last light when you threw shit at me, well that was just uncalled for. Maybe you can make your car fast enough to outrun an SUV and this might not happen again. Or you could just go a reasonable speed down a backroad so I won't feel the need to pass you.

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I hope you gave that asshole the finger. I hate people that get pissed at you for passing them. They need to teach in drivers ed that some drivers regardless how fast you are going will want to pass you. So don't be an ass and get the fuck over a lane and let them go.


God I really wish some people would stop driving forever.

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Guest tbutera2112

dude you were a douchebag when you passed me, so you deserved me throwing shit at you


and before you say it wasnt me, i just had my car painted white




your jeep isnt faster than anything, youre just a douchebag who cant drive or read a clock appropriately to not be late as fuck all the time

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Wow, that guy sounds like a cunt. I don't think I could have kept my cool. Years ago (when I was 17 and stupid) some punk threw something at my car, and I followed them home. When they immediately parked in their garage and started to close the garage door, I drove through their front yard and did a burnout in their driveway.


Obviously not a smart thing to do, but I don't know how you can just let something like that go. Then again, you were on the way to work, so what can you do...

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This is why Jeeps have massive steel bumpers, right? Just a thought...


New ones like mine are all plastic. Which I think is why when I checked it out I couldn't find any damage. Salt armor FTW


x2. Should have "bumped" him @ 90mph. Remember, rubbin' is racin'.


Backroads. I wasn't going anywhere near 90.

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if anyone ever tosses something at my car, it will not end well for either of us I'm sure.


years back someone got a bad case of road rage and tossed a bottle at my wife on her way back from court. not a good move considering she worked for the prosecutors office at the time. needless to say, he was caught and dealt with appropriately. I think he even ended up losing his job. fucker deserved it.

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Srsly, man. Dude is lucky you are so levelheaded.


Sounds like he has some masculinity issues.


V6 huh ?



This is exactly what I was thinking. I am fairly level-headed, but once something is elevated past a threshold I'm not going to play anymore.


A v6 or un-skillful driver. Too bad it didn't happen on a day like today, huh?

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wow, thats grounds for an ass whoopin. i had a lady that used to live near me about a year ago. I usualy got off work about the same time she was heading down the road that led to both of our houses. She would always drive about 25 in a 35 zone, so i tried to go around her. She kept blocking me, then when she went to turn, she laid on her horn and flipped me off. After a few times of her doing this, she was paying to much attentionon keeping me behind her that that she almost got in a head on colision with another car. As she was turning down her road, i just flipped her off and laughed her. She hasnt done it since lol.
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