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Apple sucks huh?


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Apple dominates Consumer Reports rankings in support AGAIN.






Consumer Reports yesterday announced the release of new ratings of computer tech support ratings for both laptops and desktop, and while the full details are restricted to subscribers, CNET reveals that Apple dominated the rankings. Not only did Apple top both the overall laptop and desktop categories, but also took top honors in every single sub-category, including problem resolution, phone wait times, phone staff performance, and online support.

For laptop computers, Apple scored 86 out of a possible 100. That's 23 points above its nearest competitor, Lenovo, which scored a 63. In fact, Apple scored the highest in each of the Consumer Reports categories.


Apple saw even better performance in its desktop computers, grabbing a score of 87 and easily out-distancing second-place Dell, which earned a score of only 55. Also of note is Acer, which had by far the lowest tech support scores in the ratings even as it has surged past Apple in U.S. market share by riding the wave of netbook popularity in recent years.


Apple has traditionally performed very well in Consumer Reports' surveys, and last year the company's notebooks even sweeped the magazine's recommendations.


Begin the hatred, even though that is a pretty reliable source.

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Honestly, you probably don't know shit about computers if you are calling tech support anyway.


What does that have to do with the survey?


The person on the street views tech support as a huge selling point.

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Apple sucks because of their draconian policies/hardware/software lockdowns. Ridiculous patent chasing, and whatnot. Not necessarily cause they have bad service.


Mac still is a better platform even if you don't like the policies.

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At least when my android phone reboots, I don't get locked out of root access until I get access to a computer again.


Oh, and I would like to DISS apple for refusing to honor the warranty on my macbook pro. I have minor damage to a corner on it, just a tiny bit bent aluminum. One day my dvd drive stops functioning. So when I go to replace it they tell me they cannot because it could of been caused by the previous cosmetic damage. Basically, I have no warranty on my laptop anymore.

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Mac still is a better platform even if you don't like the policies.



I disagree, those issues are a hinder to me so no, it is not a better platform for me in the least, regardless of policy. I would argue Linux is the better platform, but I am plenty aware its not exactly the most user-friendly, so I know why some folks don't like it. Just cause something works well for you/me doesn't mean its the best across the board.

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So you droped your labtop hard enough to bend it, and your pissed they will not do warranty work? Ok.


Not even a drop. Small cosmetic damage to the bottom cover casing where it bent in a SMALL amount on the corner, and I even fixed it myself to where it isn't noticeable. It is like getting a fender bender voiding a powertrain warranty on a car.

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Honestly, you probably don't know shit about computers if you are calling tech support anyway.


Or you know, getting warranty replacement parts. But hey, it's cool to make assumptions!!

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It is like getting a fender bender voiding a powertrain warranty on a car.


yes/no....you can bang the hell out of a car and it won't hurt the motor, but if you drop a laptop, there are far more sensitve alignment related issues that could easily pop up. apple needs to cross their notebooks with a Panny Toughbook...but then it would be $10k I'm sure :p

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If you guys are willing to overpay for their stuff you should get amazing service. To get the same machine I have with that fancy white case would've cost me 500 bucks more. For 500 bucks I can find a few chicks on CL to treat me to a BJ contest for a day and still have enough left over for a nice cut of steak.
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yes/no....you can bang the hell out of a car and it won't hurt the motor, but if you drop a laptop, there are far more sensitve alignment related issues that could easily pop up. apple needs to cross their notebooks with a Panny Toughbook...but then it would be $10k I'm sure :p


I know what you are talking about, but in my case the DVD drive didn't fail for 2 months later. Could of shortened its life (but apple dvd drives die all the time anyways) but it was not the direct cause of failure, which is what made me :mad:


I would love a toughbook if the specs weren't 4 years behind, but high specs aren't the purpose of them I guess. Having a laptop that can double as a weapon makes you the king of starbucks.

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Linux is still better then a mac.




Apple sucks because of their draconian policies/hardware/software lockdowns. Ridiculous patent chasing, and whatnot. Not necessarily cause they have bad service.


i love the censorship that goes on in the app store. i hope droid takes off and blows this shit out of the water.


Mac still is a better platform even if you don't like the policies.


not true.


If you guys are willing to overpay for their stuff you should get amazing service. To get the same machine I have with that fancy white case would've cost me 500 bucks more. For 500 bucks I can find a few chicks on CL to treat me to a BJ contest for a day and still have enough left over for a nice cut of steak.


Truth you pay the Mac tax for their overprice, simplified looks/lines emo machines which all the hipsters swoon over. Fucking fake assholes.

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WOW! that just shows how little you know about PC's

lol... I have owned pc all the way back to the 286 machines, I was on the internet when you called it compuserve. I think I have owned about at least 20 pc's in my life.


Here is what I know about pc's.... half the time stuff does not work. You plug in a printer and a problem pops up half of the time. Installation of software creates some conflict now your chasing problems trying to get it to work. You buy a new pc and you spend time removing all of the junk trial crap the send you.


I turn on my iMac, or plug stuff in...bam.... it works. I could care less about all the pencil head geek details that you guys seem to like to be concerned with.


Even word processing and graphic design is better on my mac. I have used ms office since it came out and have the most current version now on my work pc's. iWork '09 smacks down MS office like a red headed step kid. The design of the program is simple for the user, the templates for key note make power point look like a little kid did the slide shows.


Hey, if you guys are happy spending time to make crap work on a pc, knock yourself out.

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Just because you owned a 286 doesn't mean you have knowledge about PC's. Hell, my mom had an 8086 when I was growing up but that doesn't mean that she has any knowledge about PC's. (also I wouldn't brag about having Compuserve... it's like saying, I had AOL back in the day, so I'm PC savy)


When's the last time you owned a PC? they have come a long way as far as plug and play is concerned in the last few versions of Windows... hell, I can't remember the last time I had to go hunt for a driver for something.

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Just because you owned a 286 doesn't mean you have knowledge about PC's. Hell, my mom had an 8086 when I was growing up but that doesn't mean that she has any knowledge about PC's. (also I wouldn't brag about having Compuserve... it's like saying, I had AOL back in the day, so I'm PC savy)


When's the last time you owned a PC? they have come a long way as far as plug and play is concerned in the last few versions of Windows... hell, I can't remember the last time I had to go hunt for a driver for something.


I own 7 pc's now (1 acer laptop, 1 HP laptop, 1 compaq laptop, 1 dell desktop, 2 acer desktop, 1 HP desktop). I have to hunt for drivers for vista at times. I had to buy new software when I went from XP to vista because Microsoft did not think it was a good idea to allow me to use older programs in the new OS.

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Or you know, getting warranty replacement parts. But hey, it's cool to make assumptions!!

I thought Macs didn't break. For how much they cost for the same hardware everyone else is using, they sure as hell shouldn't.


My dumbass brother just spent $1800 on a freaking Macbook Pro. You can buy the same spec Dell (doing just a quick 1 minute build on their website) for about $700 less. For $700, you can buy a decent desktop to go along with that laptop.

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I thought Macs didn't break. For how much they cost for the same hardware everyone else is using, they sure as hell shouldn't.


My dumbass brother just spent $1800 on a freaking Macbook Pro. You can buy the same spec Dell (doing just a quick 1 minute build on their website) for about $700 less. For $700, you can buy a decent desktop to go along with that laptop.


And then you spend hours trying to get everything to work.:lol:

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