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Pranks Today?


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took every bolt of one of the body guys work cart at work before he got here. put it off to the side where he always puts it. he came in and set his coffee down on it then unlocked his tool box and then grabed the handle to move the cart and it fell apart hahahaha. he was in tears laughing so hard, then he was kinda done and started to drink some coffee again and looked at the cart and spit coffee everywhere laughing again.


best. prank. ever.

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another forum im on, the guy said hyundai sent him a letter to shut the website down...he posted pics of the letter...we're still trying to figure out if he went elaborate on the prank or if its real...i know ford did it for mustangs a while back


I know there have been some rumors getting around over the last couple weeks about what is happening with EXD. Some people heard that I was selling EXD (not happening!) and other people heard that I was shutting EXD down. Well, as I work to improve and enhance EXD weekly there has been another group of people out there working to stop me from doing so. The HyundaiUSA legal team. That's right.


I thought that Hyundai Think Tank was going to be a good thing for the Hyundai forum/aftermarket world but apparently they used it to find out a lot of information about us and are taking action. This has happened in the past with Ford and Toyota sites and I NEVER thought Hyundai would be next. Basically EXD isn't an "authorized" partner site and because EXD makes a bit of money (from the ads mostly) HyundaiUSA has a problem with it.


What's next? Well, I'm still trying to figure out a way to keep the site up and running in an appeals process with HyundaiUSA. I might be able to keep it up and running if I remove all the ads, but it's not quite clear yet. Obviously I'm pretty upset that this is the decision they've made. More details when I know them.


I wish it was a joke and actually I thought it was a joke when I got a letter from Hyundai in the mail. How'd they get my address I kept wondering. Oh that's right, just months ago they sent me Forza 3 (for free) and even had a little feature on Think Tank about my Forza 3 video. They were nice to me, I gave them some info about EXD, and they tricked me basically.


I'm at work now but when I get home tonight I'll take a picture of the letter they sent me and post it.




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My girlfriend left a positive pregnancy test in the trash can in her mothers bathroom for her to find. When I got over to her house there was another one in the trash can in the kitchen... Turns out her mom had the same idea she did... Women are awful!
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My girlfriend left a positive pregnancy test in the trash can in her mothers bathroom for her to find. When I got over to her house there was another one in the trash can in the kitchen... Turns out her mom had the same idea she did... Women are awful!


where did they get them :wtf:

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One of my good friends dated an exchange student from Germany this summer. They fucked all the time. Her "host mom" was super religious, didn't believe in birth control so wouldn't let the girl take it. My friend pulled out everytime, but no other protection. When she went back to Germany at the end of summer, they kept talking, three months later, three missed periods. Next month the period comes, friend is relieved, supposes it was just a fluke. She calls him today (yesterday technically) worried and crying. Begs him to come to Germany next week. He asks over and over why, whats wrong? whats going on? Finally she replies "i really was pregnant, and i won't be by the end of next week, i'm having the baby." Friend was flabbergasted, admitted to me that he actually started crying. After about a minute, she exclaims APRIL FOOLS! and starts laughing. He was pissed lol.
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another forum im on, the guy said hyundai sent him a letter to shut the website down...he posted pics of the letter...we're still trying to figure out if he went elaborate on the prank or if its real...i know ford did it for mustangs a while back


Wow, I haven't been to that forum in a while. This will be interesting how this sorts out.

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Wow, I haven't been to that forum in a while. This will be interesting how this sorts out.


as thought, it was a prank...but james definitely went into detail to get the corporate address, the guys name, using pretty legal wording, etc.

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