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What happened to freedom of speech????


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Obama's new world order. His followers wishes him to run a totalitarianism government. this makes me sick. If they fire that guy, consider yourself a slave of the dictatorship, that will only be the beginning. I've been wondering when people are going to draw the line and if someone was going to start picking off senators and other government extremist with a sniper riffle, it wouldn't surprise me.


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What about freedom of the press/media?

I've seen worse on Sat. Night live. The cartoon isn't the classiest I've seen. But I don't think it's racist. And last time I checked Satire was protected.

Hey NAACP, how about a name change? Last time I checked the word "colored" was a shit starter too.

Demanded someone be fired. WTF? Is Sharpton pulling the strings there too. I feel ashamed i've given them money. Won't happen again.

So let me guess. If this guy isn't canned. They will unleash a nasty campaign on NY about not having seminars and conferences there cause they hate Black people.


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I watched an interview with Sharpton and he is at the reigns of this little beauty. I hate that fucking guy and that asshat Jesse Jackson. They do more harm for the black men and women of this country than any good they can possibly dream of.


And i agree they aren't in in for the Dream, they're in it for themselves.

And Jesse Jackson shoulda stuck with Baesball.:D

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I must be missing where in the article it says the government or somebody in government was trying to limit free speech...


my thoughts exactly. dude isnt going to prison for the cartoon. the NAACP is a private organization, not a government body.

besides that, NAACP has freedom of speech to say whatever they want, just like the post has freedom to print whatever cartoons it wants.

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NAACP just wants publicity, the free type. It's the first thing that came up that they could jump on. Unfortunately it's the fringe radical rock-the-boat type publicity that they crave. They need to take a clue from the Prez, and walk that middle line...

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I watched an interview with Sharpton and he is at the reigns of this little beauty. I hate that fucking guy and that asshat Jesse Jackson. They do more harm for the black men and women of this country than any good they can possibly dream of.

100% agreed!

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well, what more can they want?? can't we all just get passed ourselves enough to see that we are all equal?? for cryin out loud we elected the first african american president.... there aren't many more powerful positions out there.... I think we can safely say that the glass ceiling has been broken for the minority.... and since when was making the president the focus of humor (whether bad or good) wrong??? it's been that way since the beginning... all presidents are going to have that!! when the hell did it become a bad thing to slam on the government??? Get a GRIP NAACP!!!

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Oh crap..... this kinda post isn't good. Don't get me started........ the first thing is the lie of it being the first african american president. Am I wrong that his father is muslum and mother white? That don't make african american.............. they are dark skinned too. I may be wrong on that whole info, but I'm pretty sure. Just batten down the hatches......... the most liberal of all presidents is in control and has the house AND congress at his beck n call. OH SHIT gonna make carter look like a choir boy!!!!!!!!!!!

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Obama's Father is 100% Kenyan. Nothing Muslim about him except religion, which he changed a couple of times anyway.

Obama's Mom is Scottish/English/German/Euro etc.

Rosa Parks was more famous for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Stopping buses by standing in front of them ala Tiananmen Square style. The original bit was refusing a request that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Others had already done that and won court cases. There already was a federal law that said it was wrong. She was enforcing it.

What was this thread about? Oh yeah, ok...

It's all about money and power. If any of this takes money away from the newspapers, the cartoonist will be hurting, and the NAACP wins in terms of power. Chances are more papers were sold, and hits on website etc. So it's not likely. In that case the NAACP loses nothing. If the NAACP gets donations from the exposure (free publicity), then the NAACP wins. Your average strategist would have said it's a good move by the NAACP. More chances of gains in power and money than loses. It's called politics.

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